



dmalloc是一个简单易用的C/C++内存leak检查工具,以一个运行库的方式发布。 dmalloc能够检查出直到程序运行结束还没有释放的内存,并且能够精确指出在 哪个源文件的第几行。 dmalloc 主页: http://dmalloc.com 支持的平台:AIX, BSD/OS, DG/UX, Free/Net/OpenBSD, GNU/Hurd, HPUX, Irix, Linux, MS-DOG, NeXT, OSF, SCO, Solaris, SunOS, Ultrix, Unixware, Windoze, and even Unicos on a Cray T3E 最新版本: 5.5.2 安装:下载 http://dmalloc.com/releases/dmalloc-5.5.2.tgz [code type="bash"] tar zxvf dmalloc-5.5.2.tgz cd dmalloc-5.5.2 ./configure make make install [/code] 设置环境变量: 对于 Bash, ksh, and zsh (http://www.zsh.org/), 在 `.bashrc', `.profile', or `.zshrc' 文件中加入一行 ( -b 参数表示针对Bash的输出): function dmalloc { eval `command dmalloc -b $*`; } 然后重新登陆用户,或者执行: source ~/.bashrc 或 source ~/.profile 接下面执行: [code type="bash"] dmalloc -l logfile -i 100 low [/code] 在源文件中添加下面的C代码: #ifdef DMALLOC #include "dmalloc.h" #endif 编译使用的CFLAGS: -DDMALLOC -DDMALLOC_FUNC_CHECK 如: gcc -DDMALLOC -DDMALLOC_FUNC_CHECK dm_test.c 执行: ./a.out 运行上面的命令会在当前目录下生成 logfile文件,查看logfile的内容如下: cat logfile [code type="text"] 1214894489: 2: Dmalloc version '5.5.2' from 'http://dmalloc.com/' 1214894489: 2: flags = 0x4e48503, logfile 'logfile' 1214894489: 2: interval = 100, addr = 0, seen # = 0, limit = 0 1214894489: 2: starting time = 1214894489 1214894489: 2: process pid = 9560 1214894489: 2: Dumping Chunk Statistics: 1214894489: 2: basic-block 4096 bytes, alignment 8 bytes 1214894489: 2: heap address range: 0xb8020000 to 0xb8029000, 36864 bytes 1214894489: 2: user blocks: 1 blocks, 4043 bytes (10%) 1214894489: 2: admin blocks: 8 blocks, 32768 bytes (89%) 1214894489: 2: total blocks: 9 blocks, 36864 bytes 1214894489: 2: heap checked 1 1214894489: 2: alloc calls: malloc 2, calloc 0, realloc 0, free 0 1214894489: 2: alloc calls: recalloc 0, memalign 0, valloc 0 1214894489: 2: alloc calls: new 0, delete 0 1214894489: 2: current memory in use: 11 bytes (2 pnts) 1214894489: 2: total memory allocated: 11 bytes (2 pnts) 1214894489: 2: max in use at one time: 11 bytes (2 pnts) 1214894489: 2: max alloced with 1 call: 6 bytes 1214894489: 2: max unused memory space: 53 bytes (82%) 1214894489: 2: top 10 allocations: 1214894489: 2: total-size count in-use-size count source 1214894489: 2: 6 1 6 1 dm_test.c:71 1214894489: 2: 5 1 5 1 dm_test.c:69 1214894489: 2: 11 2 11 2 Total of 2 1214894489: 2: Dumping Not-Freed Pointers Changed Since Start: 1214894489: 2: not freed: '0xb8028fc8|s1' (6 bytes) from 'dm_test.c:71' 1214894489: 2: not freed: '0xb8028fe8|s1' (5 bytes) from 'dm_test.c:69' 1214894489: 2: total-size count source 1214894489: 2: 6 1 dm_test.c:71 1214894489: 2: 5 1 dm_test.c:69 1214894489: 2: 11 2 Total of 2 1214894489: 2: ending time = 1214894489, elapsed since start = 0:00:00 [/code] 那么,哪个地方的内存leak就一目了然了。 //====== dm_test.c 源代码 ============= [code type="c"] #include #include #include #ifdef DMALLOC #include #endif int main(int argc, char **argv) { char *str; str = malloc(5); str = malloc(6); return 0; } [/code]

posted on 2010-06-12 14:33  drswinghead  阅读(183)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报