[TinyRenderer] Chapter1 p2 vec
- 类型可扩展,鲁棒性还可以
- 易于使用
class Tuple2
* \brief every element's parent class who has two parameter
* \tparam Child a template class contains one template parameter
* \tparam T defined by the child's type of template parameter
template <template <typename> class Child, typename T> class Tuple2
static constexpr int nDimensions = 2;
Tuple2() = default;
Tuple2(T x, T y) : x(x), y(y)
Tuple2(Child<T> c)
x = c.x;
y = c.y;
Child<T>& operator=(Child<T> c)
x = c.x;
y = c.y;
return static_cast<Child<T>&>(*this);
template <typename U> auto operator+(Child<U> c) const -> Child<decltype(T{} + U{})>
return {x + c.x, y + c.y};
template <typename U> Child<T>& operator+=(Child<U> c)
x += c.x;
y += c.y;
return static_cast<Child<T>&>(*this);
template <typename U> auto operator-(Child<U> c) const -> Child<decltype(T{} - U{})>
return {x - c.x, y - c.y};
template <typename U> Child<T>& operator-=(Child<U> c)
x -= c.x;
y -= c.y;
return static_cast<Child<T>&>(*this);
bool operator==(Child<T> c) const
return x == c.x && y == c.y;
bool operator!=(Child<T> c) const
return x != c.x || y != c.y;
template <typename U> auto operator*(U s) const -> Child<decltype(T{} * U{})>
return {s * x, s * y};
template <typename U> Child<T>& operator*=(U s)
x *= s;
y *= s;
return static_cast<Child<T>&>(*this);
template <typename U> Child<decltype(T{} / U{})> operator/(U d) const
VEC_CHECK(d != 0);
return {x / d, y / d};
template <typename U> [[nodiscard]] Child<T>& operator/=(U d)
VEC_CHECK(d != 0);
x /= d;
y /= d;
return static_cast<Child<T>&>(*this);
[[nodiscard]] Child<T> operator-() const
return {-x, -y};
[[nodiscard]] T& operator[](const int i) const
VEC_CHECK(i >= 0 && i <= 1);
return (i == 0) ? x : y;
[[nodiscard]] T& operator[](const int i)
VEC_CHECK(i >= 0 && i <= 1);
return (i == 0) ? x : y;
[[nodiscard]] std::string toString() const
return std::to_string(x) + std::to_string(x);
T x{};
T y{};
为了达成鲁棒性的需求,我在方法的定义中加入了仅在debug模式下生效的assert,同时封装进入宏变量中,提高了代码健壮性的同时,也不会影响性能。 -
该声明于C++17版本中加入,声明在使用该方法时,不应当遗弃返回值,否则会发出警告,在调试时,略有作用 -
template <template <typename> class Child, typename T>
// 派生类 Vec2,继承自 Tuple2
template <typename T> class Vec2 : public Tuple2<Vec2, T>
using Tuple2<Vec2, T>::x;
using Tuple2<Vec2, T>::y;
Vec2() : Tuple2<Vec2, T>()
Vec2(T x, T y) : Tuple2<Vec2, T>(x, y)
void print() const
std::cout << "Vec2: (" << this->x << ", " << this->y << ")\n";
template <typename T> class Point2 : public Tuple2<Point2, T>
using Tuple2<Point2, T>::x;
using Tuple2<Point2, T>::y;
Point2() : Tuple2<Point2, T>()
Point2(T x, T y) : Tuple2<Point2, T>(x, y)
void print() const
std::cout << "Point2: (" << this->x << ", " << this->y << ")\n";
// 基类模板 Tuple3
template <template <typename> class Child, typename T> class Tuple3
static constexpr int nDimensions = 3;
Tuple3() = default;
Tuple3(T x, T y, T z) : x(x), y(y), z(z)
Tuple3(Child<T> c)
x = c.x;
y = c.y;
z = c.z;
Child<T>& operator=(Child<T> c)
x = c.x;
y = c.y;
z = c.z;
return static_cast<Child<T>&>(*this);
template <typename U> auto operator+(Child<U> c) const -> Child<decltype(T{} + U{})>
return {x + c.x, y + c.y, z + c.z};
template <typename U> Child<T>& operator+=(Child<U> c)
x += c.x;
y += c.y;
z += c.z;
return static_cast<Child<T>&>(*this);
template <typename U> auto operator-(Child<U> c) const -> Child<decltype(T{} - U{})>
return {x - c.x, y - c.y, z - c.z};
template <typename U> Child<T>& operator-=(Child<U> c)
x -= c.x;
y -= c.y;
z -= c.z;
return static_cast<Child<T>&>(*this);
bool operator==(Child<T> c) const
return x == c.x && y == c.y && z == c.z;
bool operator!=(Child<T> c) const
return x != c.x || y != c.y || z != c.z;
template <typename U> auto operator*(U s) const -> Child<decltype(T{} * U{})>
return {s * x, s * y, s * z};
template <typename U> Child<T>& operator*=(U s)
x *= s;
y *= s;
z *= s;
return static_cast<Child<T>&>(*this);
template <typename U> Child<decltype(T{} / U{})> operator/(U d) const
VEC_CHECK(d != 0);
return {x / d, y / d, z / d};
template <typename U> [[nodiscard]] Child<T>& operator/=(U d)
VEC_CHECK(d != 0);
x /= d;
y /= d;
z /= d;
return static_cast<Child<T>&>(*this);
[[nodiscard]] Child<T> operator-() const
return {-x, -y, -z};
[[nodiscard]] T& operator[](const int i) const
VEC_CHECK(i >= 0 && i <= 2);
return (i == 0) ? x : (i == 1) ? y : z;
[[nodiscard]] T& operator[](const int i)
VEC_CHECK(i >= 0 && i <= 2);
return (i == 0) ? x : (i == 1) ? y : z;
[[nodiscard]] std::string toString() const
return std::to_string(x) + ", " + std::to_string(y) + ", " + std::to_string(z);
T x{};
T y{};
T z{};
// 派生类 Vec3,继承自 Tuple3
template <typename T> class Vec3 : public Tuple3<Vec3, T>
// 显式引入模板基类的属性
using Tuple3<Vec3, T>::x;
using Tuple3<Vec3, T>::y;
using Tuple3<Vec3, T>::z;
Vec3() : Tuple3<Vec3, T>()
Vec3(T x, T y, T z) : Tuple3<Vec3, T>(x, y, z)
void print() const
std::cout << "Vec3: (" << this->x << ", " << this->y << ", " << this->z << ")\n";
template <typename T> class Point3 : public Tuple3<Point3, T>
using Tuple3<Point3, T>::x;
using Tuple3<Point3, T>::y;
using Tuple3<Point3, T>::z;
Point3() : Tuple3<Point3, T>()
Point3(T x, T y, T z) : Tuple3<Point3, T>(x, y, z)
void print() const
std::cout << "Point3: (" << this->x << ", " << this->y << ", " << this->z << ")\n";
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