Stack 堆栈: 后进先出
# Queue队列 : 先进先出 FIFO(FIRST IN FIRST OUT) # put # get # class Queue: # def __init__(self): # self.l = [] # def put(self,item): # self.l.append(item) # def get(self): # return self.l.pop(0) # q = Queue() # q.put(1) # q.put(2) # q.put(3) # print(q.get()) # print(q.get()) # print(q.get()) # 假设你希望一个类的多个对象之间 的某个属性 是各自的属性,而不是共同的属性 # 这个时候我们要把变量存储在对象的命名空间中,不能建立静态变量, # 建立静态变量是所有的对象共同使用一个变量 # class Stack: # def __init__(self): # self.l = [] # def put(self,item): # self.l.append(item) # def get(self): # return self.l.pop() # # s1 = Stack() # s2 = Stack() # s1.put(1) # s2.put('a') # s2.put('b') # s2.put('c') # s1.put(2) # s1.put(3) # print(s2.get()) # print(s1.get()) # print(s2.get()) # print(s2.get()) # print(s1.get()) # s1.put(4) # print(s1.get()) # print(s1.get()) # 方法一 # class Foo: # def __init__(self): # self.l = [] # # def put(self, item): # self.l.append(item) # # # class Queue(Foo): # def get(self): # return self.l.pop(0) # # # class Stack(Foo): # def get(self): # return self.l.pop() # 方法二: # class Foo: # def __init__(self): # self.l = [] # # def put(self,item): # self.l.append(item) # # def get(self): # return self.l.pop() if self.index else self.l.pop(0) # # class Queue(Foo): # def __init__(self): # self.index = 0 # Foo.__init__(self) # # class Stack(Foo): # def __init__(self): # self.index = 1 # Foo.__init__(self) # 方法三 class Foo: def __init__(self): self.l = [] def put(self, item): self.l.append(item) def get(self): return self.l.pop() class Queue(Foo): def get(self): return self.l.pop(0) class Stack(Foo): pass class Mypickle: pass import pickle class Mypickle: def __init__(self, path): self.file = path def dump(self, obj): with open(self.file, 'ab') as f: pickle.dump(obj, f) def load(self): with open(self.file, 'rb') as f: while True: try: yield pickle.load(f) except EOFError: break def run(): pass # def load(self): # l = [] # with open(self.file,'rb') as f: # while True: # try: # l.append(pickle.load(f)) # except EOFError: # break # return l # pic = Mypickle('pickle_file') # s1 = Stack() # s1.put('aaa') # s1.put(123) # s1.put(456) # pic.dump(s1) # s2 = Stack() # s2.put('aaa') # s2.put(123) # s2.put(456) # pic.dump(s2) # for i in pic.load(): # print(i.l)