Advanced Quantum Condensed Matter Physics (cambridge.org) 的第4章及第12章的第4节,写得很好,非常推荐。
Spin—Orbit Coupling Effects in Two-Dimensional Electron and Hole Systems | SpringerLink
Spintronic 2D Materials-Fundamentals and Applications 第二章:Rashba spin–orbit coupling in two-dimensional systems - ScienceDirect (写得很好,推荐)
Spin–Orbit Coupling in 2D Semiconductors: A Theoretical Perspective:https://pubs.acs.org/doi/abs/10.1021/acs.jpclett.1c03662 (推荐)
Rashba 自旋轨道耦合的新视角:New perspectives for Rashba spin–orbit coupling | Nature Materials
摘要:1984 年,Bychkov 和 Rashba 引入了一种简单的自旋轨道耦合形式来解释二维半导体中电子自旋共振的特性。在过去的 30 年里,Rashba 自旋轨道耦合激发了大量远超半导体的预测、发现和创新概念。过去十年特别有创意,实现了通过在空间中移动电子来操纵自旋方向、使用自旋作为方向盘控制电子轨迹以及发现新的拓扑材料类别。这一进展重新激发了物理学家和材料科学家对反演不对称结构发展的兴趣,从层状石墨烯类材料到冷原子。本评论讨论了 Rashba 物理学在凝聚态中的相关最新和正在进行的实现。
Bihlmayer, et al. Rashba-like physics in condensed matter. Nat Rev Phys (2022).:https://www.nature.com/articles/s42254-022-00490-y
Rashba及Dresselhaus自旋轨道耦合(SOC)的推导及一些理解 - 主页 (yxli8023.github.io)(非常推荐)

特别注意,根据金老师高量讲义或曾谨言的量子力学卷二知,上面图片中应该都是高斯单位制下的表达式,(2.4)中的第一项中应该是,第三项塞曼项应该是 (塞曼项的作用见xiaodi2010综述(3.15)下面一段话及其中的参考文献。提到了:塞曼项使得系统是铁磁的,而且破缺了时间反演对称性)
1.在 https://www.chegg.com/homework-help/questions-and-answers/4-hydrogen-atom-spin-orbit-coupling-given-1-1dvc-hls-ls-2m2c2-r-dr-si-units-need-division--q59317556 中也提到:国际单位制中还应除以:
2.高斯和国际单位制可以见我的博客 https://www.cnblogs.com/quantum-condensed-matter-physics/p/14743515.html

特别注意,(2.8)中的 应该理解为 !!!

六、Chen-2021-Spin-Orbit Coupling in 2D Semiconductor的要点
[Chen-2021-Spin-Orbit Coupling in 2D Semiconduc.pdf](https://assets.b3logfile.com/siyuan/1619246215189/assets/Chen-2021-Spin-Orbit Coupling in 2D Semiconduc-20220623111413-6gm14ob.pdf)
SOC exists in noncentrosymmetric structures and mainly consists of two types: the Rashba effect induced by the structure inversion asymmetry (SIA) 3,4 and the Dresselhaus effectinduced by the bulk inversion asymmetry (BIA). 2">>
e 2D nonpolar semiconductors lack the intrinsic Rashba effect, such as phosphorene and transition-metal dichalcogenides (TMDs).">>
2D polar semiconductors with the intrinsic Rashba effect
In crystals, the intrinsic electric field is the gradient of the crystal potential (E = −∇V). That is, in spatial inversion symmetry-breaking structures, the spin degeneracy disappears across the dispersion diagrams within the Brillouin zone, except for some special high-symmetry points.">>
spin texture is determined by the expectation value ofthe spin operator,">>
Rashba effect has two importantfeatures: energy band splitting and spin splitting">>
