1. WPF控件概览控件类型关键基类实例类型说明孤立控件(Individual Control)ContentControlContent属性,对应一个object,如该元素不继承UIElement,则显示其ToString()字符串内容Label助记键(Mnemonic Keys):在字符前加_对应Alt+该字符,并用Target=”{Binding ElementName=???}”绑定聚焦对象Button快速访问(Access Keys):在字符前加_对应Alt+该字符 IsDefault="True"对应Enter键 IsCancel="True" 阅读全文
It is test on writing and publishing this live space with Windows Live Writer. It looks cool and functions well*, but it would be better if it were fully accommodated to all the features the Live provides and/or were integrated with the equally smart Live Mail which has almost made me abandon fox... 阅读全文
1. Journal 的使用Journal 用于在 XAML 浏览器应用程序(XBAP)中维护历史访问页。删除前一访问页只需调当前 NavigationService 对象的 RemoveBackEntry() 即可;而增加一个访问页则复杂得多:1) 实现一个 CustomContentState 的派生类,每个对象对应一个要保存的访问页,其中数据结构用于维护这个历史访问页的数据,在构造的时候通过适当的参数传入。它必须标上 Serializable() 属性。在这个类里要重载一个 Replay 方法和一个 JournalEntryName。Replay 一般通过向构造时传入的页面回调提供数据, 阅读全文
Object monitor plays a leading role in thread synchronization. Apart from its Enter and Exit methods (equivalent to opening and closing bracket pairafter the lock keywordspecifying synchronized codeblock), it offers two additional methods which are required to augment its synchronization functionali 阅读全文
Interaction between target device and PC through RS-232 serial port is proved to be very useful in test process automation. Therefore, the effectiveness and accuracy of the communication along with the design of the protocol is crucial to the success of the testing system. Although a lot of issues r 阅读全文
从一个实际的小问题出发,回顾一些基础的知识点:平稳噪声x[n]激励系统h[n],输出y[n]能量需要和x[n]一致,系统的形式: AH(z) = -------------------------- 1 - sum(i=1:m, a[i]h[i])求A。1. 首先看系统的响应:平稳随机过程x通过LSI系统h的输出。输出的自相关是输入自相关、系统和系统反演的卷积。输出功率谱是输入功率谱和系统函数绝对值平方的乘积。signal: x[n]system: h[n]output: y[n]y[n] = x[n] * h[n]R{n,r,y} = E{y[n] y[n-r]'} = E{ (x[ 阅读全文
问题原址:http://topic.csdn.net/u/20080309/16/64b1e2e5-44af-4307-919c-45ead95e69c6.html?seed=1048831947&r=60114068#r_60114068根据原题,这个是顶点着色中常见的问题。1楼Jiana关于这个说的很明确:“法线不是一般概念的真正向量”。这句话的本意是对的,就是平面(或切平面)的法线不能简单的通过仿射变换矩阵直接得到变换后空间的法线,但并不是像从字面上理解,法线(法向量)就不是向量了。其次链接中讨论了法向量方向的确定,经过下面论证可以发现,还是有必要进行一番工作的。长话短说,以下就 阅读全文
解码应用过程:1. 用以下过程应用H264解码器main(){ AVFrame pic; dsputil_static_init(); // 跟踪了很深才发现的,如果不调用,内部算法数据都没初始化 AVCodecContext *pAVCtx = avcodec_alloc_context(); // 创建解码context,返回创建后指针 avcodec_open(pAVCtx, &h264_decoder); bool framegot; while (...) { while (!framegot) { 从pBuf开始解析收集将近1帧数据,长度bytesCollected ... 阅读全文
System namespace:AppDomain class: Application Domain;AppDomainSetup class: Setup for Application Domains;System.Threadingnamespace:Thread class: thread objectThreadPool class: a class that manages creation and deletion of threadsSystem.ServiceProcess namespace: to create a windows service fromServic 阅读全文
C# type rebinding,a program demonstrating what I can figure out about simulatinggeneric type rebinding in C# (which is so common in C++ programs), it may lookstupid, but it really works as intended.using System;class BaseG{ public class ReboundType<_T> { public virtual _T T {get; set;} ... 阅读全文