



[root@node1 ~]# yum install libguestfs-tools
已加载插件:fastestmirror, langpacks
base                                                                                            | 3.6 kB  00:00:00     
docker-ce-stable                                                                                | 3.5 kB  00:00:00     
epel                                                                                            | 4.7 kB  00:00:00     
extras                                                                                          | 2.9 kB  00:00:00     
updates                                                                                         | 2.9 kB  00:00:00     
(1/3): epel/x86_64/updateinfo                                                                   | 1.0 MB  00:00:00     
(2/3): epel/x86_64/group_gz                                                                     |  95 kB  00:00:00     
(3/3): epel/x86_64/primary_db                                                                   | 6.9 MB  00:00:00     
Loading mirror speeds from cached hostfile
 * base: mirrors.aliyun.com
 * extras: mirrors.aliyun.com
 * updates: mirrors.aliyun.com
--> 正在检查事务
---> 软件包 libguestfs-tools.noarch. 将被 安装
--> 正在处理依赖关系 libguestfs-tools-c = 1:1.40.2-9.el7_8.1,它被软件包 1:libguestfs-tools-1.40.2-9.el7_8.1.noarch 需要
--> 正在处理依赖关系 libguestfs = 1:1.40.2-9.el7_8.1,它被软件包 1:libguestfs-tools-1.40.2-9.el7_8.1.noarch 需要
--> 正在处理依赖关系 perl(Win::Hivex) >= 1.2.7,它被软件包 1:libguestfs-tools-1.40.2-9.el7_8.1.noarch 需要
--> 正在处理依赖关系 perl(Win::Hivex::Regedit),它被软件包 1:libguestfs-tools-1.40.2-9.el7_8.1.noarch 需要
--> 正在处理依赖关系 perl(Win::Hivex),它被软件包 1:libguestfs-tools-1.40.2-9.el7_8.1.noarch 需要
--> 正在处理依赖关系 perl(Sys::Virt),它被软件包 1:libguestfs-tools-1.40.2-9.el7_8.1.noarch 需要
--> 正在处理依赖关系 perl(Sys::Guestfs),它被软件包 1:libguestfs-tools-1.40.2-9.el7_8.1.noarch 需要
--> 正在处理依赖关系 perl(Locale::TextDomain),它被软件包 1:libguestfs-tools-1.40.2-9.el7_8.1.noarch 需要
--> 正在检查事务
  libguestfs-tools.noarch 1:1.40.2-9.el7_8.1                                                                           

  hexedit.x86_64 0:1.2.13-5.el7                           hivex.x86_64 0:1.3.10-6.9.el7                                
  libguestfs.x86_64 1:1.40.2-9.el7_8.1                    libguestfs-tools-c.x86_64 1:1.40.2-9.el7_8.1                 
  perl-Sys-Guestfs.x86_64 1:1.40.2-9.el7_8.1              perl-Sys-Virt.x86_64 0:4.5.0-2.el7                           
  perl-hivex.x86_64 0:1.3.10-6.9.el7                      perl-libintl.x86_64 0:1.20-12.el7                            
  scrub.x86_64 0:2.5.2-7.el7                              squashfs-tools.x86_64 0:4.3-0.21.gitaae0aff4.el7             
  supermin5.x86_64 0:5.1.19-1.el7                         syslinux.x86_64 0:4.05-15.el7                                
  syslinux-extlinux.x86_64 0:4.05-15.el7                 

[root@node1 ~]# 


[root@node1 ~]# virt-sysprep --help
virt-sysprep: reset or unconfigure a virtual machine so clones can be made

 virt-sysprep [--options] -d domname

 virt-sysprep [--options] -a disk.img [-a disk.img ...]

A short summary of the options is given below.  For detailed help please
read the man page virt-sysprep(1).

  -a, --add <file>                    Add disk image file
  --append-line <FILE:LINE>           Append line(s) to the file
  -c, --connect <uri>                 Set libvirt URI
  --chmod <PERMISSIONS:FILE>          Change the permissions of a file
  --color, --colors, --colour, --colours
                                      Use ANSI colour sequences even if not tty
  --commands-from-file <FILENAME>     Read customize commands from file
  --copy <SOURCE:DEST>                Copy files in disk image
  --copy-in <LOCALPATH:REMOTEDIR>     Copy local files or directories into image
  -d, --domain <domain>               Set libvirt guest name
  --delete <PATH>                     Delete a file or directory
  -n, --dryrun, --dry-run             Perform a dry run
  --echo-keys                         Don’t turn off echo for passphrases
  --edit <FILE:EXPR>                  Edit file using Perl expression
  --enable <operations>               Enable specific operations
  --firstboot <SCRIPT>                Run script at first guest boot
  --firstboot-command <'CMD+ARGS'>    Run command at first guest boot
  --firstboot-install <PKG,PKG..>     Add package(s) to install at first boot
  --format <format>                   Set format (default: auto)
  --help                              Display brief help
  --hostname <HOSTNAME>               Set the hostname
  --install <PKG,PKG..>               Add package(s) to install
  --keep-user-accounts <users>        Users to keep
  --key <SELECTOR>                    Specify a LUKS key
  --keys-from-stdin                   Read passphrases from stdin
  --link <TARGET:LINK[:LINK..]>       Create symbolic links
  --list-operations                   List supported operations
  --mkdir <DIR>                       Create a directory
  --mount-options <opts>              Set mount options (eg /:noatime;/var:rw,noatime)
  --move <SOURCE:DEST>                Move files in disk image
  --network                           Enable appliance network
  --no-logfile                        Scrub build log file
  --no-network                        Disable appliance network (default)
  --no-selinux-relabel                Compatibility option, does nothing
  --operation, --operations <operations>
                                      Enable/disable specific operations
  --password <USER:SELECTOR>          Set user password
  --password-crypto <md5|sha256|sha512>
                                      Set password crypto
  -q, --quiet                         Don’t print progress messages
  --remove-user-accounts <users>      Users to remove
  --root-password <SELECTOR>          Set root password
  --run <SCRIPT>                      Run script in disk image
  --run-command <'CMD+ARGS'>          Run command in disk image
  --script <script>                   Script or program to run on guest
  --scriptdir <dir>                   Mount point on host
  --scrub <FILE>                      Scrub a file
  --selinux-relabel                   Relabel files with correct SELinux labels
  --sm-attach <SELECTOR>              Attach to a subscription-manager pool
  --sm-credentials <SELECTOR>         Credentials for subscription-manager
  --sm-register                       Register using subscription-manager
  --sm-remove                         Remove all the subscriptions
  --sm-unregister                     Unregister using subscription-manager
  --ssh-inject <USER[:SELECTOR]>      Inject a public key into the guest
  --timezone <TIMEZONE>               Set the default timezone
  --touch <FILE>                      Run touch on a file
  --truncate <FILE>                   Truncate a file to zero size
  --truncate-recursive <PATH>         Recursively truncate all files in directory
  --uninstall <PKG,PKG..>             Uninstall package(s)
  --update                            Update packages
  --upload <FILE:DEST>                Upload local file to destination
  -V, --version                       Display version and exit
  -v, --verbose                       Enable libguestfs debugging messages
  --write <FILE:CONTENT>              Write file
  -x                                  Enable tracing of libguestfs calls
[root@node1 ~]# 



