Oracle EBS Add Responsibility to User by the Responsibility reference of Other User.

Oracle EBS 11i Add Responsibility to User by the Responsibility reference of Other User.

Warning: R12 version must be fixed columns sort to insert successfully.




   --input parameters

   l_reference_user_name             VARCHAR2 (50) := 'HKIT_KPWONG';

   l_add_resp_user_name              VARCHAR2 (50) := 'SZIT_QWR';

   l_resp_name                       VARCHAR2 (300) := 'Application Developer';



   l_user_orig_system_id             NUMBER := -999999;

   l_role_name                       VARCHAR2 (300) := NULL;

   l_add_resp_user_exists            NUMBER := 0;

   l_insert_role_record             NUMBER := 0;

   l_insert_role_assign_record   NUMBER := 0;


   --get responsibility role name


     INTO l_add_resp_user_exists

     FROM (SELECT u.user_id user_id

                , (SELECT responsibility_name

                     FROM fnd_responsibility_tl

                    WHERE     responsibility_id = wur.role_orig_system_id

                          AND application_id = fa.application_id

                          AND language = 'US')


                , wur.role_name

                , wur.user_orig_system_id

                , wur.role_orig_system_id responsibility_id

                , fa.application_id responsibility_application_id

                , fsg.security_group_id security_group_id

                , fnd_date.canonical_to_date ('1000/01/01') start_date

                , TO_DATE (NULL) end_date

                , TO_CHAR (NULL) description

                , TO_NUMBER (NULL) created_by

                , TO_DATE (NULL) creation_date

                , TO_NUMBER (NULL) last_updated_by

                , TO_DATE (NULL) last_update_date

                , TO_NUMBER (NULL) last_update_login

             FROM fnd_user u

                , wf_user_role_assignments_v wura

                , wf_user_roles wur

                , fnd_application fa

                , fnd_security_groups fsg

            WHERE     wura.user_name = u.user_name

                  AND wur.role_orig_system = 'FND_RESP'

                  AND wur.partition_id = 2

                  AND wura.role_name = wur.role_name

                  AND wura.user_name = wur.user_name

                  AND fa.application_short_name = /* Val between 1 st and 2 nd separator */

                         REPLACE (SUBSTR (wura.role_name

                                        ,   INSTR (wura.role_name

                                                 , '|'

                                                 , 1

                                                 , 1)

                                          + 1

                                        , (  INSTR (wura.role_name

                                                  , '|'

                                                  , 1

                                                  , 2)

                                           - INSTR (wura.role_name

                                                  , '|'

                                                  , 1

                                                  , 1)

                                           - 1))

                                , '%col'

                                , ':')

                  AND fsg.security_group_key =  /* Val after 3 rd separator */

                         REPLACE (SUBSTR (wura.role_name

                                        ,   INSTR (wura.role_name

                                                 , '|'

                                                 , 1

                                                 , 3)

                                          + 1)

                                , '%col'

                                , ':')

                  AND u.user_name = l_add_resp_user_name) resp

    WHERE 1 = 1 AND resp.app_responsibility_name = l_resp_name;



   IF (l_add_resp_user_exists > 0)


      DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line (

            'Failed !!! Add Responsebility Name: '

         || l_resp_name

         || ' to User: '

         || l_add_resp_user_name

         || ' by reference User: '

         || l_reference_user_name);

      DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line (

         'The Responsibility exists at Added User: ' || l_add_resp_user_name);


   END IF;




   --get responsibility role name

   SELECT resp.role_name

     INTO l_role_name

     FROM (SELECT u.user_id user_id

                , (SELECT responsibility_name

                     FROM fnd_responsibility_tl

                    WHERE     responsibility_id = wur.role_orig_system_id

                          AND application_id = fa.application_id

                          AND language = 'US')


                , wur.role_name

                , wur.user_orig_system_id

                , wur.role_orig_system_id responsibility_id

                , fa.application_id responsibility_application_id

                , fsg.security_group_id security_group_id

                , fnd_date.canonical_to_date ('1000/01/01') start_date

                , TO_DATE (NULL) end_date

                , TO_CHAR (NULL) description

                , TO_NUMBER (NULL) created_by

                , TO_DATE (NULL) creation_date

                , TO_NUMBER (NULL) last_updated_by

                , TO_DATE (NULL) last_update_date

                , TO_NUMBER (NULL) last_update_login

             FROM fnd_user u

                , wf_user_role_assignments_v wura

                , wf_user_roles wur

                , fnd_application fa

                , fnd_security_groups fsg

            WHERE     wura.user_name = u.user_name

                  AND wur.role_orig_system = 'FND_RESP'

