配置Oracle E-Business Suite Integrated SOA Gateway Release 12.1.2/12.1.3

3.3 配置Oracle E-Business Suite Integrated SOA Gateway Release 12.1.2

注意: 在多节点环境上配置Oracle E-Business Suite Integrated SOA Gateway Release 12.1.2以使单个实例的配置服务同步和转换到多节点的EBS上,参看文档1081100.1Configuring Oracle E-Business Suite Integrated SOA Gateway Release 12.1.2 in a Multinode Environment.

完成启用 Oracle E-Business Suite Integrated SOA Gateway Release 12.1.2后,实施以下步骤:

  1. 申请以下Oracle E-Business Suite 补丁:
    • Patch 9060361:R12.TXK.B: FSG: Log Location and Level Properties Not Accessible from OAFM
    • Patch 8916358:R12.OWF.B: Service Timeout When Invoking Services Deployed to Integrated SOA Gateway
    • Patch 9300051:R12.OWF.B: Deployment of Web Services Fails When Using Hardware Load Balancing
    • Patch 9153106:R12.OWF.B: IREP_Parser.PL Exits with GETPWUID Function IS Unimplemented in PARSER.PM
    • Patch 9309950:R12.OWF.B: SOA Provider Access Resulted in Excpetion 'ORACLE.APPS.FND.SOA.UTIL.SOAEXCEPTION'
    • Patch 9157774:R12.OWF.B: BUG 9058430 - MLS Issue with Calling Web Service One-Off for 12.1.2
    • Patch 9070077:R12.OWF.B: One-Off: 9045280:12.1.1:12.1.1:Invoking a Web Service Requires NLS Language When It Should be Optional
    • Patch 9349321:R12.OWF.B: Issue with Item Bulk Load in Oracle Product Hub PIP 2.4 for 12.1.2
    • Patch 9462433:R12:OWF.B: Need One-Off Patch on Top of 12.1.2 for Bug 9453520
    • Patch 11688301:R12.OWF.B: One-off: Consolidated ISG Patch for 12.1.X

对于IBM: Linux on System z 操作系统,申请以下补丁:

  • Patch 9955717: Error While Deploying Forms EAR On ZLinux
  • Patch 10329735: TXKCFGOC4JAPP.PL "Invalid 10.1.3 Oracle Home" Error
  1. 设置环境变量并停止所有应用进程.
    • 在目录 $APPL_TOP, 运行脚本 APPS<CONTEXT_NAME>.env 设置环境变量
    • 运行$ADMIN_SCRIPTS_HOME/adstpall停止所有应用进程
  2. 运行 TXK开发脚本为Oracle Applications 安装Oracle Application Server Adapter:

$FND_TOP/bin/txkrun.pl -script=CfgOC4JApp -applicationname=pcapps -oracleinternal=Yes -oc4jpass=welcome -runautoconfig=No


注意: 如果登陆OAFM oc4j的用户 'oc4jadmin'密码不知道,在运行脚本之前,在文件$INST_TOP/ora/10.1.3/j2ee/oafm/config/system-jazn-data.xml 中重置密码。在重置密码之前备份system-jazn-data.xml.运行玩脚本后将修改过的system-jazn-data.xml替换为备份的system-jazn-data.xml.

例如, 如果想修改密码为 '!welcome', 做如下修改:



<display-name>OC4J Administrator</display-name>


<description>OC4J Administrator</description>



  1. 运行TXK部署脚本安装forms-c4ws.ear ,并且正确配置容器Forms-c4ws J2EE:

    $FND_TOP/bin/txkrun.pl -script=DeployForms-c4ws
  2. 启用新容器 forms-c4ws. (默认的新 OC4J容器forms-c4ws 是不启用的)

启用新容器 forms-c4ws, 在文件中 $CONTEXT_FILE修改:

  • 设置's_forms-c4wsstatus' to "enabled".
  • 设置's_forms-c4ws_nprocs' to "1".

注意: 如果使用在Oracle Integration Repository 中用以封装Oracle Forms 逻辑的Supply Chain Management (SCM) Web services (Java APIs for Forms interfaces), 参看文档 966982.1 Troubleshooting Oracle Supply Chain Management Web Servicesforms-c4ws OC4J实例使用变量s_forms-c4ws_display,要正确设置这个变量为了让Forms接口使用Java API. 这个display设置在运行时必须确保能登陆,必须设置为有效且授权的X Windows display,并且指向一台应用程序一直能登录的机器。

如果您打算使用发布在Oracle Integration Repository里的封装了Oracle Forms逻辑的Supply Chain Management(SCM)Web Services,关于SCM Web Services的问题诊断信息,请参看My Oracle Support Knowledge的文档966982.1 Oracle E-Business Suite Java APIs for Forms Troubleshooting Guide, Release 12


  1. 运行 AutoConfig, $ADMIN_SCRIPTS_HOME/adautocfg.sh 
    Ensure to start up the middle tier when AutoConfig script completes运行 AutoConfig之后确保启动中间层服务.
     关于运行 AutoConfig, 参照文档
    Using AutoConfig to Manage System Configurations in Oracle E-Business Suite Release 12
  2. 运行脚本 $ADMIN_SCRIPTS_HOME/adstrtal启用应用进程
  1. 用以下步骤启用 ASADMIN用户:
    1. 以用户 sysadmin/sysadmin登录Oracle E-Business Suite
    2. 选择职责User Management.
    3. 从菜单中点击 Users 链接打开User Maintenance 窗口.
    4. 查询用户 'ASADMIN'.
    5. 点击 Update 图标打开Update User 窗口.
    6. 删除项目Active To date 内容并点击 Apply
    7. 点击 Reset Password 图标 打开Reset Password窗口.
    8. 输入新密码并点击 Submit.
  2. 启用用户ASADMIN后, 确认 在表wf_user_roles中,用户 ASADMIN 拥有角色 'Apps Schema Connect Role' (UMX|APPS_SCHEMA_CONNECT).

    在表wf_user_roles中,用户 ASADMIN 没有角色 'Apps Schema Connect Role', 运行并发请求'Workflow Directory Services User/Role Validation' 取得角色.
  3. 重置用户 'ASADMIN' 的密码.
     Oracle E-Business Suite启用用户 'ASADMIN' 之后,
    $INST_TOP/ora/10.1.3/j2ee/oafm/config/system-jazn-data.xml  重置密码: 

    <display-name>Default Apps SOA User</display-name>
    <description>Used by SOAProvider for DB connection</description>


注意: 密码之前必须有字符 '!' (Exclamation),以便与在OAFM开启后被加密, 如果'welcome', 那文件中应该为 "!welcome".

  1. 重启应用服务.


来自 <https://support.oracle.com/epmos/faces/DocumentDisplay?_adf.ctrl-state=oib4d2w78_107&id=1539482.1&_afrLoop=175629637818192#configureisg1212>

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