Prototypes in Javascript 收集.__proto__
It’s important to understand that a function’s prototype property has nothing to do with it’s actual prototype.
恩 js每个独享都有原型这个属性
You said every object has a prototype. But when I write ({}).prototype I get undefined. Are you crazy?
The true prototype of an object is held by the internal [[Prototype]] property.
一般情况下 Prototype 这个属性是对象内部私有属性
ec5 规定了访问这个属性的方式
It’s important to understand that a function’s prototype property has nothing to do with it’s actual prototype.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 | //(example fails in IE) var A = function (name) { this .name = name; } A.prototype == A.__proto__; //false A.__proto__ == Function.prototype; //true - A's prototype is set to its constructor's prototype property |
1 | <a href= "//" rel= "noopener nofollow" ><img style= "background-image: none; padding-top: 0; padding-left: 0; display: inline; padding-right: 0; border-width: 0" title= "image" src= "//" alt= "image" width= "516" height= "216" border= "0" ></a> |
1 | 测试代码 |
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 | <script> function A(name) { this .name = name; } console.log( "prototype:" + A.prototype ); //false console.log( "prototype typeof:" + typeof A.prototype ); //false console.log( "__proto__:" + A.__proto__); //false console.log( "__proto__: typeof:" + A.__proto__); //false console.log( A.prototype == A.__proto__); //false console.log( A.__proto__ == Function.prototype); //true - A's prototype is set to its constructor's prototype property console.log( '====================' ) console.log( A.__proto__.__proto__==A.prototype.__proto__) console.log( A.__proto__.__proto__) console.log( "A.__proto__.__proto__:" + typeof A.__proto__.__proto__) console.log( A.prototype.__proto__) console.log( " A.prototype.__proto__:" + typeof A.prototype.__proto__) </script> |
通过实验数据可以看到 A真是原型.__proto__和 A里面的属性prototype没有直接关系
A..__proto__ 和 Function.prototype 是一致的
也就是说 定义一个构造函数
function A(name) { = name; }
A 的原型是Function.prototype
然后在 var myA=new A('mm') 用构造函数实例化一个对象
这个对象的原型就是 A.prototype
console.log("myA.__proto__== A.prototype:"+(myA.__proto__== A.prototype))
也可以不通过构造函数构建对象 例如 可以直接根据 prototype属性创建对象
var myA2=Object.create(A.prototype);
console.log("myA2.__proto__== A.prototype:"+(myA2.__proto__== A.prototype))
所以原型 链 一定要NEW一次,否则就直接绕过去了
When a primitive is asked for it’s prototype it will be coerced to an object.
//(works in IE<=8 too, due to double-negative)
.__proto__ === Boolean(
js 里面最基本的5中数据类型 如果找他们的原型的话,会自动转换成 包装类 再找自己的原型
console.log( Object.getPrototypeOf(false))
Uncaught TypeError: Object.getPrototypeOf called on non-object
Object.getPrototypeOf 说明这个方法只能对对象使用
例如 function bb(){}
bb.prototype 根据BB创建对象的原型
bb.__proto__ 创建bb函数的原型 (是 function )
bb.prototype.__proto__ 创建bb函数的原型 (是 function ) 的原型 (是 Object)
bb.prototype.__proto__ .__proto__ null
A instanceof B
A 为对象 B构造函数 B出现在A的圆形脸上
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