Applies to:

Oracle Assets - Version and later
Information in this document applies to any platform.


Oracle Assets Adjustments API

You can use the Adjustments API to adjust assets directly via PL/SQL rather than using the Oracle Assets interfaces listed above. The Adjustments API uses the FA_ADJUSTMENT_PUB.DO_ADJUSTMENT procedure. You can use this API if you have a custom interface that makes it difficult to use with the existing Oracle Assets interfaces for adjusting assets.

The Adjustments API allows you to automatically adjust the asset to the corporate book, as well as to the dependent tax books.

Oracle Assets also allows you to adjust assets using the following methods: You can adjust assets using the Asset Workbench (using the Source Lines and Books windows), Mass Additions, Mass Change, Mass Copy, and Tax Upload Interface user interfaces.

  • Mass Additions: You use the Mass Additions process to make cost adjustments to existing assets.

  • Mass Change: You use the Mass Change process to change financial information for existing assets.

  • Mass Copy: You use the Mass Copy process to add existing assets to tax books.

  • Cost Adjustments: You use the Upload Tax Book Interface to adjust cost and financial information in both Corp and Tax Books.  Note that reserve can only be modified in period of addition.

  • Asset Workbench: You use the Asset Workbench to make changes to individual assets.

The Adjustment API will create new lines in fa_asset_invoices in all cases.  This is true even if the intent of the adjustment is to modify an existing adjustment.

You cannot adjust the Depreciate Flag of an asset as an adjustment that also adjusts other features.  Accordingly, if you wish to adjust Depreciate Flag you will need to submit the API twice to also adjust other values.  It should also be noted that an adjustment involving only the Depreciate Flag does not follow standard expensed or amortized logic, and will not trigger catchup depreciation.  This is standard behavior of the application.

The Adjustment API will force a rollback of periodic depreciation if the adjustment is done after preliminary depreciation is complete for a period in R12.  This is standard behavior in R12.  In 11i, however, the Adjustment API will not complete normally if periodic depreciation has been taken already, and users will need to rollback the book before using the API.

Alternate Ledger Currencies / Secondary Ledgers

If you have set up Reporting Currencies on your Corporate book(s) or Tax book(s) or have attached a Secondary Ledger to your Tax book(s), when you adjust assets using the Adjustments API, the API automatically adds these adjustments to the relevant books.  You will need to supply a rate for Cost Adjustments.


This document covers use of the Adjustment API for basic adjustments with and without invoice information attached.

See Note 456064.1 for a discussion of use of this API for Group Asset Member Reclasses; a sample script for that is available there as well.


Adjustments API Description

You call the FA_ADJUSTMENT_PUB.DO_ADJUSTMENT () API to perform adjustment transactions. The following table provides the arguments, types, value, and descriptions of the elements in the FA_ADJUSTMENT_PUB.DO_ADJUSTMENT procedure.

Each argument has a prefix of P, X, or PX. These prefixes mean the following:

