Balanced Sequence(毒瘤啊)排序贪心 HDU多校
Problem Description
Chiaki has n strings s1,s2,…,sn consisting of '(' and ')'. A string of this type is said to be balanced:
+ if it is the empty string
+ if A and B are balanced, AB is balanced,
+ if A is balanced, (A) is balanced.
Chiaki can reorder the strings and then concatenate them get a new string t . Let f(t) be the length of the longest balanced subsequence (not necessary continuous) of t . Chiaki would like to know the maximum value of f(t) for all possible t .
+ if it is the empty string
+ if A and B are balanced, AB is balanced,
+ if A is balanced, (A) is balanced.
Chiaki can reorder the strings and then concatenate them get a new string t . Let f(t) be the length of the longest balanced subsequence (not necessary continuous) of t . Chiaki would like to know the maximum value of f(t) for all possible t .
There are multiple test cases. The first line of input contains an integer T
, indicating the number of test cases. For each test case:
The first line contains an integer n (1≤n≤105 ) -- the number of strings.
Each of the next n lines contains a string si (1≤|si|≤105 ) consisting of `(' and `)'.
It is guaranteed that the sum of all |si| does not exceeds 5×106 .
The first line contains an integer n (1≤n≤105 ) -- the number of strings.
Each of the next n lines contains a string si (1≤|si|≤105 ) consisting of `(' and `)'.
It is guaranteed that the sum of all |si| does not exceeds 5×106 .
For each test case, output an integer denoting the answer.
Sample Input
Sample Output
1 #include <bits/stdc++.h> 2 using namespace std; 3 typedef long long LL; 4 const int maxn = 1e5 + 10; 5 struct node { 6 int l, r, sum; 7 } qu[maxn]; 8 int cmp(node a, node b) { 9 if (a.r < a.l && b.r >= b.l) return 1; 10 if (a.r >= a.l && b.r < b.l) return 0; 11 if (a.r >= a.l && b.r >= b.l) return a.l > b.l; 12 return a.r < b.r; 13 } 14 int n, t; 15 char s[50 * maxn]; 16 int main() { 17 scanf("%d", &t); 18 while(t--) { 19 scanf("%d", &n); 20 for (int i = 0 ; i < n ; i++) { 21 scanf("%s", s); 22 qu[i].l = qu[i].r = qu[i].sum = 0; 23 int len = strlen(s); 24 for (int j = 0 ; j < len ; j++) { 25 if (s[j] == '(') qu[i].l++; 26 else { 27 if (qu[i].l > 0) qu[i].l--, qu[i].sum++; 28 else qu[i].r++; 29 } 30 } 31 } 32 sort(qu, qu + n, cmp); 33 int ans = 0, cnt = 0; 34 for (int i = 0 ; i < n ; i++) { 35 if (qu[i].r > cnt) { 36 ans += cnt + qu[i].sum; 37 cnt = 0; 38 } else { 39 ans += qu[i].r + qu[i].sum; 40 cnt -= qu[i].r; 41 } 42 cnt += qu[i].l; 43 } 44 printf("%d\n", ans * 2); 45 } 46 return 0; 47 }
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