/* Formatted on 2018/3/15 10:04:03 (QP5 v5.256.13226.35538) */
SELECT xel.subinventory_code 子库
, DECODE (xel.lot_number, '', '来源,非库存') 批次
-- , cux_public_pkg.get_item_segment1 (81, xeh.inventory_item_id) 物料编码
-- , cux_public_pkg.get_item_description (81, xeh.inventory_item_id) 物料品名
, xeh.transaction_uom 单位
, SUM (xdl.unrounded_entered_dr) 借方金额
, SUM (xdl.unrounded_entered_cr) 贷方金额
FROM xla_ae_headers ah
, xla_ae_lines al
, xla_distribution_links xdl
, gmf_xla_extract_headers xeh
, gmf_xla_extract_lines xel
WHERE 1 = 1
AND ah.ae_header_id = al.ae_header_id
AND ah.period_name = '2012-03'
AND al.code_combination_id = (SELECT k.code_combination_id
FROM gl_code_combinations_kfv k
WHERE k.concatenated_segments = '10.0.141103.')
AND al.ae_header_id = xdl.ae_header_id
AND al.ae_line_num = xdl.ae_line_num
AND al.application_id = xdl.application_id
AND xdl.source_distribution_id_num_1 = xel.line_id(+)
AND xel.header_id = xeh.header_id(+)
GROUP BY xel.subinventory_code
, xel.lot_number
, xeh.inventory_item_id
, xeh.transaction_uom