Inteiilj IDEA 团队代码格式规范
Intellij IDEA code format
Tabs and Indents
- Tab size 4
- keep indents on empty lines
Before Parenthenses
'if' parentheses
'for' parentheses
'while' parentheses
'switch' parentheses
'try' parentheses
'catch' parentheses
'synchronized' parentheses
Around Operators
Assignment operators (=,+=,....)
Logical operators (&&, ||)
Equality operatores
Relational operators
Bitwise operators
Additive operators
Multiplicative operators
Shift operators
Unary operators
lambda arrow
Before Left Brace
Class left brace
Method left brace
if left brace
else left brace
for left brace
while left brace
do left bvrace
Switch left brace
try left brace
catch left brace
finally left brace
Synchronized left brace
Array initializer left brace
Before Keywords
else keyword
while keyword
catch keyword
finally keyword
- Array initializer braces
In Ternary Opertator
Before '?'
After '?'
Before ':'
After ':'
Type Arguments
- After comma
After comma
Before for semicolon
After for semicolon
Sapce before colon in foreach (待确认)
Type Paramters
- Around Type bounds
Wrapping and Braces
keep when reformatting
comment at first column
Simple blocks in one line
simple methods in one line
simple lambda in one line
simple classes in one line
if() statement
Froce braces (always)
Special 'else if ' treatment
for() statement
Align when multiline
Force brace(always)
while() statement
- Force brace (Always)
switch statment
Indent case branch
case in new line
- Align when multiline
- User single class import
- Class count to use import with '*' : 8
- Names count to use static import with '*' 5
最近发现了新大陆google 的codestyle github
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