

根据QR规范,一个二维码图像填充区域是一个划分为若干小方块的正方形矩阵,矩阵中每一个单元小方块都可以填充为深浅两种颜色,计算机在读码时会将深色方块解读为1,浅色方块解读为0. 二维码的尺寸大小(矩阵中单元方块的数量)并不是一定的,共有四十个不同的尺寸,官方称谓为版本,从版本1一直到版本40,每个版本的二维码矩阵边长包含小方块的数量可以用公式 s=4v+17 <script type="math/tex" id="MathJax-Element-719">s=4*v+17</script>来计算,其中 v <script type="math/tex" id="MathJax-Element-720">v</script>为版本号,s<script type="math/tex" id="MathJax-Element-721">s</script>为正方形矩阵边长包含小方块的数量。最大的版本40含有177X177个单元方块。


  • Finder Pattern:位置探测图形,用于扫描时定位整个图像区域
  • Separator :位置探测图形分隔符,用于将位置探测图形与数据区域分开
  • Timing Pattern:定位图形,用来帮助定位矩阵中的单元小方块
  • Alignment Pattern:矫正图形,当矩阵码尺寸较大的时候需要,用来减少扫描图形形变造成的误码
  • Format Information:格式信息,以BCH纠错码的形式储存二维码的纠错级别、以及掩码形式的信息
  • Version Information:当版本大于7时需要用到,储存了二维码的版本信息


Private Function fillSquare(canvas() As Byte, row As Long, col As Long, size As Long, value As Byte)
' basic filling function that fills a certain sized square area in the array canvas on designated position
' canvas is the array in which value is written
' row is the row offset counting from top left corner which is (1,1)
' col is the column offset counting from top left corner which is (1, 1)
' size defines the length of side of square
' value can be 1 or 0
Dim i As Long
Dim j As Long

    For i = 1 To size
        For j = 1 To size
            canvas(row + i - 1, col + j - 1) = value
End Function


Private Function fillFinder(arr() As Byte, row As Long, col As Long, Optional fType As Byte = qrTopLeft)
' fills a finder pattern in the array on designated position
' row and col defines the top left corner of finder pattern
' ftype is a ennumerate that can be "qrTopLeft", "qrTopRight" or "qrBottomLeft" defining position of the finder pattern
    Select Case fType
    Case Is = qrTopLeft
        fillSquare arr, row, col, 8, 0
        fillSquare arr, row, col, 7, 1
        fillSquare arr, row + 1, col + 1, 5, 0
        fillSquare arr, row + 2, col + 2, 3, 1
    Case Is = qrTopRight
        fillSquare arr, row, col - 1, 8, 0
        fillSquare arr, row, col, 7, 1
        fillSquare arr, row + 1, col + 1, 5, 0
        fillSquare arr, row + 2, col + 2, 3, 1
    Case Is = qrBottomLeft
        fillSquare arr, row - 1, col, 8, 0
        fillSquare arr, row, col, 7, 1
        fillSquare arr, row + 1, col + 1, 5, 0
        fillSquare arr, row + 2, col + 2, 3, 1
        fillSquare arr, row - 1, col + 8, 1, 1  ' fill the last "1" unit
    End Select
End Function


Private Function fillQR(bs As String, fi As String, v As Long, S As Long, Optional apc As Range, Optional m As Long = 0, Optional vi As String)
' fills an array with bit streams to form a complete QR code, and return the whole array
' bs: A stream of string that contains only "1" or "0" that represent the complete code word flow including error correction codes
' fi: a stream of string that contains format information of QR
' v:  An long that represents the version of QR
' s:  An long defines the size of a QR
' apc: alignment pattern center coordinates, stored in a range, can be converted automatically
' m:  A long type variant defines the type of mask
' vi: Version information, optional argument, which is needed only for QR larger than version 6

Dim QRArray() As Byte

Dim fp(1 To 3) As finderPattern
Dim ap() As alignmentPattern
Dim apCord(1 To 7) As Variant
Dim num As Variant
Dim currCell As coordinate
Dim QRCopy As Range

Dim Direction As Byte
Dim x As Long
Dim i As Long
Dim j As Long
Dim k As Long

    ReDim QRArray(1 To S, 1 To S) ' re define the array, size calculated from version by size=17+4*version
    fillSquare QRArray, 1, 1, S, 3
'   1    locate and fill three finder patterns
    For i = 1 To 3
        With fp(i)
            .fRow = IIf(i = 3, S - 6, 1)
            .fCol = IIf(i = 2, S - 6, 1)
            .fType = i
        End With
        fillFinder QRArray, fp(i).fRow, fp(i).fCol, fp(i).fType
'        all finder patterns are filled

'   2     locate and fill all alignment patterns
    i = 1
    For Each num In apc
        If IsNumeric(num) Then
            apCord(i) = num
            i = i + 1
        End If
    Next num
    If v > 1 Then
        x = Fix(v / 7) + 2 ' determin count of ap coordinates
        ReDim ap(1 To x ^ 2 - 3) ' determin count of aliment patterns
        k = 1
        For i = 1 To x
            For j = 1 To x
                '  assign coordinates to each ap()
                If Not ((i = 1 And j = 1) Or (i = 1 And j = x) Or (i = x And j = 1)) Then  ' set topleft / topright and bottomleft coordinates as expectional
                    With ap(k)
                        .aRow = apCord(i)
                        .aCol = apCord(j)
                        fillAlignment QRArray, .aRow, .aCol
                        k = k + 1
                    End With
                End If
    End If
'        alignment patterns are filled