  • P - indicates an In argument

  • X - indicates an Out argument

  • PX - indicates an argument that is both In and Out

Argument Type Value Description
P_API_VERSION NUMBER Internal use only Version of the API in use.
P_INIT_MSG_LIST VARCHAR2 FND_API.G_TRUE - Initialize the message stack
FND_API.G_FALSE - Do not initialize the message stack (Default) Determines whether the messages stack should be initialized and cleared.
P_COMMIT VARCHAR2 FND_API.G_TRUE - Commit automatically
FND_API.G_FALSE - Do not commit automatically (Default) Flag on whether to commit asset after processed.
LEVEL_NONE - Lowest level of validation possible for a transaction
LEVEL_FULL - Highest level of validation possible for a transaction (Default) Check on whether the API should do the validation for the asset.
P_CALLING_FN VARCHAR2 Function calling the API
ERROR - Transaction failed Determines whether or not the API completed successfully.
X_MSG_COUNT NUMBER Number of messages on the message stack.
X_MSG_DATA FA_API_TYPES. MSG_REC_TYPE The part of the API that stores messages to be passed to the user.
TRANS_REC_TYPE Describes the transaction taking place.
ASSET_HDR_REC_ TYPE Unique identifiers of the asset being added.
ASSET_FIN_REC_ TYPE Financial change information of the asset (delta).
ASSET_FIN_REC_ TYPE New financial information for the asset.
ASSET_FIN_TBL Table of new financial information for the asset (MRC only).
PX_INV_TRANS_REC FA_API_TYPES.INV_TRANS_REC_TYPE Describes the invoice transaction, if applicable.
PX_INV_REC FA_API_TYPES.INV_TBL Table of invoices driving the transaction (delta).
PX_INV_RATE_REC FA_API_TYPES.INV_RATE_TBL Table of rates for the invoices for the asset for MRC
ASSET_DEPRN_ REC_TYPE Depreciation change information of the asset (delta).
ASSET_DEPRN_ REC_TYPE New depreciation information for the asset.
ASSET_DEPRN_TBL Table of new financial information for the asset (MRC).
P_GROUP_RECLASS_ OPTIONS_REC FA_API_ TYPES.GROUP_ RECLASS_ OPTIONS_REC_ TYPE Information related to the changing of a group members assignments into and/or out of a group asset.
Table 1 - 1. (Page 3 of 3)

TRANS_REC_TYPE Transaction Structure

The TRANS_REC_TYPE transaction structure contains information about the transaction, such as the transaction header ID and the transaction type code. The following table shows type and value information for each argument.

Argument Required / Optional Type Value
TRANSACTION_DATE_ ENTERED Optional DATE A date in prior or current period. It defaults to the period close date or AMORTIZATION_START_DATE if specified for an AMORTIZATION START_DATE (Although you can populate either value, AMORT_START_DATE takes precedence)
SOURCE_TRANSACTION_ HEADER_ID Optional NUMBER(15) Defaults to source THID when using autocopy or CIP-IN-TAX
AMORTIZATION_START_ DATE Optional DATE A date in prior or current Defaults to TRANSACTION_ DATE_ENTERED if specified for an amortized adjustment (Although can populate either value, AMORT_START_DATE takes precedence)
TRANSACTION_NAME Optional VARCHAR2(20) Description of the transaction. This field is frequently the comments field in the Asset Workbench.
CALLING_INTERFACE Optional VARCHAR2(30) Interface that calls the API. This field defaults to CUSTOM.
REC Descriptive flexfield segments.
WHO_REC Standard Who columns.

ASSET_HDR_REC_TYPE Asset Structure

The ASSET_HDR_REC_TYPE asset structure contains unique identification information for a given asset, such as the asset ID and book type code. The following table shows type and value information for each argument.

Argument Required / Optional Type Value
ASSET_ID Required NUMBER(15) Asset identification number.
BOOK_TYPE_CODE Required VARCHAR2(15) Book name.

ASSET_FIN_REC_TYPE Asset Structure

The ASSET_FIN_REC_TYPE asset structure contains financial information for a given asset. The following table shows type and value information for each argument.

Argument Required / Optional Type Value
DATE_PLACED_IN_ SERVICE Optional DATE Date the asset was placed in service. Defaults from previous
DEPRN_METHOD_CODE Optional VARCHAR2(12) Name of the depreciation method for the asset. Defaults from previous
LIFE_IN_MONTHS Optional NUMBER(4) Life of the asset in total months Defaults from previous
COST Optional NUMBER Current cost of the asset.
0 (delta)
ORIGINAL_COST Optional NUMBER Original cost of the asset.
0 (delta)
SALVAGE_VALUE Optional NUMBER Asset salvage value. 0 (delta) Calculated (depending on whether % salvage is in effect)
Indicates the way to determine Salvage Value.  AMT -- Manually enter the Salvage Value (not available for Group Assets).

