Limiting To Select Only 5 Check Boxes Out Of Ten In Oracle Forms

Suppose you want to give an option to user to select only 5 check boxes from given any number of check boxes in an Oracle Form and if user selects more than 5 than give a message that you can not select more than 5.

For this follow these steps:

Create 10 check boxes in block with name like checkbox1, checkbox2, checkbox3 and so on.

Then write the When-Checkbox-Changed trigger at block level and put the following code in it:

nlabel number := 1;
total_checked number := 0;
 while nlabel <= 10 loop
     if checkbox_checked('block3.CHECKBOX'||nlabel) then
       total_checked := total_checked + 1;
       if total_checked > 5 then
          message('more than 5 selected.');
          copy('N', :System.Cursor_Item);
       end if;
     end if;
     nlabel := nlabel + 1;
 end loop;
 raise form_trigger_failure;
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