This Rashba Hamiltonian can apply to most 2D semiconductors.">>6-16
<<assets/Chen-2021-Spin-Orbit Coupling in 2D Semiconduc-20220623111413-6gm14ob.pdf/20220623113958-1pgutn4 "where the symbol + (−) denotes the inner (outer) branch, and energy difference ER and momentum offset kR can be measuredin the DFT band structures as shown in Figure 2d.">>
二维Rashba半导体必须破缺空间反演对称性!<<assets/Chen-2021-Spin-Orbit Coupling in 2D Semiconduc-20220623111413-6gm14ob.pdf/20220623115221-e2vzp87 "The main characteristics of Rashbamaterials are broken inversion symmetry and strong SOC.">>
<<assets/Chen-2021-Spin-Orbit Coupling in 2D Semiconduc-20220623111413-6gm14ob.pdf/20220623115421-z1mv84c "a series of 2D Rashba semiconductorstheoretically, including AB binary buckled monolayers, 6−8Janus monolayers (especially for MXY Janus monolayers),9−152D perovskites, 16,40−42 and so on.">>
Rashba states should locate in the valence band maximum (VBM) or conductionband minimum (CBM) for practical applications. In">>
比较大的Rashba系数是:超过1 eV.A:<<assets/Chen-2021-Spin-Orbit Coupling in 2D Semiconduc-20220623111413-6gm14ob.pdf/20220623115950-29lnxn1 "giant Rashba constants largerthan 1.0 eV·Å.">>
<<assets/Chen-2021-Spin-Orbit Coupling in 2D Semiconduc-20220623111413-6gm14ob.pdf/20220623120423-sgptek6 "showthe intrinsic Rashba effect due to the built-in electric fieldperpendicular to the monolayer plane.9−13">>
<<assets/Chen-2021-Spin-Orbit Coupling in 2D Semiconduc-20220623111413-6gm14ob.pdf/20220623121357-9gfekvz "Janus TMDs monolayers, the WSeTemonolayer has the largest Rashba constant (α = 0.479 eV·Å)">> janus 单层的Rashba系数不算很大吧
<<assets/Chen-2021-Spin-Orbit Coupling in 2D Semiconduc-20220623111413-6gm14ob.pdf/20220623122153-blizwi2 "external electric field can switch between two ferroelectric states and reverse the spin texture of the Rashba bands. 59−">>61
<<assets/Chen-2021-Spin-Orbit Coupling in 2D Semiconduc-20220623111413-6gm14ob.pdf/20220623122246-sevboww "possess ferroelectric polarization.">>有铁电极化的Rashba半导体:
<<assets/Chen-2021-Spin-Orbit Coupling in 2D Semiconduc-20220623111413-6gm14ob.pdf/20220623122907-5zgrymi ". Ferroelectrics with switchable polarization can induce alarge change in the intrinsic electric field, which means theRashba effect can be manipulated by the ferroelectric field.">>
其实Rashba效应还是由内禀的晶体势导致的:<<assets/Chen-2021-Spin-Orbit Coupling in 2D Semiconduc-20220623111413-6gm14ob.pdf/20220623123752-lhpdwkk ". Because SOC removesthe spin degeneracy due to the intrinsic electric field E that is thegradient of the crystalline potential,">> 内禀电场是晶体势的梯度!
