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Posted on 2012-07-24 18:00  紫冰龙  阅读(1155)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报

imp 命令参数

index=n        不导索引   
commit=y   以buffer数量为单位提交.如果多数据量小使用N.这样提交会以表为单位 .保证数据一致性

imp userid=\'/ as sysdba\' full=y rows=n indexes=n Constraints=y grants=y buffer=10240000 ignore=y commit=y feedback=10000 file=exp_meta_001.dmp, exp_meta_002.dmp, exp_meta_003.dmp log=imp_f.log statistics=None

imp 导完 没反应

imp的session 显示空闲等待 single-task message 也不能用alter system kill session终止 只能用kill -9


Getting 10046 Trace for Export and Import Utilities


DBA's and Support Analysts

Getting 10046 Trace for Export and Import Utilities
1] Run command export and let the program prompt you for the options.

$ exp system/manager

2] Open another window and attach the debugger as described below.

Run the following SQL statement to find the session that is running the export.

$ sqlplus system/manager

sql>     select sid,program from
    v$session where username = 'SYSTEM'

---------- ------------------------------------------------
10         exp@machine01.com (TNS V1-V3) <-- Session running export command

sql>     select s.sid, p.pid, p.spid
    from v$session s, v$process p
    where s.paddr = p.addr and s.sid = 10;

SID         PID         SPID
---------- ----------         ---------
10        15         2619

SPID from the previous query is equivalent to OSPID (operating System process).

3] Generate a trace file to Proccess ID 2619

Note:- Use SQLPLUS and connect as sysdba in 9i and higher.

$ svrmgrl <enter>

svrmgr> connect internal

svrmgr> oradebug setospid 2619

svrmgr> oradebug Event 10046 trace name context forever, level 12;

4] Switch back to the exp/imp windows and enter the parameters and then start the operation.

   FILE=file.dmp (or the Parameters used by your export)

5] Set the Trace off once you get the Required information or the error.

svrmgr> oradebug Event 10046 trace name context off;

This will generate a trace file in the udump directory with the Process ID appended.


Troubleshooting a slow running import (IMP).
Consider splitting the import into two separate processes, by using the following Import parameters:

1. Run mport with INDEXFILE to build a file of index creation commands

2. Then run import with:

BUFFER -> set as large as you can
COMMIT=Y -> so don't run out of rollback
INDEXES = N -> Build indexes after importing data

3. Consider increasing SORT_AREA_SIZE to avoid/reduce sort data going to disk, but be aware that it is a per-user parameter. Run the index creation script generated from INDEXFILE above