public RespPageBean getEmployeeByPage(@RequestParam(defaultValue = "1") Integer page,
@RequestParam(defaultValue = "10") Integer size,
Employee employee, Date[] beginDateScope) {
return employeeService.getEmployeeByPage(page, size, employee,beginDateScope);
public RespPageBean getEmployeeByPage(Integer page, Integer size, Employee employee,
Date[] begainDateScope) {
if (page != null && size != null) {
page = (page - 1) * size;
List<Employee> data = employeeMapper.getEmployeeByPage(page, size, employee,begainDateScope);
Long total = employeeMapper.getTotal(employee,begainDateScope);
RespPageBean respPageBean = new RespPageBean();
return respPageBean;
List<Employee> getEmployeeByPage(@Param("page") Integer page, @Param("size") Integer size,
@Param("emp") Employee employee,
@Param("beginDateScope") Date[] beginDateScope);
Long getTotal(@Param("emp")Employee employee,@Param("beginDateScope")Date[] beginDateScope);
<select id="getEmployeeByPage" resultMap="AllEmployeeInfo">
select e.*,n.id as nid,n.`name`as nname, p.id as pid,p.name as pname,d.id as did,d.`name`as
dname,j.id as jid,j.`name`as jname,pos.id as posid,pos.`name`as posname
from employee e,nation n,politicsstatus p,department d,joblevel j,position pos
where e.nationId=n.id and e.politicId=p.id and
e.departmentId=d.id and e.jobLevelId=j.id and e.posId=pos.id
<if test="emp.name !=null and emp.name!=''">
and e.name like concat('%',#{emp.name},'%')
<if test="emp.politicid !=null">
and e.politicId =#{emp.politicid}
<if test="emp.nationid !=null">
and e.nationId =#{emp.nationid}
<if test="emp.departmentid !=null">
and e.departmentId =#{emp.departmentid}
<if test="emp.joblevelid !=null">
and e.jobLevelId =#{emp.joblevelid}
<if test="emp.engageform !=null and emp.engageform!=''">
and e.engageForm =#{emp.engageform}
<if test="emp.posid !=null">
and e.posId =#{emp.posid}
<if test="beginDateScope !=null">
and e.beginDate between #{beginDateScope[0]} and #{beginDateScope[1]}
<if test="page!=null and size!=null">
LIMIT #{page},#{size};
<select id="getTotal" resultType="Long">
select count(*) from employee e
<if test="emp!=null">
<if test="emp.politicid !=null">
and e.politicId =#{emp.politicid}
<if test="emp.nationid !=null">
and e.nationId =#{emp.nationid}
<if test="emp.departmentid !=null">
and e.departmentId =#{emp.departmentid}
<if test="emp.joblevelid !=null">
and e.jobLevelId =#{emp.joblevelid}
<if test="emp.engageform !=null and emp.engageform!=''">
and e.engageForm =#{emp.engageform}
<if test="emp.posid !=null">
and e.posId =#{emp.posid}
<if test="beginDateScope !=null">
and e.beginDate between #{beginDateScope[0]} and #{beginDateScope[1]}