<<assets/Chen-2021-Spin-Orbit Coupling in 2D Semiconduc-20220623111413-6gm14ob.pdf/20220624121524-hpp45ua "the external electric field caninfluence the total electric field, thus changing the strength of the Rashba effect.">>
特征:<<assets/Chen-2021-Spin-Orbit Coupling in 2D Semiconduc-20220623111413-6gm14ob.pdf/20220624141543-munacbq "response of the Rashba effect to an external electric field, which is denoted by|Δα/ΔE|.">>
- 一方面:在缺乏本征Rashba效应的材料中诱导Rashba效应
<<assets/Chen-2021-Spin-Orbit Coupling in 2D Semiconduc-20220623111413-6gm14ob.pdf/20220624121709-f2uaetl "external electric field can induce theRashba effect in structures that lack the intrinsic Rashba effect.For example, nonpolar TMDs monolayers MX 2 (M = W, Mo; X= S, Se, Te) lack the Rashba effect in the absence of the externalelectric field, and their α values are linearly proportional to theexternal electric field.12">>(最大电场到0.8V/埃时,单层wte2的Rashba系数才0.34,不算很大,所以我还是不研究此方面了吧,不过这里说非极性TMD单层,我看了这篇12文章,是2H的wte2,没什么意思,不如Td的wte2)
阴离子在这种外电场诱导的Rashba效应的强度上起了重要作用:<<assets/Chen-2021-Spin-Orbit Coupling in 2D Semiconduc-20220623111413-6gm14ob.pdf/20220624122007-wj7a6om "anions play an important role in thestrength of the Rashba effect under the external electric field">>
<<assets/Chen-2021-Spin-Orbit Coupling in 2D Semiconduc-20220623111413-6gm14ob.pdf/20220624122442-9kx3x6h ", the planar square PbX (X =S, Se, Te) monolayer lacks the Rashba effect without an externalelectric field, as mentioned above">> :原因:<<assets/Chen-2021-Spin-Orbit Coupling in 2D Semiconduc-20220623111413-6gm14ob.pdf/20220624135037-4ybyfdo "In contrast, the planar square PbS monolayerlacks the Rashba effect because of the inversion symmetry">> 他们具有反演对称性
的buckled square相的材料的Rashba系数不大,才0.6。
- 另一方面,在具有本征Rashba效应的材料中,外电场能操控Rashba效应
<<assets/Chen-2021-Spin-Orbit Coupling in 2D Semiconduc-20220623111413-6gm14ob.pdf/20220624144828-be37cu0 "on. For WSSe, MoSSe, WSeTe, and MoSeTe,Rashba constants are increased linearly with the positive external electric field and suppressed linearly with the negative external electric field. 10">>
<<assets/Chen-2021-Spin-Orbit Coupling in 2D Semiconduc-20220623111413-6gm14ob.pdf/20220624194437-ld8acch ", WSeTe has the largest change of 0.031 eV·Å for α (which is around the Γ point in the Γ-Kdirection) by comparison without the external electric field andwith a large external electric field (0.5 V/Å).">>
不过:janus 单层的Rashba系数不算很大吧,而且电场调控的效果还不是很大,还不如压力调控(以及电荷掺杂调控:电荷掺杂调节SOC的机制可以用以下模型和方法来解释:Themechanism is explained by the elect...[1]):Phys. Rev. B 97, 235404 (2018) - Intrinsic and anisotropic Rashba spin splitting in Janus transition-metal dichalcogenide monolayers (aps.org)
<<assets/Chen-2021-Spin-Orbit Coupling in 2D Semiconduc-20220623111413-6gm14ob.pdf/20220624192744-562ms3d "But MX 2 bilayers have the Rashba effect, although their Rashba constants are less than 0.1 eV·Å.">>(但这篇的参考文献69指的是2H结构的wte2,这不用相信,因为实验上合成的是Td结构的wte2。
<<assets/Chen-2021-Spin-Orbit Coupling in 2D Semiconduc-20220623111413-6gm14ob.pdf/20220624195751-9ktfgon "PBi has the most giantRashba effect among three PX (X = As, Sb, Bi) monolayers, withα = 1.56 eV·Å. 46 Its α increases to 4.41 eV·Å when a 10% biaxialstrain is applied, and the corresponding |Δα/Δε| is 28.5 eV·Å.">>