PCT -- PERCENT_SALVAGE_VALUE field determines the Salvage Value.  SUM -- Salvage Value is determined by sum of member assets' salvage value

amounts (available only for Group Assets).  Defaults to PCT for Group Assets.

|   |
| PRORATE_CONVENTION_ CODE | Optional | VARCHAR2(10) | Depreciation prorate convention.  Defaults to value in category |   |
| DEPRECIATE_FLAG | Optional |  
VARCHAR2(3) | Indicates whether the asset is depreciating.YES - Asset is depreciating
NO - Asset is not depreciating |   |
| ITC_AMOUNT_ID | Optional | NUMBER(15) |

Identifies the ITC rate. Defaults from previous

|   |
| BASIC_RATE | Optional | NUMBER | Base rate used to calculate depreciation amount for flat rate methods. Defaults from previous |   |
| ADJUSTED_RATE | Optional | NUMBER | Actual rate used to calculate depreciation for flat rate methods. Defaults from previous |   |
| BONUS_RULE | Optional | NUMBER | Bonus rule for an asset. Defaults from previous |   |
| CEILING_NAME | Optional | VARCHAR2(30) | Identifies a depreciation ceiling to be used in calculating depreciation. .Defaults from previous |   |
| RECOVERABLE_COST | Optional | NUMBER | Cost minus salvage value, or depreciation ceiling, whichever is lower.  Alterable only for extended life and assets using deprn limits. |   |
| DEPRN_LIMIT_TYPE | Optional | VARCHAR2(30) |

Indicates how depreciation limit is determined.  AMT -- Manually enter the Depreciation Limit (not available for Group Assets).  PCT --

ALLOWED_DEPRN_LIMIT field determines the depreciation limit amount.  SUM -- Depreciation limit amount is determined using the sum of member

assets' depreciation limit amounts  (available only for Group Assets).  NONE -- Depreciation limit is not used.  Defaults to PCT for Group Assets.

|   |
| ALLOWED_DEPRN_LIMIT | Optional | NUMBER | The default depreciation limit as a percentage of cost. |   |
| ALLOWED_DEPRN_LIMIT_AMOUNT | Optional | NUMBER | Cost without regard to any revaluations |
| PRODUCTION_CAPACITY | Optional | NUMBER | Capacity of a units of production asset. |   |
| REVAL_AMORTIZATION_ BASIS | Optional | NUMBER | Revaluation reserve used in calculating amortization of revaluation reserve. Updated only when the asset is revalued or has an amortized adjustment. |   |
| REVAL_CEILING | Optional | NUMBER | Upper limit for revaluing asset cost .0 (delta) |   |
| UNIT_OF_MEASURE | Optional | VARCHAR2(25) | Unit of measure of an units of production asset. Defaults from previous |   |
| UNREVALUED_COST | Optional | NUMBER | Cost without regard to any revaluations. Cost Value (delta)/ Calculated |   |
| SHORT_FISCAL_YEAR_ FLAG | Optional |  
VARCHAR2(3) | Indicates if asset is added in a short fiscal year
YES - Asset is in a short fiscal year
NO - Asset is not in a short fiscal year
Defaults from previous |   |
| CONVERSION_DATE | Optional | DATE | Date short tax year asset added to the acquiring company .Defaults from previous |   |
| ORIG_DEPRN_START_DATE | Optional | DATE | Date short tax year asset begin deprecating in the acquired company's books. Defaults from previous |   |
| GROUP_ASSET_ID | Optional | NUMBER(15) | Group asset's asset_id. Defaults from previous |   |

Indicates whether a Group Assets should stop depreciating beyond its depreciation limit (recoverable cost if there is no depreciation limit defined).

NO -- Stop depreciating when the depreciation reserve reaches its depreciable limit.  YES -- Stop depreciating if depreciation reserve reaches its depreciable

limit because of an increase in depreciation expense.  DEPRN -- Group Asset will not stop depreciating.  Defaults to NO.

|   |

Relevant for depreciable basis rule that is assigned to a depreciation method which uses reduction rate.

|   |

Indicates whether reduction rate should be applied for member asset additions.  This value is relevant for Group Assets only.  Y -- reduction rate should be

used.  N -- reduction rate should not be used.  Defaults to N.

|   |

Indicates whether reduction rate should be applied for member asset adjustments.  This value is relevant for Group Assets only.  Y -- reduction rate should be

used.  N -- reduction rate should not be used.  Defaults to N.