[root@node1 ~]# virt-sysprep --list-operations
abrt-data * Remove the crash data generated by ABRT
backup-files * Remove editor backup files from the guest
bash-history * Remove the bash history in the guest
blkid-tab * Remove blkid tab in the guest
ca-certificates   Remove CA certificates in the guest
crash-data * Remove the crash data generated by kexec-tools
cron-spool * Remove user at-jobs and cron-jobs
customize * Customize the guest
dhcp-client-state * Remove DHCP client leases
dhcp-server-state * Remove DHCP server leases
dovecot-data * Remove Dovecot (mail server) data
firewall-rules   Remove the firewall rules
flag-reconfiguration   Flag the system for reconfiguration
fs-uuids   Change filesystem UUIDs
kerberos-data   Remove Kerberos data in the guest
logfiles * Remove many log files from the guest
lvm-uuids * Change LVM2 PV and VG UUIDs
machine-id * Remove the local machine ID
mail-spool * Remove email from the local mail spool directory
net-hostname * Remove HOSTNAME and DHCP_HOSTNAME in network interface configuration
net-hwaddr * Remove HWADDR (hard-coded MAC address) configuration
pacct-log * Remove the process accounting log files
package-manager-cache * Remove package manager cache
pam-data * Remove the PAM data in the guest
passwd-backups * Remove /etc/passwd- and similar backup files
puppet-data-log * Remove the data and log files of puppet
rh-subscription-manager * Remove the RH subscription manager files
rhn-systemid * Remove the RHN system ID
rpm-db * Remove host-specific RPM database files
samba-db-log * Remove the database and log files of Samba
script * Run arbitrary scripts against the guest
smolt-uuid * Remove the Smolt hardware UUID
ssh-hostkeys * Remove the SSH host keys in the guest
ssh-userdir * Remove ".ssh" directories in the guest
sssd-db-log * Remove the database and log files of sssd
tmp-files * Remove temporary files
udev-persistent-net * Remove udev persistent net rules
user-account   Remove the user accounts in the guest
utmp * Remove the utmp file
yum-uuid * Remove the yum UUID
[root@node1 ~]# 

  提示:以上列出来的东西都表示在不指定要移除那些私有信息的前提下,它默认要移除的私有信息列表;如果我们要手动指定移除哪些操作,可以使用--enable选项来指定,或者用--operation 来指定上述列出的信息即可;



[root@node1 ~]# virsh list --all
 Id    名称                         状态
 2     centos7                        running

[root@node1 ~]# virsh console centos7 
连接到域 centos7
换码符为 ^]

CentOS Linux 7 (Core)
Kernel 3.10.0-693.el7.x86_64 on an x86_64

localhost login: root
Last login: Sat Aug 22 08:56:19 on ttyS0
[root@localhost ~]# ls -a
.   anaconda-ks.cfg  .bash_logout   .bashrc  .ssh
..  .bash_history    .bash_profile  .cshrc   .tcshrc
[root@localhost ~]# 
[root@node1 ~]#

  提示:移除前,虚拟机里存在的.bash_history和.ssh目录都存在;现在我们把虚拟机关机,然后使用sysprep 移除指定的ssh-userdir和bash-history这两项;

[root@node1 ~]# virsh shutdown centos7 
域 centos7 被关闭

[root@node1 ~]# virsh list --all
 Id    名称                         状态
 -     centos7                        关闭

[root@node1 ~]# virt-sysprep --enable bash-history,ssh-userdir -d centos7
[   0.0] Examining the guest ...
[   3.0] Performing "bash-history" ...
[   3.0] Performing "ssh-userdir" ...
[root@node1 ~]# 



[root@node1 ~]# virsh start centos7 
域 centos7 已开始

[root@node1 ~]# virsh list --all
 Id    名称                         状态
 6     centos7                        running

[root@node1 ~]# virsh console centos7 
连接到域 centos7
换码符为 ^]

CentOS Linux 7 (Core)
Kernel 3.10.0-693.el7.x86_64 on an x86_64

localhost login: root
Last login: Sat Aug 22 09:06:31 on ttyS0
[root@localhost ~]# ll -a
total 24
dr-xr-x---.  2 root root  114 Aug 22 09:07 .
dr-xr-xr-x. 17 root root  244 Aug 19 08:34 ..
-rw-------.  1 root root 1259 Aug 19 08:30 anaconda-ks.cfg
-rw-r--r--.  1 root root   18 Dec 28  2013 .bash_logout
-rw-r--r--.  1 root root  176 Dec 28  2013 .bash_profile
-rw-r--r--.  1 root root  176 Dec 28  2013 .bashrc
-rw-r--r--.  1 root root  100 Dec 28  2013 .cshrc
-rw-r--r--.  1 root root  129 Dec 28  2013 .tcshrc
[root@localhost ~]# 


  --copy <SOURCE:DEST>:把指定虚拟机上的文件拷入到指定虚拟机目录下

[root@node1 ~]# virsh console centos7 
连接到域 centos7
换码符为 ^]

CentOS Linux 7 (Core)
Kernel 3.10.0-693.el7.x86_64 on an x86_64

localhost login: root
Last login: Sat Aug 22 09:26:45 on ttyS0
[root@localhost ~]# ls
[root@localhost ~]# echo "this is test file on /root/" >test.txt
[root@localhost ~]# cat test.txt 
this is test file on /root/
[root@localhost ~]# 
[root@node1 ~]# 

  提示:我们在在虚拟机/root/目录下创建一个test.txt文件,文件内容为“this is test file on /root”;


[root@node1 ~]# virsh shutdown centos7 
域 centos7 被关闭

[root@node1 ~]# virsh list --all
 Id    名称                         状态
 -     centos7                        关闭

[root@node1 ~]# virt-sysprep --copy /root/test.txt:/tmp/ -d centos7
[   0.0] Examining the guest ...
[   2.7] Performing "abrt-data" ...
[   2.7] Performing "backup-files" ...
[   3.4] Performing "bash-history" ...
[   3.4] Performing "blkid-tab" ...
[   3.4] Performing "crash-data" ...
[   3.4] Performing "cron-spool" ...
[   3.5] Performing "dhcp-client-state" ...
[   3.5] Performing "dhcp-server-state" ...
[   3.5] Performing "dovecot-data" ...
[   3.5] Performing "logfiles" ...
[   3.5] Performing "machine-id" ...
[   3.5] Performing "mail-spool" ...
[   3.5] Performing "net-hostname" ...
[   3.5] Performing "net-hwaddr" ...
[   3.5] Performing "pacct-log" ...
[   3.5] Performing "package-manager-cache" ...
[   3.5] Performing "pam-data" ...
[   3.5] Performing "passwd-backups" ...
[   3.6] Performing "puppet-data-log" ...
[   3.6] Performing "rh-subscription-manager" ...
[   3.6] Performing "rhn-systemid" ...
[   3.6] Performing "rpm-db" ...
[   3.6] Performing "samba-db-log" ...
[   3.6] Performing "script" ...
[   3.6] Performing "smolt-uuid" ...
[   3.6] Performing "ssh-hostkeys" ...
[   3.6] Performing "ssh-userdir" ...
[   3.6] Performing "sssd-db-log" ...
[   3.6] Performing "tmp-files" ...
[   3.6] Performing "udev-persistent-net" ...
[   3.6] Performing "utmp" ...
[   3.6] Performing "yum-uuid" ...
[   3.6] Performing "customize" ...
[   3.6] Setting a random seed
[   3.6] Setting the machine ID in /etc/machine-id
[   3.6] Copying (in image): /root/test.txt to /tmp/
[   4.1] Performing "lvm-uuids" ...
[root@node1 ~]# 


