C. Queue in the Train There are 𝑛 seats in the train's car and there is exactly one passenger occupying every seat. The seats are numbered from 1 to 阅读全文
D2. The World Is Just a Programming Task (Hard Version) This is a harder version of the problem. In this version, 𝑛≤300000. Vasya is an experienced d 阅读全文
B. Grow The Tree Gardener Alexey teaches competitive programming to high school students. To congratulate Alexey on the Teacher's Day, the students ha 阅读全文
A. Integer Points DLS and JLS are bored with a Math lesson. In order to entertain themselves, DLS took a sheet of paper and drew 𝑛 distinct lines, gi 阅读全文
A. Ivan the Fool and the Probability Theory Recently Ivan the Fool decided to become smarter and study the probability theory. He thinks that he under 阅读全文
E. Connected Components? You are given an undirected graph consisting of n vertices and edges. Instead of giving you the edges that exist in the graph 阅读全文
C. Sum Balance Ujan has a lot of numbers in his boxes. He likes order and balance, so he decided to reorder the numbers. There are 𝑘 boxes numbered f 阅读全文
D. 0 1 MST Ujan has a lot of useless stuff in his drawers, a considerable part of which are his math notebooks: it is time to sort them out. This time 阅读全文
C. Tile Painting Ujan has been lazy lately, but now has decided to bring his yard to good shape. First, he decided to paint the path from his house to 阅读全文
B2. Character Swap (Hard Version) This problem is different from the easy version. In this version Ujan makes at most 2𝑛 swaps. In addition, 𝑘≤1000, 阅读全文
B1. Character Swap (Easy Version) This problem is different from the hard version. In this version Ujan makes exactly one exchange. You can hack this 阅读全文
A. Maximum Square Ujan decided to make a new wooden roof for the house. He has 𝑛 rectangular planks numbered from 1 to 𝑛. The 𝑖 th plank has size � 阅读全文
F. Equalizing Two Strings You are given two strings s and t both of length n and both consisting of lowercase Latin letters. In one move, you can choo 阅读全文
E. Yet Another Division Into Teams There are n students at your university. The programming skill of the i th student is ai. As a coach, you want to d 阅读全文
D. Binary String Minimizing You are given a binary string of length n (i. e. a string consisting of n characters '0' and '1'). In one move you can swa 阅读全文
C. Platforms Jumping There is a river of width n. The left bank of the river is cell 0 and the right bank is cell n+1 (more formally, the river can be 阅读全文
B. Minimize the Permutation You are given a permutation of length n. Recall that the permutation is an array consisting of n distinct integers from 1 阅读全文
A. Payment Without Change You have a coins of value n and b coins of value 1. You always pay in exact change, so you want to know if there exist such 阅读全文
F. Daniel and Spring Cleaning While doing some spring cleaning, Daniel found an old calculator that he loves so much. However, it seems like it is bro 阅读全文
E. Hyakugoku and Ladders Hyakugoku has just retired from being the resident deity of the South Black Snail Temple in order to pursue her dream of beco 阅读全文
D. Shichikuji and Power Grid Shichikuji is the new resident deity of the South Black Snail Temple. Her first job is as follows: There are 𝑛 new citie 阅读全文
C. Constanze's Machine Constanze is the smartest girl in her village but she has bad eyesight. One day, she was able to invent an incredible machine! 阅读全文
F. Tree Factory Bytelandian Tree Factory produces trees for all kinds of industrial applications. You have been tasked with optimizing the production 阅读全文
E. Rock Is Push You are at the top left cell (1,1) of an n×m labyrinth. Your goal is to get to the bottom right cell (n,m). You can only move right or 阅读全文
B2. TV Subscriptions (Hard Version) The only difference between easy and hard versions is constraints. The BerTV channel every day broadcasts one epis 阅读全文
A. Forgetting Things Kolya is very absent minded. Today his math teacher asked him to solve a simple problem with the equation 𝑎+1=𝑏 with positive i 阅读全文
D. Power Products You are given n positive integers a1,…,an, and an integer k≥2. Count the number of pairs i,j such that 1≤i using namespace std; cons 阅读全文
C. p binary Vasya will fancy any number as long as it is an integer power of two. Petya, on the other hand, is very conservative and only likes a sing 阅读全文
F. Bits And Pieces 题面 You are given an array 𝑎 of 𝑛 integers. You need to find the maximum value of 𝑎𝑖|(𝑎𝑗&𝑎𝑘) over all triplets (𝑖,𝑗,𝑘) su 阅读全文
G. Polygons Description You are given two integers 𝑛 and 𝑘. You need to construct 𝑘 regular polygons having same circumcircle, with distinct number 阅读全文
B. Tokitsukaze and Mahjong time limit per test1 second memory limit per test256 megabytes Tokitsukaze is playing a game derivated from Japanese mahjon 阅读全文
D2. RGB Substring (hard version) inputstandard input outputstandard output The only difference between easy and hard versions is the size of the input 阅读全文
D. Yet Another Subarray Problem You are given an array and two integers and . You can choose some subarray $a_l, a_{l+1 阅读全文
C. Array Splitting You are given a sorted array 𝑎1,𝑎2,…,𝑎𝑛 (for each index 𝑖 1 condition 𝑎𝑖≥𝑎𝑖−1 holds) and an integer 𝑘. You are asked to d 阅读全文
机器学习算法讲堂(一) 十分钟入门机器学习算法竞赛 比赛地址:https://www.kaggle.com/c/new york city taxi fare prediction import pandas as pd import numpy as np http://pandas.pydata 阅读全文
相关下载地址: 链接: https://pan.baidu.com/s/1LqFWMoLzaKkuahwnZNIsZg 密码: 3ybi 阅读全文
最近的任务是写一个多线程的东西,就得接触多线程队列了,我反正是没学过分布式的,代码全凭感觉写出来的,不过运气好,代码能够work= = 话不多说,直接给代码吧,一个多消费者,多生产者的模式。假设我的任务是求队列的中位数是啥,每消费10000次的时候,我要知道中位数是什么。 至于加不加锁,这个看你了, 阅读全文
https://vjudge.net/contest/202940 overview 不断更新 阅读全文
中午醒来后就滚去公司读了几篇论文,读的头脑不清醒。然后听说最近有一个动漫电影上线了,就一拍即合,和吴队长一起去看了。 看之前和吴队长都不知道这个电影是什么,就知道是个日本动漫,不过看到广告语说:“去年看了你的名字,今年你就得去看烟花”,在我的心里面,我就觉得这个电影应该就和你的名字应该是一个地位了吧 阅读全文
提交代码被leader批判了一波。。。。 好好学习,天天向上。 http://zh google styleguide.readthedocs.io/en/latest/google cpp styleguide/contents/ 阅读全文