VScode 的 code snippet 中可以使用的一些变量(时间,日期等)

The following variables can be used:

    TM_SELECTED_TEXT The currently selected text or the empty string
    TM_CURRENT_LINE The contents of the current line
    TM_CURRENT_WORD The contents of the word under cursor or the empty string
    TM_LINE_INDEX The zero-index based line number
    TM_LINE_NUMBER The one-index based line number
    TM_FILENAME The filename of the current document
    TM_FILENAME_BASE The filename of the current document without its extensions
    TM_DIRECTORY The directory of the current document
    TM_FILEPATH The full file path of the current document
    CLIPBOARD The contents of your clipboard
    WORKSPACE_NAME The name of the opened workspace or folder

For inserting the current date and time:

    CURRENT_YEAR The current year
    CURRENT_YEAR_SHORT The current year’s last two digits
    CURRENT_MONTH The month as two digits (example ‘02’)
    CURRENT_MONTH_NAME The full name of the month (example ‘July’)
    CURRENT_MONTH_NAME_SHORT The short name of the month (example ‘Jul’)
    CURRENT_DATE The day of the month
    CURRENT_DAY_NAME The name of day (example ‘Monday’)
    CURRENT_DAY_NAME_SHORT The short name of the day (example ‘Mon’)
    CURRENT_HOUR The current hour in 24-hour clock format
    CURRENT_MINUTE The current minute
    CURRENT_SECOND The current second

For inserting line or block comments, honoring the current language:

    BLOCK_COMMENT_START Example output: in PHP /* or in HTML <!–
    BLOCK_COMMENT_END Example output: in PHP */ or in HTML -->
    LINE_COMMENT Example output: in PHP // or in HTML <!-- -->

"c_header": {
        "prefix": "c_header",
        "body": [
            " * Copyright © 2019 Silvester. All rights reserved.",
            " * ",
            " * @author: Silvester",
            " * @date: $CURRENT_YEAR-$CURRENT_MONTH-$CURRENT_DATE ",
            " */",
            "#include <stdio.h>",
            "#include <stdlib.h>",
            "#include <string.h>",
            "int main() {",
            "    /****** your code ******/",
            "    $0",
            "    return 0;",
        // "description": "Log output to console"
 * Copyright © 2019 Silvester. All rights reserved.
 * @author: Silvester
 * @date: 2019-05-20
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <string.h>

int main() {
    /****** your code ******/
    return 0;
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posted @ 2019-08-23 16:52  泉众科技  阅读(1944)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报