[root@node1 ~]# virsh start centos7 
域 centos7 已开始

[root@node1 ~]# virsh list 
 Id    名称                         状态
 13    centos7                        running

[root@node1 ~]# virsh console centos7 
连接到域 centos7
换码符为 ^]

CentOS Linux 7 (Core)
Kernel 3.10.0-693.el7.x86_64 on an x86_64

localhost login: root
[root@localhost ~]# ls 
[root@localhost ~]# ls /tmp/
[root@localhost ~]# cat /tmp/test.txt 
this is test file on /root/
[root@localhost ~]# 
[root@node1 ~]# 


  --copy-in <LOCALPATH:REMOTEDIR>:拷本宿主机上的文件或目录到虚拟机指定的目录下

[root@node1 ~]# ls
[root@node1 ~]# echo "this is test file on" > a.txt
[root@node1 ~]# cat a.txt
this is test file on
[root@node1 ~]# virsh shutdown centos7 
域 centos7 被关闭

[root@node1 ~]# virsh list --all
 Id    名称                         状态
 -     centos7                        关闭

[root@node1 ~]# virt-sysprep --copy-in /root/a.txt:/root/ -d centos7
[   0.0] Examining the guest ...
[   2.7] Performing "abrt-data" ...
[   2.7] Performing "backup-files" ...
[   3.4] Performing "bash-history" ...
[   3.4] Performing "blkid-tab" ...
[   3.4] Performing "crash-data" ...
[   3.4] Performing "cron-spool" ...
[   3.4] Performing "dhcp-client-state" ...
[   3.4] Performing "dhcp-server-state" ...
[   3.4] Performing "dovecot-data" ...
[   3.4] Performing "logfiles" ...
[   3.5] Performing "machine-id" ...
[   3.5] Performing "mail-spool" ...
[   3.5] Performing "net-hostname" ...
[   3.5] Performing "net-hwaddr" ...
[   3.5] Performing "pacct-log" ...
[   3.5] Performing "package-manager-cache" ...
[   3.5] Performing "pam-data" ...
[   3.5] Performing "passwd-backups" ...
[   3.5] Performing "puppet-data-log" ...
[   3.5] Performing "rh-subscription-manager" ...
[   3.5] Performing "rhn-systemid" ...
[   3.5] Performing "rpm-db" ...
[   3.5] Performing "samba-db-log" ...
[   3.5] Performing "script" ...
[   3.5] Performing "smolt-uuid" ...
[   3.5] Performing "ssh-hostkeys" ...
[   3.5] Performing "ssh-userdir" ...
[   3.5] Performing "sssd-db-log" ...
[   3.5] Performing "tmp-files" ...
[   3.5] Performing "udev-persistent-net" ...
[   3.5] Performing "utmp" ...
[   3.6] Performing "yum-uuid" ...
[   3.6] Performing "customize" ...
[   3.6] Setting a random seed
[   3.6] Setting the machine ID in /etc/machine-id
[   3.6] Copying: /root/a.txt to /root/
[   3.6] Performing "lvm-uuids" ...
[root@node1 ~]# 

  提示:我们在本地宿主机上的/root/目录下创建了一个a.txt文件,内容为“this is test file on”;然后把这个文件通过virt-sysprep工具拷贝到指定虚拟机的/root/目录下;


[root@node1 ~]# virsh start centos7 
域 centos7 已开始

[root@node1 ~]# virsh list 
 Id    名称                         状态
 15    centos7                        running

[root@node1 ~]# virsh console centos7 
连接到域 centos7
换码符为 ^]

CentOS Linux 7 (Core)
Kernel 3.10.0-693.el7.x86_64 on an x86_64

localhost login: root
[root@localhost ~]# ls
a.txt  test.txt
[root@localhost ~]# cat a.txt 
this is test file on
[root@localhost ~]# 
[root@node1 ~]# 


  --chmod <PERMISSIONS:FILE>:改变指定虚拟机里的文件按属性

[root@localhost ~]# ll
total 8
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 34 Aug 22 09:33 a.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 28 Aug 22 09:27 test.txt
[root@localhost ~]# 
[root@node1 ~]# virsh shutdown centos7 
域 centos7 被关闭

[root@node1 ~]# virt-sysprep --chmod 0600:/root/a.txt -d centos7
[   0.0] Examining the guest ...
[   2.9] Performing "abrt-data" ...
[   2.9] Performing "backup-files" ...
[   3.6] Performing "bash-history" ...
[   3.6] Performing "blkid-tab" ...
[   3.7] Performing "crash-data" ...
[   3.7] Performing "cron-spool" ...
[   3.7] Performing "dhcp-client-state" ...
[   3.7] Performing "dhcp-server-state" ...
[   3.7] Performing "dovecot-data" ...
[   3.7] Performing "logfiles" ...
[   3.7] Performing "machine-id" ...
[   3.7] Performing "mail-spool" ...
[   3.7] Performing "net-hostname" ...
[   3.7] Performing "net-hwaddr" ...
[   3.7] Performing "pacct-log" ...
[   3.7] Performing "package-manager-cache" ...
[   3.8] Performing "pam-data" ...
[   3.8] Performing "passwd-backups" ...
[   3.8] Performing "puppet-data-log" ...
[   3.8] Performing "rh-subscription-manager" ...
[   3.8] Performing "rhn-systemid" ...
[   3.8] Performing "rpm-db" ...
[   3.8] Performing "samba-db-log" ...
[   3.8] Performing "script" ...
[   3.8] Performing "smolt-uuid" ...
[   3.8] Performing "ssh-hostkeys" ...
[   3.8] Performing "ssh-userdir" ...
[   3.8] Performing "sssd-db-log" ...
[   3.8] Performing "tmp-files" ...
[   3.8] Performing "udev-persistent-net" ...
[   3.8] Performing "utmp" ...
[   3.8] Performing "yum-uuid" ...
[   3.8] Performing "customize" ...
[   3.8] Setting a random seed
[   3.8] Setting the machine ID in /etc/machine-id
[   3.8] Changing permissions of /root/a.txt to 0600
[   3.9] Performing "lvm-uuids" ...
[root@node1 ~]# 



[root@node1 ~]# virsh start centos7 
域 centos7 已开始

[root@node1 ~]# virsh console centos7 
连接到域 centos7
换码符为 ^]