|   |

Indicates whether reduction rate should be applied for member asset retirements.  This value is relevant for Group Assets only.  Y -- reduction rate should be

used.  N -- reduction rate should not be used.  Defaults to N.

|   |

Indicates whether a member asset retirement should result in recognizing gain and loss amount.  YES -- Recognize gain and loss amount.  NO -- Do not

recognize gain and loss amount.

|   |
| RECAPTURE_RESERVE_FLAG | Optional | VARCHAR2(1) | Defaults to N. |   |
| LIMIT_PROCEEDS_FLAG | Optional | VARCHAR2(1) | Defaults to N. |   |
| TERMINAL_GAIN_LOSS | Optional | VARCHAR2(30) |

Indicates whether to recognize gain and loss when last member in a group asset is retired out of the group.  YES -- Recognize gain and loss amount

immediately.  NO -- Do not recognize gain and loss amount.  END_OF_YEAR -- Defer recognition of gain and loss amount until end of current fiscal year.

Defaults to YES.

|   |
| TRACKING_METHOD | Optional | VARCHAR2(30) |

Member Assets tracking option value.  ALLOCATE -- Allocate Group depreciation amount across the group's member assets.  CALCULATE -- Uses member

assets depreciation instead of group asset's depreciation.  Defaults to null.

|   |

Indicates whether excess from allocation of group depreciation expense across its member assets is reduced from group depreciation expense or reallocated to

its member assets.  DISTRIBUTE -- Reallocate the excess depreciation expense to member assets.  REDUCE -- Reduce the excess from the Group's

depreciation expense.

|   |

Indicates whether to allocate a group asset's depreciation amount to a fully reserved member asset.  Y -- Group Depreciation is allocated to a reserved

member asset.  N -- Group Depreciation is not allocated to fully reserved member assets.  Defaults to N if TRACKING_METHOD is ALLOCATE, else

defaults to null.  Only applicable if TRACKING_METHOD is ALLOCATE.

|   |

Indicates whether member asset's depreciation expense should be calculated using group or member depreciation information.  GROUP -- Use Group Asset

depreciation information to calculate member asset depreciation expense.  MEMBER -- Use Member Asset depreciation information to calculate member

asset depreciation expense. Only applicable if TRACKING_METHOD is CALCULATE, defaults to GROUP in that case, otherwise to null.

|   |

Indicates whether group asset depreciation amount is sum of member asset depreciation amounts.  This value is only relevant if TRACKING_METHOD is

CALCULATE and RECOGNIZE_GAIN_LOSS is enabled and TERMINAL_GAIN_LOSS is YES.  Y -- Sum Member Asset Depreciation to Group.  N -- Group

Depreciation amount is calculated using the Group's information.  Defauls to N if TRACKING_METHOD is CALCULATE, otherwise defaults to null.

|   |
| DISABLED_FLAG | Optional | VARCHAR2(1) | Indicates whether a Group Asset is disabled.  Y -- Group Asset is disabled.  N -- Group Assets is enabled.  Defaults to No. |   |
| GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE1-30 | Optional | VARCHAR2(150) | Reserved for country-specific functionality. Defaults from previous |   |
| GLOBAL_ATTRIBUTE_ CATEGORY | Optional | VARCHAR2(30) | Reserved for country-specific functionality. Defaults from previous |   |
| Table 1 - 2. (Page 3 of 3) |


The ASSET_DEPRN_REC_TYPE asset structure contains depreciation information for a given asset. The following table shows type and value information for each argument.

