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  1. Double click on UI element goes to its _click event.
  2. F12 – for method or variable, go to its definition by right-click on element and select Go To Definition (F12).
  3. Shift + F12 – for method or variable, find its all reference by right-click on element and select Find All References (Shift + F12).
  4. Ctrl + - - after going to a new position, return back to the previous location by Ctrl + -.


  1. F5 – start debugging
  2. F9 – toggle breakpoint for current line.
  3. Breakpoint Contrition – only hit the breakpoint when certain condition is satisfied.
  4. F10 – execute the code in current line, and then step to the next line.
  5. F11 – Step into the method in the current line


  1. In debug mode, moving cursor onto property to see the current value after execution.
  2. Watch – for property or variable, see its value by right-click on it and select Add Watch or Quick Watch (Shift + F9).
  3. Move executed line – move cursor onto the current executed line, click on it to drag and drop the execution mark to other location inside the method, this will change the current executed line.
posted on 2014-07-08 11:16  零点零一  阅读(323)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报