CentOS Linux 7 (Core)
Kernel 3.10.0-693.el7.x86_64 on an x86_64

localhost login: root
[root@localhost ~]# ll 
total 8
-rw------- 1 root root 34 Aug 22 09:33 a.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 28 Aug 22 09:27 test.txt
[root@localhost ~]# 
[root@node1 ~]# 

  --append-line <FILE:LINE>:给指定虚拟机上的文件追加一行数据,类似在虚拟机内部执行echo“context” >> /path/to/file操作

[root@node1 ~]# virsh 
[root@node1 ~]# virsh shutdown centos7 
域 centos7 被关闭

[root@node1 ~]# virt-sysprep --append-line /root/a.txt:"this is append new data" -d centos7
[   0.0] Examining the guest ...
[   3.0] Performing "abrt-data" ...
[   3.0] Performing "backup-files" ...
[   3.8] Performing "bash-history" ...
[   3.8] Performing "blkid-tab" ...
[   3.8] Performing "crash-data" ...
[   3.8] Performing "cron-spool" ...
[   3.8] Performing "dhcp-client-state" ...
[   3.8] Performing "dhcp-server-state" ...
[   3.8] Performing "dovecot-data" ...
[   3.8] Performing "logfiles" ...
[   3.8] Performing "machine-id" ...
[   3.8] Performing "mail-spool" ...
[   3.9] Performing "net-hostname" ...
[   3.9] Performing "net-hwaddr" ...
[   3.9] Performing "pacct-log" ...
[   3.9] Performing "package-manager-cache" ...
[   3.9] Performing "pam-data" ...
[   3.9] Performing "passwd-backups" ...
[   3.9] Performing "puppet-data-log" ...
[   3.9] Performing "rh-subscription-manager" ...
[   3.9] Performing "rhn-systemid" ...
[   3.9] Performing "rpm-db" ...
[   3.9] Performing "samba-db-log" ...
[   3.9] Performing "script" ...
[   3.9] Performing "smolt-uuid" ...
[   3.9] Performing "ssh-hostkeys" ...
[   3.9] Performing "ssh-userdir" ...
[   3.9] Performing "sssd-db-log" ...
[   3.9] Performing "tmp-files" ...
[   4.0] Performing "udev-persistent-net" ...
[   4.0] Performing "utmp" ...
[   4.0] Performing "yum-uuid" ...
[   4.0] Performing "customize" ...
[   4.0] Setting a random seed
[   4.0] Setting the machine ID in /etc/machine-id
[   4.0] Appending line to /root/a.txt
[   4.1] Performing "lvm-uuids" ...
[root@node1 ~]# 


[root@node1 ~]# virsh start centos7 
域 centos7 已开始

[root@node1 ~]# virsh console centos7 
连接到域 centos7
换码符为 ^]

CentOS Linux 7 (Core)
Kernel 3.10.0-693.el7.x86_64 on an x86_64

localhost login: root
[root@localhost ~]# ll
total 8
-rw------- 1 root root 58 Aug 22 09:50 a.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 28 Aug 22 09:27 test.txt
[root@localhost ~]# cat a.txt 
this is test file on
this is append new data
[root@localhost ~]# 
[root@node1 ~]# 

  --delete <PATH>:删除虚拟机上的指定文件或目录

[root@node1 ~]# virsh console centos7 
连接到域 centos7
换码符为 ^]

[root@localhost ~]# ls
a.txt  test.txt
[root@localhost ~]# 
[root@node1 ~]# virsh shutdown centos7 
域 centos7 被关闭

[root@node1 ~]# virt-sysprep --delete /root/test.txt -d centos7
[   0.0] Examining the guest ...
[   2.9] Performing "abrt-data" ...
[   2.9] Performing "backup-files" ...
[   3.5] Performing "bash-history" ...
[   3.5] Performing "blkid-tab" ...
[   3.6] Performing "crash-data" ...
[   3.6] Performing "cron-spool" ...
[   3.6] Performing "dhcp-client-state" ...
[   3.6] Performing "dhcp-server-state" ...
[   3.6] Performing "dovecot-data" ...
[   3.6] Performing "logfiles" ...
[   3.6] Performing "machine-id" ...
[   3.6] Performing "mail-spool" ...
[   3.6] Performing "net-hostname" ...
[   3.6] Performing "net-hwaddr" ...
[   3.6] Performing "pacct-log" ...
[   3.6] Performing "package-manager-cache" ...
[   3.6] Performing "pam-data" ...
[   3.6] Performing "passwd-backups" ...
[   3.6] Performing "puppet-data-log" ...
[   3.6] Performing "rh-subscription-manager" ...
[   3.6] Performing "rhn-systemid" ...
[   3.7] Performing "rpm-db" ...
[   3.7] Performing "samba-db-log" ...
[   3.7] Performing "script" ...
[   3.7] Performing "smolt-uuid" ...
[   3.7] Performing "ssh-hostkeys" ...
[   3.7] Performing "ssh-userdir" ...
[   3.7] Performing "sssd-db-log" ...
[   3.7] Performing "tmp-files" ...
[   3.7] Performing "udev-persistent-net" ...
[   3.7] Performing "utmp" ...
[   3.7] Performing "yum-uuid" ...
[   3.7] Performing "customize" ...
[   3.7] Setting a random seed
[   3.7] Setting the machine ID in /etc/machine-id
[   3.7] Deleting: /root/test.txt
[   3.8] Performing "lvm-uuids" ...
[root@node1 ~]# 


[root@node1 ~]# virsh start centos7 
域 centos7 已开始

[root@node1 ~]# virsh console centos7 
连接到域 centos7
换码符为 ^]

CentOS Linux 7 (Core)
Kernel 3.10.0-693.el7.x86_64 on an x86_64

localhost login: root
[root@localhost ~]# ll
total 4
-rw------- 1 root root 58 Aug 22 09:50 a.txt
[root@localhost ~]# 
[root@node1 ~]# 

  --hostname <HOSTNAME>:设置指定虚拟机的主机名

[root@node1 ~]# virsh console centos7 
连接到域 centos7
换码符为 ^]

[root@localhost ~]# hostname
[root@localhost ~]# init 0
Powering off.
[  107.277110] Power down.

