
 1 #include <iostream>
 2 using namespace std;
 3 class base{         //基类
 4 public:
 5     void a(void)
 6     { 
 7         cout<<"base::a called\n";
 8     }
 9     virtual void b(void)   //虚函数
10     {
11         cout<<"base::b called\n";
12     }
13     virtual void c(void)   //虚函数
14     {
15         cout<<"base::c called\n";
16     }
17 };
19 class derived:public base{     //派生类
20 public: 
21     void a(void) {cout<<"derived::a called\n";}   //派生类自定义的成员函数a 和 b,c继承于基类
22     void b(void) {cout<<"derived::b called\n";}
23 };
25 void do_base(base &a_base)  //  基类作为变量,只在基类找成员函数
26 {
27 cout<<"call function in the base class\n";
28 a_base.a();  //base::a called\n
29 a_base.b();  //derived::b called\n  虚函数作用
30 a_base.c();  //base::c called\n
31 }
33 int main()
34 {
35 derived a_derived;  //定义derived对象
36 cout<<"calling function in the derived class\n";
38 a_derived.a();  //调用a时,查看派生类,derived::a called
39 a_derived.b();  //derived::b called\n
40 a_derived.c();  //base::c called\n  派生类寻找失败,基类寻找 
42 do_base(a_derived); 
43 system("pause");
44 return (0);
45 }

base为基类  derived为派生类

派生类有三个成员函数,其中两个是自定的:a和b,第三个c是继承于基类的,当调用a时,先查看派生类是否有a的定义:base::a called

b同理得::base::b called

但是当调用c时,派生类中没有定义这个成员函数,所以转到基类中寻找,即得到:base::c called



base::a called
derived::b called
base::c called

 1 #include <iostream>
 2 using namespace std;
 3 class animal
 4 {
 5 public:
 6     void eat()
 7     {
 8         cout<<"animal eat"<<endl;
 9     }
10 virtual    void breathe()
11     {
12         cout<<"animal breathe"<<endl;
13     }
14 };
15 class  fish:public animal
16 {
17 public:
18     void breathe()
19     {
20         cout<<"fish breathe"<<endl;
21     }
22 };
23 void fn(animal * pAn)    //指向animal类的指针作为全局函数fn()的参数 将基类作为参数,若有虚函数,调用派生类中的函数实现
24 {
25     pAn->breathe();
26 }
27 void main()
28 {              //指针表示一个地址
29 animal *pAn;    //定义指向animal类的指针 pAn表示地址 *pAn表示该地址的值
30 fish fh;        //实例化fish对象
31 pAn=&fh;        //将fh的地址传给pAn  因为fish对象也是animal对象,将fish转换成animal类型不需要强制类型转换,C++编译器会自动转换
32 fn(pAn);        //执行fn函数  ,如果animal中breathe为虚函数,C++就会采取迟绑定技术
33 system("pause");
34 //多态性:在基类的函数前加virtual关键字,在派生类中重写该函数,运行时就会根据对象的实际类型来调用相应函数
35 }

posted @ 2018-04-17 17:57  小雨滴答  阅读(134)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报