
这是一个用java3d 做的3D粒子特效,如果做为屏保棒极了。
  运行后 出现一个控制面板和显示面板,可以在控制面板里面控制显示属性,有电脑系统优化很多种变换,自己运行时慢慢欣赏吧。
  A java3d window and an awt control panel window will appear.Use the control panel to alter the various settings.Use the up and down arrows to rotate the particles.There are keyboard mappings for the control panel, but they don't update the ui. (Make sure you click in the j3d window first).

0        pause
[1-7]    set point size
[        fewer points
]        more points
<space>  toggle points/lines
,        slower
.        faster
/        move forward in time
m        move backward in time

下载 href="http://java.chinaitlab.com/UploadFiles_8734/200602/20060207112108410.zip">源码下载


posted @ 2013-08-30 14:26  豆豆逗逗  阅读(457)  评论(1编辑  收藏  举报