- 原文地址: [https://github.com/iancraz/ANC-Implementation/blob/master/README.md]
- 许可: MIT license
- 原作者: Ian C. Díaz, Matías Fogg, Lisandro Alvarez, Manuel Dieguez
在前馈系统中,有1)窄带系统或Narrowband,将在第II部分介绍,以及2)宽带系统或Broadband,将在第II部分讨论。另一方面,在反馈系统中,有自适应窄带系统或Narrowband adaptive,将在第III部分介绍。
- 避免了从噪声消除扬声器到参考麦克风的反馈。
- 避免了从参考麦克风的校准。
- 由于是周期性噪声,因此消除了因果限制。
- 生成参考信号的可能性允许独立控制每个谐波。
- 只需要对接近谐波频率的传递函数进行建模。
图1. 窄带前馈系统的表示 |
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- 窄带前馈系统的表示
图2. 宽带前馈系统的表示 |
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图3. 宽带前馈的模块表示 |
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图4. 使用 |
图5. 宽带前馈系统的方框图,包括在线和离线运行模式 | 图6. 无 |
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图7. 窄带反馈的基本系统表示 | 图8. 窄带反馈的系统表示 |
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图9. 窄带反馈系统 |
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图10. 过滤问题的方框表示 |
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图11. 横截面滤波器表示 |
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A. 递归最小二乘法算法:RLS
B. 最小均方算法:LMS
- F-X LMS算法:如第二部分所解释的,滤波器传递函数为
因此,如果我们定义 为 的过滤版本,我们得到(34)式,这就是FX-LMS算法的方程[1]。
图12. FXLMS算法的实现 |
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- 收敛性:尽管不会详细分析如何评估和定义LMS算法收敛的参数,但可以预先判断算法收敛必须满足的条件由(35)式给出。
3) F-X RLS算法:另一方面,对过滤信号实施RLS算法,我们有如图13所示的系统。与FX LMS一样,输入信号是
图13. 用于FX RLS算法更新的ANC系统图示 |
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C. 总结
本章简要介绍了自适应噪声控制(ANC)系统的基本原理,并详细讨论了两种常用的自适应算法:最小均方(LMS)算法和递推最小二乘(RLS)算法。LMS算法以其简单性和实用性而受到青睐,但RLS算法在收敛速度上具有优势。在实际应用中,选择哪种算法取决于系统要求、计算资源以及对收敛速度和稳定性的需求。此外,为了提高ANC系统的性能,可以采用Filtered-X LMS(FX-LMS)和Filtered-X RLS(FX-RLS)算法,这些算法通过考虑滤波后的信号来优化系数的更新。在设计ANC系统时,还需要考虑滤波器的设计、系统延迟以及误差麦克风的放置等因素,以确保系统的有效性和稳定性。
A. 声学路径仿真
B. 使用FX LMS的仿真
图15. 路径 |
图16. 路径 |
图17. 路径 |
图18. 估计 |
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图19. |
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图20. 飞机驾驶舱内系统的仿真 | 图21. 对于飞机驾驶舱案例,期望的反向信号和我们的系统生成的信号之间的相关性样本 | 图22. 使用工厂风扇噪声的系统仿真 | 图23. 对于工厂风扇案例,期望的反向信号和我们的系统生成的信号之间的相关性样本 | 图24. 自适应滤波器的第一个4个系数的调整 |
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C. 使用FX RLS算法的仿真
图25. |
图26. 使用FX RLS算法的工厂风扇仿真 | 图27. 使用FX RLS算法的飞机驾驶舱仿真 |
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[1] B. Farhang and B. Wiley, Adaptive Filters: Theory and Applications (Book style), 2nd ed, pp. 555.
[2] Simon Hayking, Adaptative Filter Theory, 5th ed
[3] D.G.Manolakis,V.K.IngleandS.M.Kogon,StatsticalandAdaptive
Signal Processing.
