postgresql 获取表注释


string_agg(DISTINCT t3.attname,',') AS primaryKeyColumn

,t4.tablename AS tableName

, string_agg(cast(obj_description(relfilenode,'pg_class') as varchar),'') as comment


pg_constraint t1

INNER JOIN pg_class t2 ON t1.conrelid = t2.oid

INNER JOIN pg_attribute t3 ON t3.attrelid = t2.oid AND array_position(t1.conkey,t3.attnum) is not null

INNER JOIN pg_tables t4 on t4.tablename = t2.relname

INNER JOIN pg_index t5 ON t5.indrelid = t2.oid AND t3.attnum = ANY (t5.indkey)

LEFT JOIN pg_description t6 on t6.objoid=t3.attrelid and t6.objsubid=t3.attnum

WHERE t1.contype = 'p'

AND length(t3.attname) > 0

AND t2.oid = '表名' :: regclass

group by t4.tablename


posted @ 2022-03-02 18:45  qukaige  阅读(269)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报