[root@node1 ~]# virt-sysprep --hostname centos7.test.com -d centos7
[   0.0] Examining the guest ...
[   2.7] Performing "abrt-data" ...
[   2.8] Performing "backup-files" ...
[   3.5] Performing "bash-history" ...
[   3.5] Performing "blkid-tab" ...
[   3.5] Performing "crash-data" ...
[   3.5] Performing "cron-spool" ...
[   3.5] Performing "dhcp-client-state" ...
[   3.5] Performing "dhcp-server-state" ...
[   3.5] Performing "dovecot-data" ...
[   3.5] Performing "logfiles" ...
[   3.6] Performing "machine-id" ...
[   3.6] Performing "mail-spool" ...
[   3.6] Performing "net-hostname" ...
[   3.6] Performing "net-hwaddr" ...
[   3.6] Performing "pacct-log" ...
[   3.6] Performing "package-manager-cache" ...
[   3.6] Performing "pam-data" ...
[   3.6] Performing "passwd-backups" ...
[   3.6] Performing "puppet-data-log" ...
[   3.6] Performing "rh-subscription-manager" ...
[   3.6] Performing "rhn-systemid" ...
[   3.6] Performing "rpm-db" ...
[   3.6] Performing "samba-db-log" ...
[   3.6] Performing "script" ...
[   3.6] Performing "smolt-uuid" ...
[   3.6] Performing "ssh-hostkeys" ...
[   3.6] Performing "ssh-userdir" ...
[   3.6] Performing "sssd-db-log" ...
[   3.7] Performing "tmp-files" ...
[   3.7] Performing "udev-persistent-net" ...
[   3.7] Performing "utmp" ...
[   3.7] Performing "yum-uuid" ...
[   3.7] Performing "customize" ...
[   3.7] Setting a random seed
[   3.7] Setting the machine ID in /etc/machine-id
[   3.7] Setting the hostname: centos7.test.com
[   3.8] Performing "lvm-uuids" ...
[root@node1 ~]# 


[root@node1 ~]# virsh start centos7 
域 centos7 已开始

[root@node1 ~]# virsh console centos7
连接到域 centos7
换码符为 ^]

CentOS Linux 7 (Core)
Kernel 3.10.0-693.el7.x86_64 on an x86_64

centos7 login: root
[root@centos7 ~]# hostname
[root@centos7 ~]# 
[root@node1 ~]# 

  --install <PKG,PKG..>:在指定虚拟机上安装指定包

[root@node1 ~]# virsh console centos7 
连接到域 centos7
换码符为 ^]

[root@centos7 ~]# rpm -q httpd
package httpd is not installed
[root@centos7 ~]# rpm -q net-tools
package net-tools is not installed
[root@centos7 ~]#
[root@node1 ~]#  virsh shutdown centos7 
域 centos7 被关闭

[root@node1 ~]# virt-sysprep --install httpd,net-tools -d centos7
[   0.0] Examining the guest ...
[   2.7] Performing "abrt-data" ...
[   2.7] Performing "backup-files" ...
[   3.4] Performing "bash-history" ...
[   3.4] Performing "blkid-tab" ...
[   3.4] Performing "crash-data" ...
[   3.4] Performing "cron-spool" ...
[   3.4] Performing "dhcp-client-state" ...
[   3.4] Performing "dhcp-server-state" ...
[   3.4] Performing "dovecot-data" ...
[   3.4] Performing "logfiles" ...
[   3.5] Performing "machine-id" ...
[   3.5] Performing "mail-spool" ...
[   3.5] Performing "net-hostname" ...
[   3.5] Performing "net-hwaddr" ...
[   3.5] Performing "pacct-log" ...
[   3.5] Performing "package-manager-cache" ...
[   3.5] Performing "pam-data" ...
[   3.5] Performing "passwd-backups" ...
[   3.5] Performing "puppet-data-log" ...
[   3.5] Performing "rh-subscription-manager" ...
[   3.5] Performing "rhn-systemid" ...
[   3.5] Performing "rpm-db" ...
[   3.5] Performing "samba-db-log" ...
[   3.5] Performing "script" ...
[   3.5] Performing "smolt-uuid" ...
[   3.6] Performing "ssh-hostkeys" ...
[   3.6] Performing "ssh-userdir" ...
[   3.6] Performing "sssd-db-log" ...
[   3.6] Performing "tmp-files" ...
[   3.6] Performing "udev-persistent-net" ...
[   3.6] Performing "utmp" ...
[   3.6] Performing "yum-uuid" ...
[   3.6] Performing "customize" ...
[   3.6] Setting a random seed
[   3.6] Setting the machine ID in /etc/machine-id
[   3.6] Installing packages: httpd net-tools
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror

 One of the configured repositories failed (Unknown),
 and yum doesn't have enough cached data to continue. At this point the only
 safe thing yum can do is fail. There are a few ways to work "fix" this:

     1. Contact the upstream for the repository and get them to fix the problem.

     2. Reconfigure the baseurl/etc. for the repository, to point to a working
        upstream. This is most often useful if you are using a newer
        distribution release than is supported by the repository (and the
        packages for the previous distribution release still work).

     3. Run the command with the repository temporarily disabled
            yum --disablerepo=<repoid> ...

     4. Disable the repository permanently, so yum won't use it by default. Yum
        will then just ignore the repository until you permanently enable it
        again or use --enablerepo for temporary usage:

            yum-config-manager --disable <repoid>
            subscription-manager repos --disable=<repoid>

     5. Configure the failing repository to be skipped, if it is unavailable.
        Note that yum will try to contact the repo. when it runs most commands,
        so will have to try and fail each time (and thus. yum will be be much
        slower). If it is a very temporary problem though, this is often a nice

            yum-config-manager --save --setopt=<repoid>.skip_if_unavailable=true

Cannot find a valid baseurl for repo: base/7/x86_64
Could not retrieve mirrorlist http://mirrorlist.centos.org/?release=7&arch=x86_64&repo=os&infra=stock error was
14: curl#6 - "Could not resolve host: mirrorlist.centos.org; Unknown error"

virt-sysprep: warning: the command may have failed because the network is 
disabled.  Try either removing ‘--no-network’ or adding ‘--network’ 
on the command line.

virt-sysprep: error: yum -y install 'httpd' 'net-tools': command exited 
with an error

If reporting bugs, run virt-sysprep with debugging enabled and include the 
complete output:

  virt-sysprep -v -x [...]
[root@node1 ~]# 


[root@node1 ~]# virt-sysprep --network --install httpd,net-tools -d centos7           
[   0.0] Examining the guest ...
[   5.2] Performing "abrt-data" ...
[   5.2] Performing "backup-files" ...
[   5.8] Performing "bash-history" ...
[   5.8] Performing "blkid-tab" ...
[   5.9] Performing "crash-data" ...
[   5.9] Performing "cron-spool" ...
[   5.9] Performing "dhcp-client-state" ...
[   5.9] Performing "dhcp-server-state" ...
[   5.9] Performing "dovecot-data" ...
[   5.9] Performing "logfiles" ...
[   5.9] Performing "machine-id" ...
[   5.9] Performing "mail-spool" ...
[   5.9] Performing "net-hostname" ...
[   6.0] Performing "net-hwaddr" ...
[   6.0] Performing "pacct-log" ...
[   6.0] Performing "package-manager-cache" ...
[   6.0] Performing "pam-data" ...
[   6.0] Performing "passwd-backups" ...
[   6.0] Performing "puppet-data-log" ...
[   6.0] Performing "rh-subscription-manager" ...
[   6.0] Performing "rhn-systemid" ...
[   6.0] Performing "rpm-db" ...
[   6.0] Performing "samba-db-log" ...
[   6.0] Performing "script" ...
[   6.0] Performing "smolt-uuid" ...
[   6.0] Performing "ssh-hostkeys" ...
[   6.0] Performing "ssh-userdir" ...
[   6.0] Performing "sssd-db-log" ...
[   6.0] Performing "tmp-files" ...
[   6.0] Performing "udev-persistent-net" ...
[   6.1] Performing "utmp" ...
[   6.1] Performing "yum-uuid" ...
[   6.1] Performing "customize" ...
[   6.1] Setting a random seed
[   6.1] Setting the machine ID in /etc/machine-id
[   6.1] Installing packages: httpd net-tools
[  29.1] Performing "lvm-uuids" ...
[root@node1 ~]# 