[4] S.M.KuoandD.R.Morgan,“ReviewofDSPALgorithmsforActive
Noise Control (Presented Conference Paper style),” presented at the International Conference on Control Aplications, Anchorage, Alaska, September 25–27, 2000, Paper 90 SM 690-0 PWRS.
[5] A. Antoniou, Digital Signal Processing: Signals, Systems and Filters (Book style), 1st ed, pp 425
[6] SenM.Kuo,SohiniMitra,andWoon-SengGan“ActiveNoiseControl System for Headphone Applications“
[7] Reshma B and Kiran K A “Active Noise Control System for Head- phone Applications“
[8] On the Numerical Stability and Accuracy of the Conventional Recur- sive Least Squares Algorithm
Study on active noise cancellation
Ian C. Díaz, Matías Fogg, Lisandro Alvarez, Manuel Dieguez
Today, active noise cancellation is applied in the most diverse contexts, from industry to medicine and consumer products. This research work refers to the different noise cancellation systems commonly used. In addition, it analyzes the different adaptive algorithms that can be used for the implementation of these systems. The paper emphasizes on the Broadband Feedforward cancellation system both in its practical aspects and in its implementation. Its implementation is explored with the FxLMS algorithms and its recursive variant FxRLS.
Active noise cancellation is a method for the elimination of one wave by the addition of another. It is implemented by means of an electroacoustic or electromechanical system that takes advantage of the destructive interference phenomenon. To achieve this, it uses a wave with equal amplitude but inverted phase with respect to the noise wave. Consequently, the combination of both waves results in the cancellation of both noises. As will be discussed later, noise cancellation systems or ANC for its acronym in English, are very effective in eliminating low frequency noise. This has caused a great deal of development in the industry since passive noise cancellation systems generally fail to eliminate noise in the low frequency range.
Noise can vary in frequency, amplitude, phase, speed of sound and can be caused by a myriad of sources. This very nature of noise implies that ANC systems must have an adaptive filter that allows modification to all the above mentioned variables. Adaptive filters adjust their coefficients, generally called "weights", to minimize the error signal. The coefficients can be determined by several algorithms, the most widely used is the least mean squares algorithm or LMS for its acronym in English. In addition, there are other algorithms such as NLMS, FxLMS, FxRLS, etc. These will be discussed later. This type of filters can be performed with finite response filters (FIR) and infinite response filters (IIR). As FIR filters are generally used, this is the type of filter that will be used in this work.
In this research work, noise is defined as any undesirable sound that you want to eliminate, noise generated by ma- chines, ambient noise, conversations in a cafe, etc.. In other words, noise can be generated by any means.
ANC systems can be based on pre-feedback or feed- forward, where the reference noise is sampled before it propagates to the second source, or on feedback where the noise is cancelled without a reference. That is, the signal is sampled after the injection of the canceling wave to correct the cancellation error.
Within the feedforward systems are 1) the narrowband systems or Narrowband that will be presented in the section II and 2) the broadband systems or Broadband that will be discussed in the section II. On the other hand, within the feedback systems is the adaptive narrowband system or Narrowband adaptive which will be introduced in section III.
In the IV section, the concept of Wiener adaptive filters and the criteria that must be taken into account to implement them correctly will be presented.
In the V section, the concepts and application of several algorithms to implement adaptive filters such as the LMS will be developed. In the VI section, a series of simulations of a Broadband Feedforward system are developed.
A. Narrowband Feedforward System
In many ANC applications noise signals are periodic. These signals can be generated by machines such as motors, fans, compressors, etc. This system uses the periodicity of these signals to cancel the noise. This type of system has the following advantages:
- Feedback from the noise-canceling speaker to the reference microphone is avoided.
- Alignments from the reference microphone are avoided.
- As it is periodic noise, the causality limitation is eliminated.
- The possibility of generating reference signals allows to control each harmonic independently.
- It is only necessary to model the transfer function on frequencies close to that of the harmonics.
