Apache MINA NioSocketAcceptor类的实现
NioSocketAcceptor 继承AbstractPollingIoAcceptor,实现SocketAcceptor接口
public final class NioSocketAcceptor extends AbstractPollingIoAcceptor<NioSession, ServerSocketChannel> implements SocketAcceptor {}
private volatile Selector selector;
volatile 修饰词的使用:http://developer.zdnet.com.cn/2007/1107/612888.shtml
@Override protected void init() throws Exception { //初始化selector selector = Selector.open(); }
@Override protected ServerSocketChannel open(SocketAddress localAddress) throws Exception { // 创建ServerSocket通道 ServerSocketChannel channel = ServerSocketChannel.open(); boolean success = false; try { // 设置非阻塞的socket通道 channel.configureBlocking(false); // 获取ServerScoket ServerSocket socket = channel.socket(); // Set the reuseAddress flag accordingly with the setting socket.setReuseAddress(isReuseAddress()); // 绑定监听地址和端口号 socket.bind(localAddress, getBacklog()); // 在selector中注册 channel.register(selector, SelectionKey.OP_ACCEPT); success = true; } finally { if (!success) { close(channel); } } return channel; }
@Override protected int select() throws Exception { return selector.select(); }
@Override protected Iterator<ServerSocketChannel> selectedHandles() { return new ServerSocketChannelIterator(selector.selectedKeys()); }
@Override protected void close(ServerSocketChannel handle) throws Exception { SelectionKey key = handle.keyFor(selector); if (key != null) { key.cancel(); } handle.close(); }
public ServerSocketChannel next() { SelectionKey key = iterator.next(); if (key.isValid() && key.isAcceptable()) { return (ServerSocketChannel) key.channel(); } return null; }