[root@node1 ~]# virsh start centos7 
域 centos7 已开始

[root@node1 ~]# virsh console centos7
连接到域 centos7
换码符为 ^]

CentOS Linux 7 (Core)
Kernel 3.10.0-693.el7.x86_64 on an x86_64

centos7 login: root
[root@centos7 ~]# rpm -q httpd
[root@centos7 ~]# rpm -q net-tools
[root@centos7 ~]# 
[root@node1 ~]# 

  --mkdir <DIR>:在虚拟机上创建目录,类似在虚拟机上执行mkdir -p /path/to/dir

[root@node1 ~]# virsh shutdown centos7 
域 centos7 被关闭

[root@node1 ~]# virt-sysprep --mkdir /mnt/test/ -d centos7
[   0.0] Examining the guest ...
[   2.8] Performing "abrt-data" ...
[   2.8] Performing "backup-files" ...
[   3.5] Performing "bash-history" ...
[   3.5] Performing "blkid-tab" ...
[   3.5] Performing "crash-data" ...
[   3.5] Performing "cron-spool" ...
[   3.6] Performing "dhcp-client-state" ...
[   3.6] Performing "dhcp-server-state" ...
[   3.6] Performing "dovecot-data" ...
[   3.6] Performing "logfiles" ...
[   3.6] Performing "machine-id" ...
[   3.6] Performing "mail-spool" ...
[   3.6] Performing "net-hostname" ...
[   3.6] Performing "net-hwaddr" ...
[   3.6] Performing "pacct-log" ...
[   3.6] Performing "package-manager-cache" ...
[   3.7] Performing "pam-data" ...
[   3.7] Performing "passwd-backups" ...
[   3.7] Performing "puppet-data-log" ...
[   3.7] Performing "rh-subscription-manager" ...
[   3.7] Performing "rhn-systemid" ...
[   3.7] Performing "rpm-db" ...
[   3.7] Performing "samba-db-log" ...
[   3.7] Performing "script" ...
[   3.7] Performing "smolt-uuid" ...
[   3.7] Performing "ssh-hostkeys" ...
[   3.7] Performing "ssh-userdir" ...
[   3.7] Performing "sssd-db-log" ...
[   3.7] Performing "tmp-files" ...
[   3.7] Performing "udev-persistent-net" ...
[   3.7] Performing "utmp" ...
[   3.7] Performing "yum-uuid" ...
[   3.7] Performing "customize" ...
[   3.7] Setting a random seed
[   3.7] Setting the machine ID in /etc/machine-id
[   3.7] Making directory: /mnt/test/
[   3.8] Performing "lvm-uuids" ...
[root@node1 ~]# 


[root@node1 ~]# virsh start  centos7 
域 centos7 已开始

[root@node1 ~]# virsh console centos7
连接到域 centos7
换码符为 ^]

centos7 login: root
[root@centos7 ~]# ll /mnt/
total 0
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 6 Aug 22 10:43 test
[root@centos7 ~]# 
[root@node1 ~]# 

  --move <SOURCE:DEST>:把虚拟机上的指定文件移动到虚拟机指定位置

[root@node1 ~]# virsh shutdown centos7 
域 centos7 被关闭

[root@node1 ~]# virt-sysprep --move /root/a.txt:/mnt/test/ -d centos7
[   0.0] Examining the guest ...
[   2.9] Performing "abrt-data" ...
[   3.0] Performing "backup-files" ...
[   3.6] Performing "bash-history" ...
[   3.6] Performing "blkid-tab" ...
[   3.6] Performing "crash-data" ...
[   3.7] Performing "cron-spool" ...
[   3.7] Performing "dhcp-client-state" ...
[   3.7] Performing "dhcp-server-state" ...
[   3.7] Performing "dovecot-data" ...
[   3.7] Performing "logfiles" ...
[   3.7] Performing "machine-id" ...
[   3.7] Performing "mail-spool" ...
[   3.7] Performing "net-hostname" ...
[   3.7] Performing "net-hwaddr" ...
[   3.7] Performing "pacct-log" ...
[   3.7] Performing "package-manager-cache" ...
[   3.8] Performing "pam-data" ...
[   3.8] Performing "passwd-backups" ...
[   3.8] Performing "puppet-data-log" ...
[   3.8] Performing "rh-subscription-manager" ...
[   3.8] Performing "rhn-systemid" ...
[   3.8] Performing "rpm-db" ...
[   3.8] Performing "samba-db-log" ...
[   3.8] Performing "script" ...
[   3.8] Performing "smolt-uuid" ...
[   3.8] Performing "ssh-hostkeys" ...
[   3.8] Performing "ssh-userdir" ...
[   3.8] Performing "sssd-db-log" ...
[   3.8] Performing "tmp-files" ...
[   3.8] Performing "udev-persistent-net" ...
[   3.8] Performing "utmp" ...
[   3.8] Performing "yum-uuid" ...
[   3.8] Performing "customize" ...
[   3.8] Setting a random seed
[   3.8] Setting the machine ID in /etc/machine-id
[   3.8] Moving: /root/a.txt -> /mnt/test/
[   3.9] Performing "lvm-uuids" ...
[root@node1 ~]# 


[root@node1 ~]# virsh start centos7 
域 centos7 已开始

[root@node1 ~]# virsh console centos7 
连接到域 centos7
换码符为 ^]

centos7 login: root
[root@centos7 ~]# ll /mnt/test/
total 4
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 58 Aug 22 10:42 a.txt
[root@centos7 ~]# cat /mnt/test/a.txt 
this is test file on
this is append new data
[root@centos7 ~]# 

  --run <SCRIPT>:在虚拟机上运行宿主机上指定目录下的脚本

[root@node1 ~]# cat >> test.sh << EOF
> #!/bin/bash
> echo "this is test file" > aa.html
[root@node1 ~]# ll
总用量 8
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 34 8月  22 21:33 a.txt
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 47 8月  22 22:55 test.sh
[root@node1 ~]# cat test.sh 
echo "this is test file" > aa.html
[root@node1 ~]# virsh shutdown centos7 
域 centos7 被关闭