- Fig1 Representation of the system Narrowband Feedforward
Representation of the system Narrowband Feedforward
A basic diagram of such a system is shown in Fig. 1. The system has a sensor that acts as the trigger of the signal generator. The reference signal generated can be of two types: 1) a pulse train with period equal to the inverse
of the fundamental frequency of the periodic noise and 2) sine waves with the same frequencies as the harmonics of the periodic noise. To implement the 1) type the method called wave synthesis is used while for the 2) type an adaptive notch filter is used. No matter what type of reference signal is generated, it is processed by an adaptive filter and sent to the driver. By means of an error signal the adaptive filter is modified (thanks to different algorithms) to minimize the error.
The synthesis method is explained in more detail below. The sensor captures the periodic noise signal and the noise samples are stored. We define N as the number of samples in one cycle of the noise wave. The samples represent the waveform to be generated to suppress the noise. The samples are sequentially sent to an analog digital converter to produce the signal to be reproduced in the noise cancelling driver. In this process is the adaptive FIR filter that has a length equal to one period of the noise signal or N samples. The residual sound is picked up by the error microphone which is synchronized with the pulses of the reference signal. Subsequently, the adaptive filter is modified to decrease the error. It can be proved that the LMS recursion is obtained as:
Its development will be discussed in more detail in the section V. After a series of mathematical steps [1], the transfer function of the system is obtained:
(1) is an interesting equation as it relates the original noise,
stant amplitude of (
that attenuates at the fundamental and harmonic frequencies of the periodic noise. (1) shows that
However, the results involving (2) will not be developed since this research work focuses on the Broadband Feedforward ANC system.
As a final comment about this type of system, the time required must be considered. That is to say, the time it takes for the signal to be processed by the adaptive filter and then sent to the loudspeaker and also the time it takes for the signal to reach the error microphone must be taken into account. Taking these times into consideration, the algorithm that modifies the adaptive filter can be appropriately adapted to be able to use this type of systems in a real time implementation.
B. Broadband Feedforward System
The system is illustrated in Fig. 2. The system has a reference microphone that takes the input signal, the signal is processed by the ANC system that reproduces a signal in the cancellation speaker. It has an error microphone that modifies the behavior of the adaptive filter to minimize the error of the ANC system.
- Fig2 Representación del sistema Broadband Feedforward
The primary path
To clarify the operation of the system, a block diagram of the system is illustrated in Fig. 3. The error microphone is depicted as the adder module whose input signals are
Evaluating the system in Fig.3 yields the transfer function of the input signal between
- Fig. 3 Block representation of the Broadband Feedforward
Since perfect noise cancellation is desired,
As clarified above, the adaptive filter can be implemented with an IIR filter but its adaptation can be problematic because the poles close to the unit circle can move out of the unit circle generating the condition of instability to the system in the adaptation process. Ergo, one might think that the solution is to use a FIR filter. However, the use of a FIR filter as an alternative has difficulties in practice. Generally, the error microphone and the cancellation loudspeaker are placed at the same distance from the reference microphone. In addition, the error microphone is usually placed close to the cancellation speaker. This arrangement in the components results in high-order transfer functions for the primary path
To solve this drawback, one could estimate
One might think that since
- Fig. 4. Block representation of the Broadband Feedforward system using
- Fig. 5. Block diagram of the Broadband Feedforward System with online and offline modes of operation.
- Fig. 6. Block representation of the system Broadband Feedforward without
It is useful to analyze how the system would be without considering
Clearly (5) is simpler than (4). Like (4) the adaptive filter can be approximated by a FIR filter driven by an adaptive algorithm.
Finalizing the study of this type of systems it is not superfluous to mention the importance of the processing time. After the reference microphone takes the input signal, the system has a certain time to generate the cancellation speaker signal. If the time it takes to generate this signal (electronic delay) is longer than the time it takes for the noise to get from the reference microphone to the driver (acoustic delay), the efficiency of the system is severely impaired. This is because the system response is non-causal when the electronic delay is greater than the acoustic delay. When the causality condition is achieved the system is able to suppress random noises. On the contrary, if the causality condition is not achieved, the system can only eliminate periodic noises [4]. As a last clarification note that this system is not limited to periodic noises, this makes it somehow superior to the previous system. That is why this system has more applications than the Narrowband Feedforward system.
