对于以下需求:用户表:users (user_id int)
订单表:order_tb(user_id int, or_time date, or_money double)
with us1 as (select user_id,or_time,or_money,
sum(nvl(case when to_char(or_time,'MM') = '01' then 1 end,0)) over (partition by user_id) m1,
sum(nvl(case when to_char(or_time,'MM') = '02' then 1 end,0)) over (partition by user_id) m2,
sum(nvl(case when to_char(or_time,'MM') = '03' then 1 end,0)) over (partition by user_id) m3,
sum(case when to_char(or_time,'MM') = 03 and or_money > 100 then 1 end) over (partition by user_id) cnt
from order_tb
where or_time between to_date('20170101','YYYYMMDD') and to_date('20170331','YYYYMMDD')),
mo1 as (select distinct user_id,
case when to_char(or_time,'MM') = 03 then first_value(or_money) over (partition by user_id order by or_time) end f1v,
case when to_char(or_time,'MM') = 03 then last_value(or_money) over (partition by user_id order by or_time range between unbounded preceding and unbounded following) end f3l,
cnt from (select * from us1 where m2=0 and m1 >0 and m3 >0 and or_time between to_date('20170301','YYYYMMDD') and to_date('20170331','YYYYMMDD')))