[root@node1 ~]# virt-sysprep --run /root/test.sh -d centos7
[   0.0] Examining the guest ...
[   2.9] Performing "abrt-data" ...
[   2.9] Performing "backup-files" ...
[   3.6] Performing "bash-history" ...
[   3.6] Performing "blkid-tab" ...
[   3.6] Performing "crash-data" ...
[   3.6] Performing "cron-spool" ...
[   3.6] Performing "dhcp-client-state" ...
[   3.6] Performing "dhcp-server-state" ...
[   3.6] Performing "dovecot-data" ...
[   3.6] Performing "logfiles" ...
[   3.7] Performing "machine-id" ...
[   3.7] Performing "mail-spool" ...
[   3.7] Performing "net-hostname" ...
[   3.7] Performing "net-hwaddr" ...
[   3.7] Performing "pacct-log" ...
[   3.7] Performing "package-manager-cache" ...
[   3.7] Performing "pam-data" ...
[   3.7] Performing "passwd-backups" ...
[   3.7] Performing "puppet-data-log" ...
[   3.7] Performing "rh-subscription-manager" ...
[   3.7] Performing "rhn-systemid" ...
[   3.7] Performing "rpm-db" ...
[   3.7] Performing "samba-db-log" ...
[   3.7] Performing "script" ...
[   3.7] Performing "smolt-uuid" ...
[   3.7] Performing "ssh-hostkeys" ...
[   3.7] Performing "ssh-userdir" ...
[   3.7] Performing "sssd-db-log" ...
[   3.7] Performing "tmp-files" ...
[   3.8] Performing "udev-persistent-net" ...
[   3.8] Performing "utmp" ...
[   3.8] Performing "yum-uuid" ...
[   3.8] Performing "customize" ...
[   3.8] Setting a random seed
[   3.8] Setting the machine ID in /etc/machine-id
[   3.8] Running: /root/test.sh
[   3.9] Performing "lvm-uuids" ...
[root@node1 ~]# 

  提示:以上宿主机上的脚本就只是干了一件事,把“this is test file”这个字符串追加到/root/aa.html这个文件中,如果脚本在虚拟机上执行成功,它会在虚拟机生成aa.html文件,以上脚本没有指定aa.html文件的位置,默认它会在放在根目录下


[root@node1 ~]# virsh start centos7 
域 centos7 已开始

[root@node1 ~]# virsh console centos7
连接到域 centos7
换码符为 ^]

centos7 login: 
centos7 login: root
[root@centos7 ~]# ll
total 0
[root@centos7 ~]# find / -name "aa.html"
[root@centos7 ~]# cat /aa.html 
this is test file
[root@centos7 ~]# 
[root@node1 ~]# 

  --run-command <'CMD+ARGS'>:在指定虚拟机上运行命令

[root@node1 ~]# virsh shutdown centos7 
域 centos7 被关闭

[root@node1 ~]# virt-sysprep --run-command 'mkdir /root/xx' -d centos7
[   0.0] Examining the guest ...
[   2.8] Performing "abrt-data" ...
[   2.8] Performing "backup-files" ...
[   3.5] Performing "bash-history" ...
[   3.5] Performing "blkid-tab" ...
[   3.5] Performing "crash-data" ...
[   3.5] Performing "cron-spool" ...
[   3.6] Performing "dhcp-client-state" ...
[   3.6] Performing "dhcp-server-state" ...
[   3.6] Performing "dovecot-data" ...
[   3.6] Performing "logfiles" ...
[   3.6] Performing "machine-id" ...
[   3.6] Performing "mail-spool" ...
[   3.6] Performing "net-hostname" ...
[   3.6] Performing "net-hwaddr" ...
[   3.6] Performing "pacct-log" ...
[   3.6] Performing "package-manager-cache" ...
[   3.7] Performing "pam-data" ...
[   3.7] Performing "passwd-backups" ...
[   3.7] Performing "puppet-data-log" ...
[   3.7] Performing "rh-subscription-manager" ...
[   3.7] Performing "rhn-systemid" ...
[   3.7] Performing "rpm-db" ...
[   3.7] Performing "samba-db-log" ...
[   3.7] Performing "script" ...
[   3.7] Performing "smolt-uuid" ...
[   3.7] Performing "ssh-hostkeys" ...
[   3.7] Performing "ssh-userdir" ...
[   3.7] Performing "sssd-db-log" ...
[   3.7] Performing "tmp-files" ...
[   3.7] Performing "udev-persistent-net" ...
[   3.7] Performing "utmp" ...
[   3.7] Performing "yum-uuid" ...
[   3.7] Performing "customize" ...
[   3.7] Setting a random seed
[   3.8] Setting the machine ID in /etc/machine-id
[   3.8] Running: mkdir /root/xx
[   3.9] Performing "lvm-uuids" ...
[root@node1 ~]# 


[root@node1 ~]# virsh start centos7 
域 centos7 已开始

[root@node1 ~]# virsh console centos7
连接到域 centos7
换码符为 ^]

centos7 login: root
[root@centos7 ~]# ll
total 0
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 6 Aug 22 11:03 xx
[root@centos7 ~]# 

  --touch <FILE>:在指定虚拟机上创建空文件或更新时间戳,类似在虚拟机上执行touch 命令

[root@node1 ~]# virsh shutdown centos7 
域 centos7 被关闭

[root@node1 ~]# virt-sysprep --touch /root/xx/a.txt -d centos7
[   0.0] Examining the guest ...
[   2.8] Performing "abrt-data" ...
[   2.8] Performing "backup-files" ...
[   3.5] Performing "bash-history" ...
[   3.5] Performing "blkid-tab" ...
[   3.5] Performing "crash-data" ...
[   3.5] Performing "cron-spool" ...
[   3.6] Performing "dhcp-client-state" ...
[   3.6] Performing "dhcp-server-state" ...
[   3.6] Performing "dovecot-data" ...
[   3.6] Performing "logfiles" ...
[   3.6] Performing "machine-id" ...
[   3.6] Performing "mail-spool" ...
[   3.6] Performing "net-hostname" ...
[   3.6] Performing "net-hwaddr" ...
[   3.6] Performing "pacct-log" ...
[   3.6] Performing "package-manager-cache" ...
[   3.6] Performing "pam-data" ...
[   3.7] Performing "passwd-backups" ...
[   3.7] Performing "puppet-data-log" ...
[   3.7] Performing "rh-subscription-manager" ...
[   3.7] Performing "rhn-systemid" ...
[   3.7] Performing "rpm-db" ...
[   3.7] Performing "samba-db-log" ...
[   3.7] Performing "script" ...
[   3.7] Performing "smolt-uuid" ...
[   3.7] Performing "ssh-hostkeys" ...
[   3.7] Performing "ssh-userdir" ...
[   3.7] Performing "sssd-db-log" ...
[   3.7] Performing "tmp-files" ...
[   3.7] Performing "udev-persistent-net" ...
[   3.7] Performing "utmp" ...
[   3.7] Performing "yum-uuid" ...
[   3.7] Performing "customize" ...
[   3.7] Setting a random seed
[   3.7] Setting the machine ID in /etc/machine-id
[   3.7] Running touch: /root/xx/a.txt
[   3.8] Performing "lvm-uuids" ...
[root@node1 ~]# 


[root@node1 ~]# virsh start centos7 
域 centos7 已开始

[root@node1 ~]# virsh console centos7 
连接到域 centos7
换码符为 ^]

centos7 login: root
[root@centos7 ~]# ll 
total 0
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 19 Aug 22 11:09 xx
[root@centos7 ~]# ll xx/
total 0
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 Aug 22 11:09 a.txt
[root@centos7 ~]# 
[root@node1 ~]# 