                  AND wur.partition_id = 2

                  AND wura.role_name = wur.role_name

                  AND wura.user_name = wur.user_name

                  AND fa.application_short_name = /* Val between 1 st and 2 nd separator */

                         REPLACE (SUBSTR (wura.role_name

                                        ,   INSTR (wura.role_name

                                                 , '|'

                                                 , 1

                                                 , 1)

                                          + 1

                                        , (  INSTR (wura.role_name

                                                  , '|'

                                                  , 1

                                                  , 2)

                                           - INSTR (wura.role_name

                                                  , '|'

                                                  , 1

                                                  , 1)

                                           - 1))

                                , '%col'

                                , ':')

                  AND fsg.security_group_key =  /* Val after 3 rd separator */

                         REPLACE (SUBSTR (wura.role_name

                                        ,   INSTR (wura.role_name

                                                 , '|'

                                                 , 1

                                                 , 3)

                                          + 1)

                                , '%col'

                                , ':')

                  AND u.user_name = l_reference_user_name) resp

    WHERE 1 = 1 AND resp.app_responsibility_name = l_resp_name;



   IF (l_role_name IS NULL)


      DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line (

            'Failed !!! Add Responsebility Name: '

         || l_resp_name

         || ' to User: '

         || l_add_resp_user_name

         || ' by reference User: '

         || l_reference_user_name);

      DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line (

            'The reference User have not the Responsibility: '

         || l_resp_name

         || '. Please input correct data!');


   END IF;



   --get user orig system id

   SELECT DISTINCT wur.user_orig_system_id

     INTO l_user_orig_system_id

     FROM wf_user_roles wur

    WHERE 1 = 1 AND wur.user_name = l_add_resp_user_name;



   IF (l_user_orig_system_id = -999999)


      DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line (

            'Failed !!! Add Responsebility Name: '

         || l_resp_name

         || ' to User: '

         || l_add_resp_user_name

         || ' by reference User: '

         || l_reference_user_name);

      DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('No found User Orig System ID.');


   END IF;



   INSERT INTO wf_local_user_roles

      SELECT l_add_resp_user_name

           , wur.role_name

           , wur.user_orig_system

           , l_user_orig_system_id

           , wur.role_orig_system

           , wur.role_orig_system_id

           , wur.start_date

           , wur.expiration_date

           , wur.security_group_id

           , wur.partition_id

           , wur.owner_tag

           , wur.created_by

           , wur.creation_date

           , wur.last_updated_by

           , wur.last_update_date

           , wur.last_update_login

           , wur.assignment_type

           , wur.parent_orig_system

           , wur.parent_orig_system_id

           , wur.user_start_date

           , wur.role_start_date

           , wur.user_end_date

           , wur.role_end_date

           , wur.effective_start_date

           , wur.effective_end_date

           , wur.assignment_reason

        FROM wf_local_user_roles wur

       WHERE     1 = 1

             AND wur.user_name = l_reference_user_name

             AND wur.role_name = l_role_name;



   l_insert_role_record := SQL%ROWCOUNT;


   IF (l_insert_role_record = 0)


      DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line (

            'Failed !!! Add Responsebility Name: '

         || l_resp_name

         || ' to User: '

         || l_add_resp_user_name

         || ' by reference User: '

         || l_reference_user_name);

      DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ('No data into Role table.');


   END IF;



   INSERT INTO wf_user_role_assignments

      SELECT l_add_resp_user_name

           , wura.role_name

           , wura.relationship_id

           , wura.assigning_role

           , wura.start_date

           , wura.end_date

           , wura.created_by

           , wura.creation_date

           , wura.last_updated_by

           , wura.last_update_date

           , wura.last_update_login

           , wura.user_start_date

           , wura.role_start_date

           , wura.assigning_role_start_date

           , wura.user_end_date

           , wura.role_end_date

           , wura.assigning_role_end_date

           , wura.partition_id

           , wura.effective_start_date

           , wura.effective_end_date

           , wura.user_orig_system

           , l_user_orig_system_id

           , wura.role_orig_system

           , wura.role_orig_system_id

           , wura.parent_orig_system

           , wura.parent_orig_system_id

           , wura.owner_tag

           , wura.assignment_reason

        FROM wf_user_role_assignments wura

       WHERE     1 = 1

             AND wura.user_name = l_reference_user_name

             AND wura.role_name = l_role_name;



   l_insert_role_assign_record := SQL%ROWCOUNT;



   IF (l_insert_role_record <> l_insert_role_assign_record)


      DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line (

            'Failed !!! Add Responsebility Name: '

         || l_resp_name

         || ' to User: '

         || l_add_resp_user_name

         || ' by reference User: '

         || l_reference_user_name);




   END IF;


   DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line (

         'Successfully !!! Add Responsebility Name: '

      || l_resp_name

      || ' to User: '

      || l_add_resp_user_name

      || ' by reference User: '

      || l_reference_user_name);




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