<<assets/Chen-2021-Spin-Orbit Coupling in 2D Semiconduc-20220623111413-6gm14ob.pdf/20220624195635-v1vlkm7 "The strong Rashba effect and sensitive strain tunability make thePBi monolayer a promising candidate for spintronics.">>
<<assets/Chen-2021-Spin-Orbit Coupling in 2D Semiconduc-20220623111413-6gm14ob.pdf/20220623124015-54ua1a0 "The intrinsic electric fieldis proportional to the charge density; thus, it can be controlled by charge doping. I">>
<<assets/Chen-2021-Spin-Orbit Coupling in 2D Semiconduc-20220623111413-6gm14ob.pdf/20220624193817-321eyee ". As for distorted 1T-phase TMDs MX2(M= Mo, W; X= S, Se, Te), charge doping has a greater impacton SOC compared with the electric field and can nonlinearlytune the SOC strength.66">>
电荷掺杂调节SOC的机制可以用以下模型和方法来解释:<<assets/Chen-2021-Spin-Orbit Coupling in 2D Semiconduc-20220623111413-6gm14ob.pdf/20220624194022-zl18so6 "Themechanism is explained by the electric-triple-layer model andthe Bader charge analysi">>
(来自20年Tunable Rashba spin splitting in Janus transitionmetal dichalcogenide monolayers via charge doping)
I<<assets/Chen-2021-Spin-Orbit Coupling in 2D Semiconduc-20220623111413-6gm14ob.pdf/20220624121402-rcp8zet "nterlayer interactions and proximity effect of substrates can manipulate the Rashba effect, because multilayers and heterostructures possess intrinsic electric fields different from that of original materials.">>
<<assets/Chen-2021-Spin-Orbit Coupling in 2D Semiconduc-20220623111413-6gm14ob.pdf/20220623112030-ytcmzke "2D polar semiconductors with the intrinsic Rashba effect">>
<<assets/Chen-2021-Spin-Orbit Coupling in 2D Semiconduc-20220623111413-6gm14ob.pdf/20220623112830-ldi1f5h "In crystals, the intrinsic electric fieldis the gradient of the crystal potential (E = −∇V). That is, inspatial inversion symmetry-breaking structures, the spindegeneracy disappears across the dispersion diagrams withinthe Brillouin zone, except for some special high-symmetrypoints.">>
s<<assets/Chen-2021-Spin-Orbit Coupling in 2D Semiconduc-20220623111413-6gm14ob.pdf/20220623113210-nhpgj2w "pin texture is determined by the expectation value ofthe spin operator,">>
<<assets/Chen-2021-Spin-Orbit Coupling in 2D Semiconduc-20220623111413-6gm14ob.pdf/20220623113745-8punbti "Rashba effect has two importantfeatures: energy band splitting and spin splitting">>
<<assets/Chen-2021-Spin-Orbit Coupling in 2D Semiconduc-20220623111413-6gm14ob.pdf/20220623113851-ik70mpg "This Rashba Hamiltonian can apply to most 2D semiconductors.">>6-16
<<assets/Chen-2021-Spin-Orbit Coupling in 2D Semiconduc-20220623111413-6gm14ob.pdf/20220623113958-1pgutn4 "where the symbol + (−) denotes the inner (outer) branch, and energy difference ER and momentum offset kR can be measuredin the DFT band structures as shown in Figure 2d.">>
二维Rashba半导体必须破缺空间反演对称性!<<assets/Chen-2021-Spin-Orbit Coupling in 2D Semiconduc-20220623111413-6gm14ob.pdf/20220623115221-e2vzp87 "The main characteristics of Rashbamaterials are broken inversion symmetry and strong SOC.">>
<<assets/Chen-2021-Spin-Orbit Coupling in 2D Semiconduc-20220623111413-6gm14ob.pdf/20220623115421-z1mv84c "a series of 2D Rashba semiconductorstheoretically, including AB binary buckled monolayers, 6−8Janus monolayers (especially for MXY Janus monolayers),9−152D perovskites, 16,40−42 and so on.">>
