从即日起,本人技术博客主站将转移到blogger(google提供),并除了部分翻译文章和特殊需要外,将主要以英语撰写。该新主站的文章部分将以链接形式映射到此处。该博客位置如下,欢迎访问。http://lincolnyutech.blogspot.com.au/注:由于该博客空间对技术博客支持不力,现暂停撰写。其上文章将在择期转移至博客园。Notice: Due to the lack of support for technical blogging by that site, blogging activity on that site has ceased. Posts on that 阅读全文
Mostly they are going to be computational geometry related, when put in the order of their priorities,1. (Priority 1)Investigation into Triangularisation methods and the technologies they depend on2. (Priority 2) 2D/3D shape relationship determination, such as whether two polygons intersect or overl 阅读全文
希望下半年可以少许少些劳神之事,如有幸多些闲暇,是该花些时间看看书了。俗话说,读万卷书,行万里路。行万里可不是马上能做到了,要做好也不容易——我始终不认为那是简单的做做驴子能做得到的——也不太符合我的性格。那就多读点书吧。即便是书,倒也赞同家父的意见,世上的书很多是些废纸。话说得是有些偏激,但细细想来其实也不无道理。他读的书(尤其是中国的)好歹比我多得多,虽然我也不认为他能完全记诵多少,也没写出什么观感来,但他的阅读面为我的这个意见背书不少。倒不是完全为了给自己的阅读面之窄找个借口,也不是有意排斥贬低什么。杜甫说,不薄今人爱古人。在今看来,我尤其喜爱这后半句。对于今人我觉得持个怀疑和观望的态度 阅读全文
C# reflection is supposed to fully or at least to a great extent cover all C# language constructs and features from an IL perspective. That's why I have been addicted to using it whenever possible or at least as a fall-back. However it does have some limitations and implications that we can neve 阅读全文
Various small points that it doesn't matter too much if you don't know or use them'@' symbolapart from being used in front of a string to change how compiler interpret the string (verbatim or not), it can be placed also in front of a variable which may otherwise conflict with observe 阅读全文
最近的一个项目中用到一些数学,尤其是空间几何,忽然就觉得这些基本上高中程度的数学竟有点淡忘,用起来捉襟见肘,至少生涩。我这人喜欢把责任推到客观,于是再推一把,也像是一种反思。感觉中学的时候学了那么多几何,平面的立体的,虽然当时学得也饶有兴致(当然被逼无奈的成分也是有的),却也为了考试担惊受怕睡不着觉,而在真到用时竟如此不堪。而更多同学是被迫学的,后来如若也不怎么用,想想那倒也就算了。比方说一个极简单的用途,要用多边形(三角形)画一个正三棱锥,用尽可能快的方法把顶点的坐标和相应的围绕三角形生成出来,然后变成代码。居然在纸上画了许久没有出一个快速方案。我当然知道只要坚持计算下去总能算出来,但这只是 阅读全文
我的个人印象,这三个公司显然都不容易进,也没机会深度接触,所以随便写着玩玩。具体结论见仁见智。我比较倾向于从为行业创造就业角度来观察这三个公司的特点,当然很带有个人主观性,使用方法也未必科学。还有一些公司如IBM等等也比较典型值得列入考虑。微软谷歌苹果应聘难度高(能力水平要求、企业文化……)极高(能力水平要求、文化独特、多元化)?直接制造就业量相对较大(极)小?间接制造就业量(IT方面为主)极大;范围门类相当广泛相当小;范围门类小(但有望在个别领域如移动互联网,云计算等增长)相当小;范围门类极小。目前通过其移动终端的市场份额在应用领域提供一定就业需求对技术行业规则影响作用太大,有利有弊,尚难以 阅读全文
Can Computers Think? The History and Status of the Debate - Map 1 of 7问题10Issue Area:Can computers reason scientifically?问题域: 计算机是不是具有科学理性?The link to the part of the map this discussion is about:http://www.macrovu.com/CCTWeb/CCT1/CCTMap1Reason.html1. Common start point by Alan Turing (omitted)(Disp 阅读全文
What ISession.Flush() generally doesISession.Flush() updates OO side changes to the framework but not to the database; this has at least the following effects1. Internal flags change so that IsDirty() is always set to false2. updates internal flags/states of the framework so that it's consistent 阅读全文
This is the final part of the series, where the details of the code that works on the big integer type to generate Fibonacci sequences are discussed.With all the basic operations on the big integer type having been elaborated in the package and available for use, the main program can directly use th 阅读全文