Argument Required / Optional Type Value
YTD_DEPRN Optional NUMBER Year-to-date depreciation expense .0 (delta)
DEPRN_RESERVE Optional NUMBER Total depreciation taken since beginning of asset life .0 (delta)
PRIOR_FY_EXPENSE Optional NUMBER Depreciation expense due to prior fiscal years. 0 (delta)
BONUS_YTD_DEPRN Optional NUMBER Bonus year-to-date depreciation expense. 0 (delta)
BONUS_DEPRN_RESERVE Optional NUMBER Total bonus depreciation taken since beginning of asset life0 (delta)
EXPENSE Optional NUMBER Bonus depreciation expense due to prior fiscal years. 0 (delta)
REVAL_YTD_DEPRN Optional NUMBER Year-to-date depreciation expense due to revaluation. 0 (delta)
REVAL_DEPRN_RESERVE Optional NUMBER For a period in which this asset was revalued: change in net book value due to revaluation of asset cost and sometimes also revaluation of depreciation reserve. For all other periods: revaluation reserve amount after depreciation run. 0 (delta)
Table 1 - 3. (Page 2 of 2)

INV_TRANS_REC_TYPE Invoice Structure

The INV_TRANS_REC_TYPE invoice structure contains invoice transaction information for a given invoice. The following table shows type and value information for each argument.

Argument Required / Optional Type Value
TRANSACTION_TYPE Required when invoices are driving the adjustment transaction.
Optional for non-invoice adjustments. VARCHAR2(20) Type of invoice transaction., such as INVOICE ADDITION, INVOICE ADJUSTMENT, INVOICE DELETE, INVOICE REINSTATE, INVOICE TRANSFER, and MASS ADDITION.
Table 1 - 4. (Page 1 of 1)

INV_REC_TYPE Invoice Structure

The INV_REC_TYPE invoice structure contains invoice information for a single invoice associated with an asset. The INV_TBL is a table of INV_REC_TYPE records. These records contain all invoices that have been applied to the asset. The following table shows type and value information for each argument.

Argument Required / Optional Type Value
SOURCE_LINE_ID Required - when adjusting an existing invoice line, but not required for non-invoice adjustments NUMBER Source line identification number.
PO_VENDOR_ID Optional NUMBER Supplier identification number.
FIXED_ASSETS_COST Required (only when the record is populated) NUMBER Cost of asset in Oracle Assets.
DELETED_FLAG Optional Defaults to NO for most cases except when performing an invoice delete, in which case it defaults to YES.
PO_NUMBER Optional NUMBER Purchase order number.
INVOICE_NUMBER Optional VARCHAR2(50) Invoice number.
PAYABLES_BATCH_NAME Optional VARCHAR2(50) Name of the payables batch that contained this invoice
COMBINATION_ID Optional NUMBER(15) Clearing account number to which this line was posted in accounts payable.
FEEDER_SYSTEM_NAME Optional VARCHAR2(40) Name of the feeder system that created the FA_MASS_ADDITIONS row.
CREATE_BATCH_DATE Optional DATE Date the mass additions batch was created for this row.
CREATE_BATCH_ID Optional NUMBER(15) Mass additions create request identification number for this row.
INVOICE_DATE Optional DATE Invoice date from accounts payable.
PAYABLES_COST Required NUMBER Invoice cost from accounts payable.
POST_BATCH_ID Optional NUMBER(15) Mass Additions Post request identification number for this row.
INVOICE_ID Optional NUMBER(15) Invoice date from accounts payable.