In conclusion, it can be said that the difficulty in this type of systems lies in the realization of the adaptive filter
This section introduces the NarrowBand Feedback sys- tems. A one-channel block diagram of a Feedback system is illustrated in Fig. 7. The signal acquired by the error microphone is processed by the adaptive filter to generate a signal at the noise-cancelling driver. This type of system synthesizes its own reference signal based only on the input from the adaptive filter and the error signal. That is why the idea is to estimate the primary noise and use it as a reference for the adaptive filter.
- Fig. 7. Basic system representation Narrowband feedback
- Fig. 8. System representation Narrowband Feedback
Then, when
This scenario entails that
to an approximation
The transfer
It is observed that if a good estimate
Furthermore, if \(\frac{1}{S(z)\) is stable and causal,and
Fig 9 shows the system including the module implementing the adaptive algorithm.
- Fig. 9. Narrowband Feedback System
In this section the concept of the Wiener filter is developed since, as seen in the previous sections, it is the adaptive filter most commonly used in noise cancellation systems.
A block diagram of a Wiener filter
- Fig. 10. Block representation of a filtering problem
Before starting with a more detailed explanation of this type of filters, the mean square error criterion is introduced. It arises from the need to determine which filter coefficients produce the smallest error. It is defined as:
This concept is mentioned here because it will be very useful in the following.Continuing with a more detailed explanation of this type of filters, a transversal filter is illustrated in Fig. 11. Both the input
- Fig. 11. Cross-sectional filter representation
The output
The error is given by:
Using (10) it can be shown that:
If the cross-correlation vector and the autocorrelation
matrix are defined as:
It is obtained that:
To obtain the coefficients that minimize the function (18) one must solve the system of equations that result from making the partial derivatives of ε with respect to each coefficient equal to zero. It can be shown that one arrives at:
(19) is known as the equation wiener-Hopf where the optimal filter coefficients can be obtained.Replacing the latter equation in 18 gives the minimun mean-squared error:
(20) allows to choose the optimal coefficients that mini-mize the error of the adaptive filter. This result will be used again in the V section.
For the implementation of adaptive signal filters, a dis-tinction is made between two categories of algorithms used to minimize the quadratic error between the output and the desired result: those that estimate the filter parameters deterministically and those that do so by means of statistical methods.
The former are characterized by high convergence speeds, but at the same time imply high computational capacity requirements: the recursive least squares method (hereafter RLS) is a prominent example of this category. The latter are based on stochastic methods and therefore require fewer resources: the least mean squares method (LMS) and its vari-ants (NMLS, FX-LMS, etc. are examples of this category).
A brief description of the various relevant algorithms is given below, with emphasis on the stochastic ones, since their computational complexity is relatively low.
A. Recursive Least Squares Algorithm: RLS
The RLS algorithm recursively finds the filter coefficients to minimize the cost function of a weighted linear regression of the input signals: it uses information from the input signals from the beginning of its operation, i.e. it has memory. Because of this, it operates with large information matri-ces, which implies great mathematical complexity. Although there are methods of this type designed to be more computa- tionally efficient, they fail to compare with stochastic filters, which only deal with the current input. The family of least squares algorithms is known to have numerical conditioning problems. The implementation of this family of algorithms is very sensitive to rounding errors in finite precision systems [8].
B. Least Mean Squares Algorithm: LMS
Starting from the basis of Wiener’s filter theory, we think of filters with a non-recursive structure. Therefore, the time expression of the filter output will be determined by (21).
If a cost function is defined as
Being pn the cross-correlation and
From this point on, it could be assumed that it would be sufficient to use the equation obtained from the gradient to apply the gradient descent algorithm and arrive at a minimum of the cost function. However, the dependence of the gradient on
Therefore, using these estimators and replacing in (29), we obtain:
Finally, after this mathematical development, and using the same logic in the derivation of the gradient descent algorithm, we obtain (33), which is the so-called LMS algorithm equation.