'   3     Fill the timing pattern
    For i = 0 To 4 * v Step 2
        QRArray(7, 9 + i) = 1 ' fill horizontal timing pattern
        QRArray(7, 10 + i) = 0

        QRArray(9 + i, 7) = 1  'fill vertical timing pattern
        QRArray(10 + i, 7) = 0

'         timing pattern is filled

'   4     Fill the format info
    For i = 1 To 6  'format info has always 15 bits, should be divided into three parts
        QRArray(9, i) = Val(Mid(fi, i, 1))   'horizontal format info
        QRArray(18 + 4 * v - i, 9) = Val(Mid(fi, i, 1)) ' vertical format info
    i = 7
        QRArray(9, i + 1) = Val(Mid(fi, i, 1))
        QRArray(18 + 4 * v - i, 9) = Val(Mid(fi, i, 1))
    For i = 8 To 9
        QRArray(9, i + 2 + 4 * v) = Val(Mid(fi, i, 1))
        QRArray(17 - i, 9) = Val(Mid(fi, i, 1))
    For i = 10 To 15
        QRArray(9, i + 2 + 4 * v) = Val(Mid(fi, i, 1))
        QRArray(16 - i, 9) = Val(Mid(fi, i, 1))
'         Format information is filled

'   5     Fill the Version info if version is larger than 7
    If v >= 7 Then ' length of version info is always 18, and is filled in a 3X6 array
        k = 1
        For j = 6 To 1 Step -1
            For i = 3 To 1 Step -1
                QRArray(6 + 4 * v + i, j) = Val(Mid(vi, k, 1))
                QRArray(j, 6 + 4 * v + i) = Val(Mid(vi, k, 1))
                k = k + 1
    End If
'         Version info is filled

'   6     Fill the Data Codes, to be explained in next chapter

    fillQR = QRArray 'assign filled array to function
End Function

上面的函数接受二维码的一些基本数据作为参数,如版本号、尺寸、格式信息、版本信息、数据编码等,然后根据二维码的版本生成一个合适大小的byte型二维数组,并将所有功能图形、格式信息、版本信息等数据填充到二位数组中,深色单元填充数字1,浅色单元填充数字0,而所有数据填充区域填充数字3. 完成矩阵填充后,将整个数组作为返回值,在工作表中调用这个函数的时候,则需要用矩阵函数的调用方法,在一个区域中直接写入函数,并用“Alt+Ctrl+Enter”来输入函数,这时Excel会自动将二位数组中的数据逐行逐列地填入相应的单元格中,这时单元格公式被一对大括号“{}”所包围




000 (i+j) mod 2=0 <script type="math/tex" id="MathJax-Element-1959">(i+j)\ mod\ 2 =0</script>
001 I mod 2=0 <script type="math/tex" id="MathJax-Element-1960">I\ mod\ 2 = 0</script>
010 j mod 3=0 <script type="math/tex" id="MathJax-Element-1961">j\ mod\ 3 =0</script>
011 (i+j) mod 3=0 <script type="math/tex" id="MathJax-Element-1962">(i+j)\ mod\ 3 = 0</script>
100 ((I div 2)+(j div 3)) mod 3=0 <script type="math/tex" id="MathJax-Element-1963">((I\ div\ 2)+(j\ div\ 3))\ mod\ 3 = 0</script>
101 (ij) mod 2+(ij) mod 3=0 <script type="math/tex" id="MathJax-Element-1964">(ij)\ mod\ 2+(ij)\ mod\ 3=0</script>
110 ((ij) mod 2+(ij) mod 3) mod 2=0 <script type="math/tex" id="MathJax-Element-1965">((ij)\ mod\ 2+(ij)\ mod\ 3)\ mod\ 2=0</script>
111 ((ij) mod 2+(i+j) mod 3) mod 2=0 <script type="math/tex" id="MathJax-Element-1966">((ij)\ mod\ 2+(i+j)\ mod\ 3)\ mod\ 2=0</script>


<script type="math/tex; mode=display" id="MathJax-Element-1967">g(x)=x^{10}+x^8+x^5+x^4+X^2+x^1+1</script>,因此我们需要建立一个15位的除法计算表:

生成多项式 g(x) <script type="math/tex" id="MathJax-Element-1968">g(x)</script>10100110111
乘数1* g(x) <script type="math/tex" id="MathJax-Element-1969">g(x)</script>10100110111
乘数0* g(x) <script type="math/tex" id="MathJax-Element-1970">g(x)</script>00000000000
<script type="math/tex" id="MathJax-Element-1971">\cdots</script>


<script type="math/tex; mode=display" id="MathJax-Element-1972">g(x)=x^{12}+x^{11}+x^{10}+x^9+x^8+x^5+x^2+1</script>具体计算表就不再赘述。


posted @ 2017-10-03 01:13  JackiePENG  阅读(31)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报  来源