// 代码重新格式化于20110717 /** * prop.h */ #include <malloc.h> #define CONCAT_DIRECT(a,b) a##b #define CONCAT(a,b) CONCAT_DIRECT(a,b) #define TOSTR_DIRECT(tag) #tag #define TOSTR(tag) TOSTR_DIRECT(tag) template <class Owner> struct Property { Owner *GetOwner(int ofs = -1) { static int offset = 0; if (ofs != -1) offset = ofs; return (Owner*)((char*)this - offset); } }; #define _PROPERTIES_BEGIN(prop_owner) / typedef prop_owner _PropOwner; / struct PropertyWatcher : Property<_PropOwner> / { / PropertyWatcher() / { / InitProperties(this); / } / } PropWatcher; #define _PROPERTIES_END(last_prop) / static void InitProperties(Property<_PropOwner> *pCaller) / { / /* 20060216, run only once for one type */ static bool bInited = false; / if (bInited) return; / bInited = true; / PropOwner *pOwner = (_PropOwner *)alloca(sizeof(_PropOwner)); / int offset = (int)&(pOwner->PropWatcher) - (int)pOwner; / int num = (int)&pOwner->last_prop - (int)&pOwner->PropWatcher; / num /= sizeof(Property<_PropOwner>); / Property<_PropOwner> *p, *pEnd = pCaller + num; / for ( p = pCaller + 1; p <= pEnd; ++p) / p->GetOwner(offset += sizeof(Property<_PropOwner>)); / } #define _PROPERTY(val_type, prop_name, set_proc, get_proc) / public: struct CONCAT(Prop_, prop_name) : public Property<_PropOwner> / { / val_type operator = (val_type val) / { / GetOwner()->set_proc(val); / return val; / } / operator val_type() / { / return GetOwner()->get_proc(); / } / } prop_name; #define _VIRTUAL_PROPERTY(val_type, prop_name, set_proc, get_proc) / public: struct CONCAT(Prop_, prop_name) : public Property<_PropOwner> / { / val_type operator = (val_type val) / { / GetOwner()->CONCAT(VrtlPropSet_, prop_name)(val); / return val; / } / operator val_type() / { / return GetOwner()->CONCAT(VrtlPropGet_, prop_name)(); / } / } prop_name; / virtual void CONCAT(VrtlPropSet_, prop_name)(val_type val) { set_proc(val); } / virtual val_type CONCAT(VrtlPropGet_, prop_name)() { return get_proc(); } #define _VIRTUAL_PROPERTY_OVERRIDE(val_type, prop_name, set_proc, get_proc) / virtual void CONCAT(VrtlPropSet_, prop_name)(val_type val) { set_proc(val); } / virtual val_type CONCAT(VrtlPropGet_, prop_name)() { return get_proc(); } /** * TestProperty.cpp */ class A { public: A() {} int get_a() { return a; } void set_a(int v) { a = v; } bool get_b() { return b; } void set_b(bool v) { b = v; } char get_c() { return c; } void set_c(char v) { c = v; } double get_d() { return d; } void set_d(double v) { d = v; } _PROPERTIES_BEGIN(A) _PROPERTY(int, Alpha, set_a, get_a) _PROPERTY(bool, Betta, set_b, get_b) _PROPERTY(char, Colomb, set_c, get_c) _VIRTUAL_PROPERTY(double, Decca, set_d, get_d) _PROPERTIES_END(Decca) private: int a; bool b; char c; double d; }; class B : public A { public: B() { } _VIRTUAL_PROPERTY_OVERRIDE(double, Decca, set_y, get_y); void set_y(double v) { y = v; } double get_y() { return y; } private: double y; }; int main () { B foo; cout << "sizeof(A) = " << sizeof(A) << endl; cout << "sizeof(B) = " << sizeof(B) << endl; foo.Alpha = 13; foo.Betta = true; foo.Colomb = 'H'; foo.Decca = 134.56; foo.set_d(102.3); B another; another.Alpha = 125; another.Betta = false; another.Colomb = 'x'; another.Decca = 256.34; cout << "Alpha: " << foo.Alpha << endl; cout << "Betta: " << foo.Betta << endl; cout << "Colomb: " << foo.Colomb << endl; cout << "Decca: " << foo.Decca << endl; A *p = &foo; cout << "Virtual Decca:" << p->Decca << endl; foo.set_y(45.6); cout << "Virtual Decca:" << p->Decca << endl; cout << "Alpha: " << another.Alpha << endl; cout << "Betta: " << another.Betta << endl; cout << "Colomb: " << another.Colomb << endl; cout << "Decca: " << another.Decca << endl; return 0; }
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