FaultContract Based 的Exception Handling in WCF
1、Create a error class just like this
namespace TeamService.Projects
public class ProjectServiceError
private string operation;
private string errorMessage;
public String Operation
get { return operation; }
set { operation = value; }
public String ErrorMessage
get { return errorMessage; }
set { errorMessage = value; }
2、通过FaultContract将其运用到Service Contract中制定的Operation上面
using TeamService.Data;
namespace TeamService
// NOTE: You can use the "Rename" command on the "Refactor" menu to change the interface name "IProjectService" in both code and config file together.
public interface IProjectService
int CreateMember(MyMember myMember);
3、在Service Implementation中以抛出Exception的方式植入这个
public int CreateMember(MyMember myMember)
if (myMember == null)
ProjectServiceError err = new ProjectServiceError();
err.Operation = " CreateMember";
err.ErrorMessage = "Input parameter is null.";
throw new FaultException(err.Operation + ":êo" + err.ErrorMessage);
private void button1_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
TeamClient.ProjectServiceReference.ProjectServiceClient sv = new ProjectServiceClient();
MyMember mb = null;
if (sv != null)
catch (Exception ex)