NUMBER Optional NUMBER(15) Distribution line identification number.
SPLIT_MERGED_CODE Optional VARCHAR2(3) Indicates if the invoice line is split or merged.
DESCRIPTION Optional VARCHAR2(80) Invoice line description.
PARENT_MASS_ ADDITIONS_ID Optional VARCHAR2(15) Parent mass addition identification number for the mass addition.
UNREVALUED_COST Optional NUMBER Cost without regard to any revaluations.
MERGED_CODE Optional VARCHAR2(3) Indicates if the mass addition is a merged parent or a merged child.
SPLIT_CODE Optional VARCHAR2(3) Indicates if the mass addition is a split parent or a split child.
MERGED_PARENT_MASS_ ADDITIONS_ID Optional NUMBER(15) Merged parent mass addition ID.
SPLIT_PARENT_MASS_ ADDITIONS_ID Optional NUMBER(15) Split parent mass addition ID.
PROJECT_ASSET_LINE_ID Optional NUMBER(15) Identifier of the summarized asset cost line transferred from Oracle Projects to create this line.
PROJECT_ID Optional NUMBER(15) Identifier of the project from which the costs are collected, summarized, and transferred from Oracle Projects.
TASK_ID Optional NUMBER(15) Identifier of the task from which costs are collected, summarized, and transferred from Oracle Projects. This column is populated only if the costs were summarized by task.
ATTRIBUTE1 Optional VARCHAR2(150) Descriptive flexfield segment.
ATTRIBUTE2 Optional VARCHAR2(150) Descriptive flexfield segment.
ATTRIBUTE3 Optional VARCHAR2(150) Descriptive flexfield segment.
ATTRIBUTE4 Optional VARCHAR2(150) Descriptive flexfield segment.
ATTRIBUTE5 Optional VARCHAR2(150) Descriptive flexfield segment.
ATTRIBUTE6 Optional VARCHAR2(150) Descriptive flexfield segment.
ATTRIBUTE7 Optional VARCHAR2(150) Descriptive flexfield segment.
ATTRIBUTE8 Optional VARCHAR2(150) Descriptive flexfield segment.
ATTRIBUTE9 Optional VARCHAR2(150) Descriptive flexfield segment.
ATTRIBUTE10 Optional VARCHAR2(150) Descriptive flexfield segment.
ATTRIBUTE11 Optional VARCHAR2(150) Descriptive flexfield segment.
ATTRIBUTE12 Optional VARCHAR2(150) Descriptive flexfield segment.
ATTRIBUTE13 Optional VARCHAR2(150) Descriptive flexfield segment.
ATTRIBUTE14 Optional VARCHAR2(150) Descriptive flexfield segment.
ATTRIBUTE15 Optional VARCHAR2(150) Descriptive flexfield segment.
CODE Optional VARCHAR2(30) Descriptive flexfield structure defining column.
YTD_DEPRN Optional NUMBER Year-to-date depreciation expense.
DEPRN_RESERVE Optional NUMBER Total depreciation taken since beginning of asset life.
BONUS_YTD_DEPRN Optional NUMBER Bonus year-to-date depreciation expense.
BONUS_DEPRN_RESERVE Optional NUMBER Total bonus depreciation taken since beginning of asset life.
BASIS Optional NUMBER Revaluation reserve used in calculating amortization of revaluation reserve. Value is updated only when the asset is revalued or has an amortized adjustment.
REVAL_YTD_DEPRN Optional NUMBER Year-to-date depreciation expense due to revaluation.
REVAL_DEPRN_RESERVE Optional NUMBER For a period in which this asset was revalued: change in net book value due to revaluation of asset cost and sometimes also revaluation of depreciation reserve. For all other periods: revaluation reserve amount after depreciation run.
Table 1 - 5. (Page 4 of 4)

