-l:列出安装的词典 -u:指定查词所用的词典
Dictionary's name Word count
Merrian Webster 10th dictionary 20517
朗道英汉字典5.0 435468
Dictionnaire de l’Académie Française, 8ème édition (1935). 31216
牛津英汉双解美化版 39429
American Idioms 6210
Dictionnaire de l’Académie Française, 6ème édition (1835). 28153
高级汉语大词典 51673
Larousse Chambers français-anglais 48978
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary 34070
Concise Oxford English Dictionary 78754
英文字根字典 7835
Oxford Collocations Dictionary 2nd Ed. (En-En) 20879
Larousse Chambers English-French 52124
Oxford English Dictionary 2nd Ed. P1 140086
现代汉语词典 57691
新世纪汉英科技大词典 621241
American Heritage Dictionary 91832
WordNet 2.0 145625
Concise Oxford Thesaurus 17732
英汉汉英专业词典 571998
新德汉词典 106118
汉语成语词典 13305
德汉词典 68985
Langenscheidt Großwörterbuch Deutsch als Fremdsprache (De-De) 32687
新世纪英汉科技大词典 626953
朗道汉英字典5.0 405719
康熙字典文字版 46816
Quick 德汉词典 104542
汉德辞典 62505
XMLittre 123221
cfdict 25286
sdcv -u "Concise Oxford English Dictionary" person
Found 1 items, similar to person.
-->Concise Oxford English Dictionary
[ color="blue">n.</font> <FONT face="Lucida Sans Unicode"><CHARSET c="t">25A0;</CHARSET></FONT> <FONT color="#990000">combining form</FONT> used as a neutral alternative to <FONT color="#990000">-man</FONT> in nouns denoting professional status, a position of authority, etc.: <FONT color="#990000">salesperson.</FONT>]
sdcv -u "Concise Oxford English Dictionary" person | w3m -dump -T text/html
Found 1 items, similar to person. -->Concise Oxford English Dictionary -->
person [ color="blue">n. 25A0; combining form used as a neutral alternative to
-man in nouns denoting professional status, a position of authority, etc.: