摘要:Folks,I was wondering if I could get a bit of help here as I've been racking my brains on it for ages.I am using BAPI_ACC_DOCUMENT_POST to post an FI Document. When I run the FM with the below parameters I get the message back:SG105 Enter rate / GBP rate type M for 23.06.2011 in the system setti
06 2013 档案
摘要:CALL FUNCTION 'CALCULATE_TAX_FROM_GROSSAMOUNT' EXPORTING i_bukrs = '1000' "公司代码 i_mwskz = 'X1' "税码 i_waers = 'CNY' "币种 i_wrbtr = amount "金额 TABLES T_MWDAT = t_tax_info. * Now I loop the t_tax_info table in order to fill the ACCOUNTTAX and CURRENCYA