

Visual Studo for Mac 快捷键

Default Keyboard Shortcuts - Visual Studio for Mac | Microsoft Learn

Code Navigation

CommandsKeyboard shortcuts
Find References ⇧⌘R, F12
Go to Declaration ⌘D, F12
Next Error ⌥⇧⇟, ⇧⌘F12
Next Issue in File ⌥⇟
Previous Error ⌥⇧⇞
Previous Issue in File ⌥⇞


CommandsKeyboard shortcuts
Enable or Disable Breakpoint ⌥⌘/, ⌘F9
Pause ⌥⌘P, ⌥⌘L5
Remove All Breakpoints ⇧⌘F9
Run To Cursor ⌘F10
Set Next Statement ⇧⌘F10
Show Next Statement ⌥*
Step Into ⇧⌘I, ⌘F11
Step Out ⇧⌘U, ⇧⌘F11
Step Over ⇧⌘O, F10
Toggle Breakpoint ⌘\, F9
View Breakpoints ⌥⌘B


CommandsKeyboard shortcuts
Switch between related files ⌃⌘↑


CommandsKeyboard shortcuts
Constraint Editing Mode ⌘E
Copy ⌘C
Cut ⌘X
Delete ⌘⌫
Format Document ⌃I
Indent Selection ⌘]
Paste ⌘V
Preferences ⌘,
Redo ⇧⌘Z
Rename ⌘R, F2
Select All ⌘A
Show Code Generation ⌘I
Toggle All Folds ⌥⇧⌘↑
Toggle Definitions ⌥⇧⌘↓
Toggle Fold ⌥⇧⌘←
Toggle Line Comment(s) ⌘/
Undo ⌘Z
Unindent Selection ⌘[
Update Frame from Constraints ⇧⌘R

F# Integration

CommandsKeyboard shortcuts
Clear F# Interactive ⌃⌥C
F# Interactive ⌃⌥F
Restart F# Interactive ⌃⌥R
Send line to F# Interactive ⌃⌥L
Send references to F# Interactive ⌃⌥P
Send selection to F# Interactive ⌃⏎


CommandsKeyboard shortcuts
Close All ⇧⌘W
Close File ⌘W
Close Workspace ⌥⌘W
New File ⌘N
New Solution ⇧⌘N
Open ⌘O
Print ⌘P
Quit ⌘Q
Revert ⌘U
Save ⌘S
Save All ⇧⌘S


CommandsKeyboard shortcuts
API Documentation ⌥⌘?
Unity API Reference ⌘'


CommandsKeyboard shortcuts
Implement Unity Messages ⇧⌘M
Inspect ⌥⌘I


CommandsKeyboard shortcuts
Add Files ⌥⌘A
Build ⌘K, ⇧F6
Build All ⌘B, F6
Clean ⇧⌘K
Rebuild ⌃⌘K
Rebuild All ⌃⌘B
Start Debugging ⌘⏎, F5
Start Without Debugging ⌥⌘⏎, ⌃F5
Stop ⇧⌘⏎, ⇧F5


CommandsKeyboard shortcuts
Import Symbol ⌃⌥␣
Quick Fix ⌥⏎
CommandsKeyboard shortcuts
Command ⇧⌘P
Find in Files ⇧⌘F
Find Next ⌘G, F3
Find Next Like Selection ⌘E, ⌘F3
Find Previous ⇧⌘G, ⇧F3
Find Previous Like Selection ⇧⌘F3
Find ⌘F
Go to File ⇧⌘D
Go to Line ⌘L
Go to Type ⇧⌘T
Navigate To ⌘.
Replace in Files ⌥⇧⌘F
Replace ⌥⌘F

Text Editor

CommandsKeyboard shortcuts
Complete Word ⌃␣
Delete left character ⌃H
Delete next subword ⌃⌦
Delete next word ⌥⌦
Delete previous subword ⌃⌫
Delete previous word ⌥⌫
Delete right character ⌃D
Delete to end of line ⌃K
Dynamic abbrev ⌃/
Expand selection ⌥⇧↓
Expand selection ⌥⇧↑
Expand selection to document end ⇧⌘↓, ⇧⌘↘
Expand selection to document start ⇧⌘↑, ⇧⌘↖
Expand selection to line end ⇧↘, ⇧⌘→
Expand selection to line start ⇧↖, ⇧⌘←
Expand selection to next line ⇧↓
Expand selection to next word ⌥⇧→
Expand selection to page down ⇧⇟
Expand selection to page up ⇧⇞
Expand selection to previous line ⇧↑
Expand selection to previous word ⌥⇧←
Expand selection to the left ⇧←
Expand selection to the right ⇧→
Find caret ⌘|
Go left one character ⌃B
Go right one character ⌃F
Go to beginning of document ⌘↑
Go to beginning of line ⌘←, ⌃A
Go to end of document ⌘↓
Go to end of line ⌘→, ⌃E
Go to Matching Brace ⇧⌘\
Go to next line ⌃N
Go to next word ⌥→
Go to previous line ⌃P
Go to previous word ⌥←
Insert line break after the caret ⌃O
Move caret to EOL and insert new line ⇧⏎
Move the line or highlighted selection down ⌥↓
Move the line or highlighted selection up ⌥↑
Move to next usage ⌃⌥⌘↓
Move to prev usage ⌃⌥⌘↑
Show Parameter List ⌃⇧␣
Show quick info ⌘F1
Show Scopes ⌥⇧⌘P
Transpose characters ⌃T
Wrap with <div> ⌥⇧W


CommandsKeyboard shortcuts
Center and Focus Document ⌃L
Focus Document F7
Full Screen ⌃⌘F
Move to Next Notebook ⌥⌘→
Move to Previous Notebook ⌥⌘←
Navigate Back ⌃⌘←
Navigate Forward ⌃⌘→
Normal Size ⌘0
One Editor Column ⌥⌘1
Show Next ⌥⌘↓, F8
Show Previous ⌥⌘↑, ⇧F8
Two Editor Columns ⌥⌘2
Zoom In ⌘+, ⌘=
Zoom Out ⌘-, ⌘_


CommandsKeyboard shortcuts
Activate 1 ⌘1
Activate 2 ⌘2
Activate 3 ⌘3
Activate 4 ⌘4
Activate 5 ⌘5
Activate 6 ⌘6
Activate 7 ⌘7
Activate 8 ⌘8
Activate 9 ⌘9
Hide Others ⌥⌘H
Hide Visual Studio ⌘H
Minimize ⌘M
Next Document ⌘}, ⌘F6
Previous Document ⌘{, ⇧⌘F6
Switch to next document ⌃⇥
Switch to next tool window ⌃⌥⇥
Switch to previous document ⌃⇧⇥
Switch to previous tool window ⌃⌥⇧⇥

macOS key symbols lookup

Command (cmd)
Option (alt)
Control (ctrl)
Page Up (Pg Up)
Page Down (Pg Dn)
Delete (Backspace)
Forward Delete
←→↑↓ Arrow Keys
Space Bar
posted @ 2023-04-12 11:49  阿炬  阅读(21)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报