<<assets/Chen-2021-Spin-Orbit Coupling in 2D Semiconduc-20220623111413-6gm14ob.pdf/20220623115404-rwui7uo "Rashba states should locate in the valence band maximum (VBM) or conductionband minimum (CBM) for practical applications. In">>
比较大的Rashba系数是:超过1 eV.A:<<assets/Chen-2021-Spin-Orbit Coupling in 2D Semiconduc-20220623111413-6gm14ob.pdf/20220623115950-29lnxn1 "giant Rashba constants largerthan 1.0 eV·Å.">>
<<assets/Chen-2021-Spin-Orbit Coupling in 2D Semiconduc-20220623111413-6gm14ob.pdf/20220623120423-sgptek6 "showthe intrinsic Rashba effect due to the built-in electric fieldperpendicular to the monolayer plane.9−13">>
<<assets/Chen-2021-Spin-Orbit Coupling in 2D Semiconduc-20220623111413-6gm14ob.pdf/20220623121357-9gfekvz "Janus TMDs monolayers, the WSeTemonolayer has the largest Rashba constant (α = 0.479 eV·Å)">> janus 单层的Rashba系数不算很大吧
<<assets/Chen-2021-Spin-Orbit Coupling in 2D Semiconduc-20220623111413-6gm14ob.pdf/20220623122153-blizwi2 "external electric field can switch between two ferroelectric states and reverse the spin texture of the Rashba bands. 59−">>61
<<assets/Chen-2021-Spin-Orbit Coupling in 2D Semiconduc-20220623111413-6gm14ob.pdf/20220623122246-sevboww "possess ferroelectric polarization.">>有铁电极化的Rashba半导体:
<<assets/Chen-2021-Spin-Orbit Coupling in 2D Semiconduc-20220623111413-6gm14ob.pdf/20220623122907-5zgrymi ". Ferroelectrics with switchable polarization can induce alarge change in the intrinsic electric field, which means theRashba effect can be manipulated by the ferroelectric field.">>
其实Rashba效应还是由内禀的晶体势导致的:<<assets/Chen-2021-Spin-Orbit Coupling in 2D Semiconduc-20220623111413-6gm14ob.pdf/20220623123752-lhpdwkk ". Because SOC removesthe spin degeneracy due to the intrinsic electric field E that is thegradient of the crystalline potential,">> 内禀电场是晶体势的梯度!
<<assets/Chen-2021-Spin-Orbit Coupling in 2D Semiconduc-20220623111413-6gm14ob.pdf/20220624121524-hpp45ua "the external electric field caninfluence the total electric field, thus changing the strength of the Rashba effect.">>
特征:<<assets/Chen-2021-Spin-Orbit Coupling in 2D Semiconduc-20220623111413-6gm14ob.pdf/20220624141543-munacbq "response of the Rashba effect to an external electric field, which is denoted by|Δα/ΔE|.">>
- 一方面:在缺乏本征Rashba效应的材料中诱导Rashba效应
<<assets/Chen-2021-Spin-Orbit Coupling in 2D Semiconduc-20220623111413-6gm14ob.pdf/20220624121709-f2uaetl "external electric field can induce theRashba effect in structures that lack the intrinsic Rashba effect.For example, nonpolar TMDs monolayers MX 2 (M = W, Mo; X= S, Se, Te) lack the Rashba effect in the absence of the externalelectric field, and their α values are linearly proportional to theexternal electric field.12">>(最大电场到0.8V/埃时,单层wte2的Rashba系数才0.34,不算很大,所以我还是不研究此方面了吧,不过这里说非极性TMD单层,我看了这篇12文章,是2H的wte2,没什么意思,不如Td的wte2)
阴离子在这种外电场诱导的Rashba效应的强度上起了重要作用:<<assets/Chen-2021-Spin-Orbit Coupling in 2D Semiconduc-20220623111413-6gm14ob.pdf/20220624122007-wj7a6om "anions play an important role in thestrength of the Rashba effect under the external electric field">>