INV_RATE_REC_TYPE Invoice Structure

The INV_RATE_REC_TYPE invoice structure contains rate information for an invoice. Each INV_RATE_REC_TYPE record contains one conversion rate. The INV_RATE_TBL is a table of INV_RATE_REC_TYPE records. This table is used by MRC reporting books to determine the conversion rates for an asset. The following table shows type and value information for each argument.

Argument Required / Optional Type Value
Optional (Required if



| NUMBER | Provide converted cost directly rather than an exchange rate. |
| SET_OF_BOOKS_ID | Required when using Alternate Ledger Currency. | NUMBER(15) | Ledger identification number. |
| EXCHANGE_RATE | Optional (Required if COST is not specified). | NUMBER | Exchange rate for this currency. |
| Table 1 - 6. (Page 1 of 1) |

GROUP_RECLASS_OPTIONS_REC_TYPE Reclassification Structure

The GROUP_RECLASS_OPTIONS_REC_TYPE reclassification structure contains any group reclass options that may be changed during a transaction performed on a group asset. The following table shows type and value information for each argument.

Argument Required / Optional Type Value
TRANSFER_FLAG Optional VARCHAR2(3) Flag indicates whether to transfer reserve only or calculate catchup expense. (YES/NO) (CRL Assets)
MANUAL_FLAG Optional VARCHAR2(3) Indicates whether system should calculate the amount to transfer or whether a value will be provided and is only available when choosing the transfer only option. (YES/NO) (CRL Assets)
MANUAL_AMOUNT Optional NUMBER When the manual_flag is set to YES, this is the amount that you intend to transfer. (CRL Assets)
The interrelationship between the flags is as follows during a group reclass:
Group-unit or unit-group : transfer_flag = NO / manual_flag = NO.
Group-group : transfer_flag = NO / manual_flag = NO
Transfer_flag = YES / manual_flag = YES or NO
Table 1 - 7. (Page 1 of 1)

Adjustment API Usage

The following section gives an overview of how to use the adjustment API in various scenarios including invoice vs. non-invoice scenarios as well as MRC. The same principles apply for adjustments in the period of addition vs. those after depreciation has been run as well as for all three types of assets: capitalized, CIP, and expensed.

When calling the new adjustment API, there are four possible ways in which you would call it as shown below:

  • Invoice used without MRC enabled

  • No invoice used and without MRC enabled

  • Invoice used with MRC enabled

  • No invoice used with MRC enabled

If invoices are involved ,either a new invoice or an adjustment / transfer to an existing invoice, then the API will use the information in the invoice table to calculate the change in the asset's financial information. Hence, there is no need to populate the FIN_REC_TYPE. On the other hand, if invoices are not involved, then the change in financial information is passed by directly populating the FIN_REC_TYPE.

In the case of ALC, the INV_RATE table must be populated when performing invoice transactions involving a new invoice line, mass addition or invoice addition. For adjustments/transfers on the source asset, the amounts will be derived within the invoice engine. The rate table should not be populated in non-invoice scenarios as the rate will be derived based on the transaction date.

Note: Remember that the new transaction APIs will operate on the concept of delta/change. Thus, you only need to populate values in the structures that are changing in the case of the fin, deprn and invoice structures. This is especially crucial with the amount columns. If you are changing the cost from 50000 to 60000, the cost value in the structure will be 10000. The sign is also important in a change that results in a decrease in a value, you should use the negative sign. Thus, a cost change from 60000 to 50000 would mean that cost would be populated with - 1000. The following sections detail the two primary methods in which you can call the adjustment API.

The following sections detail the two primary methods by which you can call the adjustment API.

Cost Adjustments

In the case where invoices are involved as part of the transaction, the amounts in the fin and deprn structures should not be populated as the invoice engine will calculate the total change internally within the API.

Note: When populating structures, you only need to populate the values which are changing and populate financial amounts with the delta change only. You do not need to update the new total.

Note: The adjustments API will treat null values as meaning no change. For non-incremental or amount columns which are being changed from a populated value to null, you must pass either FND_API.G_MISS_NUM, G_MISS_DATE, or G_MISS_CHAR, depending on the data type, in order to tell the API to null out the current value.

Calling the Adjustment API without Invoice Information

This section details how to call the API without passing in any invoice related information. This would be used for manual cost changes as well as changes to values like the date placed in service or the depreciation method for the asset. The following are the structures that are available and include details regarding values. It also indicates if values are required.


You must populate the ASSET_ID AND BOOK_TYPE_CODE for the transaction. If the book is a corporate book, then the API will automatically process tax books in which the asset already exists and either CIP-in-tax (for CIP assets) or autocopy (for capitalized assets) are enabled. You should NOT populate SET_OF_BOOKS_ID nor period of addition as these are internal values to be calculated by the API itself.


The TRANSACTION_SUBTYPE will default to EXPENSED so you should populate the TRANSACTION_SUBTYPE with AMORTIZED if you wish to instead amortize the adjustment. If TRANSACTION_SUBTYPE is AMORTIZED, you may optionally provide an amortization start date otherwise the adjustment will be amortized from the open period. TRANSACTION_TYPE_CODE, TRANSACTION_HEADER_ID and TRANSACTION_DATE_ENTERED will be derived within the API as will any other needed values. For expensed adjustments, the transaction date will be the last day of the open period. For amortized adjustments, it will be the amortization start date.


