Future Works on P4

Future Works on P4

  • P4 and NV: MPvisor, Hyper4, HyperV, Flex4
  • P4 and NFV
  • P4 and Network Cache
  • P4 and Forwarding with Stateful: P5(NSDI 2017), OpenState.p4, etc.
  • P4 and NF: heavy hitters, DPI, middleboxes etc.
  • P4 and TE
  • P4 and DataCenter
  • P4 and AI(?)
  • P4 and FPGA
  • P4 and Applications: AppSwitch(APNet, 2017)
  • Moreover...
posted @ 2017-07-29 22:56  Wasdns  阅读(287)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报