1 //向上移动
2 moveUp(index,row) {
3 var that = this;
4 console.log('上移',index,row);
5 console.log(that.imageData[index]);
6 if (index > 0) {
7 let upDate = that.imageData[index - 1];
8 that.imageData.splice(index - 1, 1);
9 that.imageData.splice(index,0, upDate);
10 } else {
11 alert('已经是第一条,不可上移');
12 }
13 },
14 //向下移动
15 moveDown(index,row){
16 var that = this;
17 console.log('下移',index,row);
18 if ((index + 1) === that.imageData.length){
19 alert('已经是最后一条,不可下移');
20 } else {
21 console.log(index);
22 let downDate = that.imageData[index + 1];
23 that.imageData.splice(index + 1, 1);
24 that.imageData.splice(index,0, downDate);
25 }
26 },