<<assets/Chen-2021-Spin-Orbit Coupling in 2D Semiconduc-20220623111413-6gm14ob.pdf/20220624122442-9kx3x6h ", the planar square PbX (X =S, Se, Te) monolayer lacks the Rashba effect without an externalelectric field, as mentioned above">> :原因:<<assets/Chen-2021-Spin-Orbit Coupling in 2D Semiconduc-20220623111413-6gm14ob.pdf/20220624135037-4ybyfdo "In contrast, the planar square PbS monolayerlacks the Rashba effect because of the inversion symmetry">> 他们具有反演对称性
的buckled square相的材料的Rashba系数不大,才0.6。
- 另一方面,在具有本征Rashba效应的材料中,外电场能操控Rashba效应
<<assets/Chen-2021-Spin-Orbit Coupling in 2D Semiconduc-20220623111413-6gm14ob.pdf/20220624144828-be37cu0 "on. For WSSe, MoSSe, WSeTe, and MoSeTe,Rashba constants are increased linearly with the positive external electric field and suppressed linearly with the negative external electric field. 10">>
<<assets/Chen-2021-Spin-Orbit Coupling in 2D Semiconduc-20220623111413-6gm14ob.pdf/20220624194437-ld8acch ", WSeTe has the largest change of 0.031 eV·Å for α (which is around the Γ point in the Γ-Kdirection) by comparison without the external electric field andwith a large external electric field (0.5 V/Å).">>
不过:janus 单层的Rashba系数不算很大吧,而且电场调控的效果还不是很大,还不如压力调控(以及电荷掺杂调控:电荷掺杂调节SOC的机制可以用以下模型和方法来解释:Themechanism is explained by the elect...[1:1]):Phys. Rev. B 97, 235404 (2018) - Intrinsic and anisotropic Rashba spin splitting in Janus transition-metal dichalcogenide monolayers (aps.org)
<<assets/Chen-2021-Spin-Orbit Coupling in 2D Semiconduc-20220623111413-6gm14ob.pdf/20220624192744-562ms3d "But MX 2 bilayers have the Rashba effect, although their Rashba constants are less than 0.1 eV·Å.">>(但这篇的参考文献69指的是2H结构的wte2,这不用相信,因为实验上合成的是Td结构的wte2。
<<assets/Chen-2021-Spin-Orbit Coupling in 2D Semiconduc-20220623111413-6gm14ob.pdf/20220624195751-9ktfgon "PBi has the most giantRashba effect among three PX (X = As, Sb, Bi) monolayers, withα = 1.56 eV·Å. 46 Its α increases to 4.41 eV·Å when a 10% biaxialstrain is applied, and the corresponding |Δα/Δε| is 28.5 eV·Å.">>
<<assets/Chen-2021-Spin-Orbit Coupling in 2D Semiconduc-20220623111413-6gm14ob.pdf/20220624195635-v1vlkm7 "The strong Rashba effect and sensitive strain tunability make thePBi monolayer a promising candidate for spintronics.">>
<<assets/Chen-2021-Spin-Orbit Coupling in 2D Semiconduc-20220623111413-6gm14ob.pdf/20220623124015-54ua1a0 "The intrinsic electric fieldis proportional to the charge density; thus, it can be controlled by charge doping. I">>
<<assets/Chen-2021-Spin-Orbit Coupling in 2D Semiconduc-20220623111413-6gm14ob.pdf/20220624193817-321eyee ". As for distorted 1T-phase TMDs MX2(M= Mo, W; X= S, Se, Te), charge doping has a greater impacton SOC compared with the electric field and can nonlinearlytune the SOC strength.66">>
电荷掺杂调节SOC的机制可以用以下模型和方法来解释:<<assets/Chen-2021-Spin-Orbit Coupling in 2D Semiconduc-20220623111413-6gm14ob.pdf/20220624194022-zl18so6 "Themechanism is explained by the electric-triple-layer model andthe Bader charge analysi">>
(来自20年Tunable Rashba spin splitting in Janus transitionmetal dichalcogenide monolayers via charge doping)
I<<assets/Chen-2021-Spin-Orbit Coupling in 2D Semiconduc-20220623111413-6gm14ob.pdf/20220624121402-rcp8zet "nterlayer interactions and proximity effect of substrates can manipulate the Rashba effect, because multilayers and heterostructures possess intrinsic electric fields different from that of original materials.">>
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