swift MBProgressHUD加载gif或者apng的动图



extension MBProgressHUD {
    ///  MBProgressHUD 显示加载gif hud方法
    /// - parameter view:               hud where to show
    /// - parameter userInterface:      hud userInerface enable  default = true
    /// - parameter animated:           hud show with animation  default = true
    /// - returns: nil
    class func showGifAdded(to view:UIView!,userInterface:Bool = true,animated:Bool = true){
        let image = UIImage.sd_animatedGIFNamed("loading")
//        let image = YYImage(named: "loading")
//        let giftImgView =  YYAnimatedImageView(frame: CGRect(x: 0, y: 0, width: 80, height: 80))
//        giftImgView.image = image
        let giftImgView = UIImageView(image: image)
        let hud = MBProgressHUD.showAdded(to: view, animated: animated)
        hud?.color = .clear
        hud?.mode = .customView
        hud?.isUserInteractionEnabled = userInterface
        hud?.customView = giftImgView


MBProgressHUD.showGifAdded(to: view, animated: true)   //默认userInterface=true
MBProgressHUD.showGifAdded(to: view, userInterface: false, animated: true) //可以设置userInterface=false
posted @ 2017-03-29 09:33  qqcc1388  阅读(2248)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报