Responsibility Disable

update fnd_responsibility b set end_date = sysdate where
        -- select * from   fnd_responsibility b where 
         b.responsibility_id  in ( 
            select  responsibility_id from fnd_responsibility_tl t 
            where 1 =1 
          --  and t.LANGUAGE = USERENV ('LANG')
            and  ( t.responsibility_name like '%32%WIP%' or t.responsibility_name like '%32%OSFM%' ) 
            --and  ( t.responsibility_name  <> '32A XGKA OSFM User - Read Only' and  t.responsibility_name  <> '32A XGKA WIP User - Read Only' )
         and b.application_id in (
            select  application_id from fnd_responsibility_tl t 
            where 1 =1 
            --and t.LANGUAGE = USERENV ('LANG')
            and  ( t.responsibility_name like '%32%WIP%' or t.responsibility_name like '%32%OSFM%' ) 
            --and  ( t.responsibility_name  <> '32A XGKA OSFM User - Read Only' and  t.responsibility_name  <> '32A XGKA WIP User - Read Only' )
posted @ 2013-01-02 09:51  全威儒  阅读(4636)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报