When performing an adjustment without any invoice information, you should populate only the fields that are changing in the ASSET_FIN_REC_ADJ structure (such as COST, SALVAGE_VALUE, PRORATE_CONVENTION, etc). You should not populate system derived values such as RATE_ADJUSTMENT_FACTOR, ADJUSTED_COST, RECOVERABLE_COST, DEPRN_START_DATE, OR PRORATE_DATE. All such fields will be calculated internally.


When adjusting a capitalized asset in the period of addition, the DEPRN_REC_TYPE can be populated for manual transaction. If using invoices, the depreciation related columns in the INV_REC_TYPE should be populated instead. The fields which are available are the ytd / accumulates amounts (such as YTD_DEPRN and DEPRN_RESERVE) for core, bonus and reval historical information.

Calling the Adjustment API with Invoice Information

This section details how to call the API when the adjustment will be initiated by an addition or change to invoice related information. In addition to those structures noted above, the following structures are now needed for such an adjustment. Additionally, the fin and deprn structure will not be populated in this mode since the API will calculate the total delta based on the sum of all invoices.


If you are using invoices, you must populate the TRANSACTION_TYPE_CODE. The INVOICE_TRANSACTION_ID should not be populated and will be derived within the API except in cases where the API is being called for the destination asset involved in a source line transfer.


When using invoices in the adjustment, you should populate all desired column with values for new invoice lines, such as MASS ADDITION / INVOICE ADDITION. For adjustments involving existing invoices, including INVOICE ADJUSTMENTS, DELETES, REINSTATES and TRANSFERS. You only need to input the value change in FIXED_ASSETS_COST.

  • For example, if a source line currently has $250000 of cost and you are changing it to 200000, you would populate the INV_REC with -50000

  • If you are deleting a line or reinstating a previously deleted line, you should only populate the DELETED_FLAG with the associated value, and no other columns should be populated.

  • For new lines, you should always leave the SOURCE_LINE_ID null.

  • For adjustments on existing source lines, each row in the invoice table should have the SOURCE_LINE_ID populated with the value of the line being altered.

  • If using MRC, for new lines you must also populate the INV_INDICATOR with an incrementing value in the order the records are loaded into the table whether they are new lines or not.


When sending new invoices in an ALC-enabled corporate book, the exchange rates should be provided in this table for each source line and for each associated reporting book. The unique identifier for each row is the combination of the SET_OF_BOOKS_ID and the INV_INDICATOR. Therefore, you must populate the INV_INDICATOR, THE SET_OF_BOOKS_ID, and the EXCHANGE RATE for each row. The INV_INDICATOR will allow rows in this table to be matched up with their respective rows in the INV_TBL in the invoice engine. This table does not need to be populated when altering existing lines as the invoice engine will derive the correct exchange rate(s) from the existing row(s).

When using invoices in the adjustment, you should populate all desired column with  values for new invoice lines, such as MASS ADDITION / INVOICE ADDITION. For adjustments involving existing invoices, including INVOICE ADJUSTMENTS,
DELETES, REINSTATES and TRANSFERS. You only need to input the value change in FIXED_ASSETS_COST.

• For example, if a source line currently has $250000 of cost and you are changing it to 200000, you would populate the INV_REC with -50000.

• If you are deleting a line or reinstating a previously deleted line, you should only populate the DELETED_FLAG with the associated value, and no other columns should be populated.

• For new lines, you should always leave the SOURCE_LINE_ID as null.  For adjustments on existing source lines, each row in the invoice table should havethe SOURCE_LINE_ID populated with the value of the line being altered.

Assets Adjustment API Sample Scripts

R12 Adjustment API Sample Script without Invoice Information

R12 Adjustment API Sample Script with Invoice Information

R12 Adjustment API Sample Script with Invoice Information and Alternate Ledger Currency

R11i Adjustment API Sample Script without Invoice Information

R11i Adjustment API Sample Script with Invoice Information

Still Have Questions?

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NOTE:456064.1 - Suggestions for Converting to the Group Asset Structure in R12
NOTE:2550163.1 - How To NULL Certain Columns Via Oracle Assets Asset Description API
NOTE:827556.1 - Checking Depreciate Flag Checkbox After It Has Been Unchecked Does Not Cause Catchup Depreciation

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