- F-X LMS Algorithm: As explained in section II, the filter transfer is given by
and then this is approximated to a FIR filter using different algorithms.The Filtered-X Least-Mean-Square, better known as FX-LMS, is simply the version of the LMS algorithm applied to FIR-type transfers.
Therefore, if we define as the filtered version of we obtain (34) which is the equation of the FX-LMS algorithm [1].
It is important to clarify that
- Fig. 12. Implementation of an FXLMS algorithm
- Convergence: Although there will not be a very de- tailed analysis on how to evaluate and define the parameters for the LMS algorithm to converge, the condition that must be fulfilled to be able to say a priori that the algorithm converges is given by (35).
The upper bound
restrictive [1]. This may be due to the delay generated by the ANC filter to the input signal before reaching the error microphone, which may generate instability. Therefore, if the
3) F-X RLS algorithm: On the other hand, implementing the RLS algorithm for filtered signal, we have the system shown in Fig. 13. Like the FX LMS the input signal is the signal
As we know, using this algorithm will result in an ex-tremely high convergence speed, but at the cost of compu-tational complexity. This generates problems in our system, since implementing an algorithm of these characteristics in a compact device, such as a headset, would be insufficiently expensive. However, in case we have the capability to use it, we will see the advantages of it below.
- Fig. 13. Diagram of ANC system for FX RLS algorithm update
To carry out the simulation of a Broadband Feedforward system we assume the following: 1) the path
It should be noted that all simulations are performed using Python programming code.
A. Simulation of acoustic paths
In order to perform a simulation of everything discussed above, we must first have the acoustic paths
- Fig. 14. Physical diagram of the path
On the other hand, for the acoustic path
B. Simulation with FX LMS
- Fig. 15. Impulse response of the path
- Fig. 16. Physical diagram of the path
- Fig. 17. Impulse response of the path
- Fig. 18. Block representation of the system to estimate
A block diagram of the estimation procedure is illustrated
in Fig. 18. The estimation is performed as follows: 1) place
- Fig. 19. Simulation of the estimation error of
. Gaussian white noise is set as input .
Having the estimate
Fig. 22 shows the result of a simulation with a random noise. The noise to be suppressed is the noise produced by a fan in a factory. Note that although it seems that the algorithm takes longer to adapt than in the previous case, this is due to the shorter length of this audio.
Finally, Fig. 24 shows how the first 4 coefficients of the adaptive filter converge to their respective values.
- Fig. 20. Simulation of the system inside the aircraft cabin
- Fig. 21. Sample of the correlation between the desired inverted signal and the signal generated by our system for the aircraft cockpit case.
- Fig. 22. Simulation of the system with noise from a factory fan
- Fig. 23. Sample of the correlation between the desired inverted signal and the signal generated by our system for the case of the factory fan.
- Fig. 24. Adjustment of the first 4 coefficients of the adaptive filter.
The system behaved appropriately under inputs of different nature. This shows that it is suitable for use in, for example, noise cancelling headphones.
- Fig. 25.
for filter estimation - Fig. 26. Simulation of a fan in a factory with the FX RLS algorithm
- Fig. 27. Simulation of an aircraft cockpit with the FX RLS algorithm
C. Simulation with FX RLS algorithm
AswiththeFXLMS,we first estimated the $\hat{S_2} filter,giving
a result of
Finally, we simulated the same environments proposed for
the LMS case and arrived at the results shown in Figures 26 and 27.
In this research work, the theory and implementation of three types of noise cancellation systems were developed. It was found that the Broadband Feedforward system has the most practical applications and was the most detailed. In conjunction, the FX-LMS algorithm was found to be the most appropriate for the implementation of the adaptive filter. Although the system was successfully simulated, its physical implementation is suggested to corroborate the results obtained in the simulations.
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