[root@node1 ~]# virsh shutdown centos7 
域 centos7 被关闭

[root@node1 ~]# virt-sysprep --touch /root/xx/a.txt -d centos7
[   0.0] Examining the guest ...
[   2.7] Performing "abrt-data" ...
[   2.7] Performing "backup-files" ...
[   3.5] Performing "bash-history" ...
[   3.5] Performing "blkid-tab" ...
[   3.5] Performing "crash-data" ...
[   3.5] Performing "cron-spool" ...
[   3.5] Performing "dhcp-client-state" ...
[   3.5] Performing "dhcp-server-state" ...
[   3.5] Performing "dovecot-data" ...
[   3.5] Performing "logfiles" ...
[   3.5] Performing "machine-id" ...
[   3.5] Performing "mail-spool" ...
[   3.5] Performing "net-hostname" ...
[   3.6] Performing "net-hwaddr" ...
[   3.6] Performing "pacct-log" ...
[   3.6] Performing "package-manager-cache" ...
[   3.6] Performing "pam-data" ...
[   3.6] Performing "passwd-backups" ...
[   3.6] Performing "puppet-data-log" ...
[   3.6] Performing "rh-subscription-manager" ...
[   3.6] Performing "rhn-systemid" ...
[   3.6] Performing "rpm-db" ...
[   3.6] Performing "samba-db-log" ...
[   3.6] Performing "script" ...
[   3.6] Performing "smolt-uuid" ...
[   3.6] Performing "ssh-hostkeys" ...
[   3.6] Performing "ssh-userdir" ...
[   3.6] Performing "sssd-db-log" ...
[   3.6] Performing "tmp-files" ...
[   3.7] Performing "udev-persistent-net" ...
[   3.7] Performing "utmp" ...
[   3.7] Performing "yum-uuid" ...
[   3.7] Performing "customize" ...
[   3.7] Setting a random seed
[   3.7] Setting the machine ID in /etc/machine-id
[   3.7] Running touch: /root/xx/a.txt
[   3.8] Performing "lvm-uuids" ...
[root@node1 ~]# virsh start centos7 
域 centos7 已开始

[root@node1 ~]# virsh console centos7 
连接到域 centos7
换码符为 ^]

centos7 login: root
[root@centos7 ~]# ll /root/xx/
total 0
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 Aug 22 11:12 a.txt
[root@centos7 ~]#

  --truncate <FILE>:清空虚拟机上的指定文件

[root@node1 ~]# virsh console centos7 
连接到域 centos7
换码符为 ^]

[root@centos7 ~]# cat /mnt/test/a.txt 
this is test file on
this is append new data
[root@centos7 ~]# 
[root@node1 ~]# virsh shutdown centos7 
域 centos7 被关闭

[root@node1 ~]# virt-sysprep --truncate /mnt/test/a.txt -d centos7
[   0.0] Examining the guest ...
[   2.7] Performing "abrt-data" ...
[   2.7] Performing "backup-files" ...
[   3.3] Performing "bash-history" ...
[   3.4] Performing "blkid-tab" ...
[   3.4] Performing "crash-data" ...
[   3.4] Performing "cron-spool" ...
[   3.4] Performing "dhcp-client-state" ...
[   3.4] Performing "dhcp-server-state" ...
[   3.4] Performing "dovecot-data" ...
[   3.4] Performing "logfiles" ...
[   3.4] Performing "machine-id" ...
[   3.4] Performing "mail-spool" ...
[   3.4] Performing "net-hostname" ...
[   3.4] Performing "net-hwaddr" ...
[   3.5] Performing "pacct-log" ...
[   3.5] Performing "package-manager-cache" ...
[   3.5] Performing "pam-data" ...
[   3.5] Performing "passwd-backups" ...
[   3.5] Performing "puppet-data-log" ...
[   3.5] Performing "rh-subscription-manager" ...
[   3.5] Performing "rhn-systemid" ...
[   3.5] Performing "rpm-db" ...
[   3.5] Performing "samba-db-log" ...
[   3.5] Performing "script" ...
[   3.5] Performing "smolt-uuid" ...
[   3.5] Performing "ssh-hostkeys" ...
[   3.5] Performing "ssh-userdir" ...
[   3.5] Performing "sssd-db-log" ...
[   3.5] Performing "tmp-files" ...
[   3.5] Performing "udev-persistent-net" ...
[   3.5] Performing "utmp" ...
[   3.6] Performing "yum-uuid" ...
[   3.6] Performing "customize" ...
[   3.6] Setting a random seed
[   3.6] Setting the machine ID in /etc/machine-id
[   3.6] Truncating: /mnt/test/a.txt
[   3.7] Performing "lvm-uuids" ...
[root@node1 ~]# 


[root@node1 ~]# virsh start centos7 
域 centos7 已开始

[root@node1 ~]# virsh console centos7 
连接到域 centos7
换码符为 ^]

centos7 login: root
[root@centos7 ~]# ll /mnt/test/a.txt 
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root 0 Aug 22 11:14 /mnt/test/a.txt
[root@centos7 ~]# cat /mnt/test/a.txt
[root@centos7 ~]# 
[root@node1 ~]# 

  --truncate-recursive <PATH>:在虚拟机上递归清空指定目录下的所有文件内容

[root@node1 ~]# virsh console centos7 
连接到域 centos7
换码符为 ^]

[root@centos7 ~]# ls
[root@centos7 ~]# echo "aaa" > a1
[root@centos7 ~]# echo "bb" > b1   
[root@centos7 ~]# echo "cc" > c1  
[root@centos7 ~]# ls
a1  b1  c1  xx
[root@centos7 ~]# cat a1 b1 c1
[root@centos7 ~]# 
[root@node1 ~]# virsh shutdown centos7 
域 centos7 被关闭

[root@node1 ~]# virt-sysprep --truncate-recursive /root/ -d centos7
[   0.0] Examining the guest ...
[   2.7] Performing "abrt-data" ...
[   2.7] Performing "backup-files" ...
[   3.4] Performing "bash-history" ...
[   3.4] Performing "blkid-tab" ...
[   3.4] Performing "crash-data" ...
[   3.4] Performing "cron-spool" ...
[   3.4] Performing "dhcp-client-state" ...
[   3.4] Performing "dhcp-server-state" ...
[   3.4] Performing "dovecot-data" ...
[   3.4] Performing "logfiles" ...
[   3.5] Performing "machine-id" ...
[   3.5] Performing "mail-spool" ...
[   3.5] Performing "net-hostname" ...
[   3.5] Performing "net-hwaddr" ...
[   3.5] Performing "pacct-log" ...
[   3.5] Performing "package-manager-cache" ...
[   3.5] Performing "pam-data" ...
[   3.5] Performing "passwd-backups" ...
[   3.5] Performing "puppet-data-log" ...
[   3.5] Performing "rh-subscription-manager" ...
[   3.6] Performing "rhn-systemid" ...
[   3.6] Performing "rpm-db" ...
[   3.6] Performing "samba-db-log" ...
[   3.6] Performing "script" ...
[   3.6] Performing "smolt-uuid" ...
[   3.6] Performing "ssh-hostkeys" ...
[   3.6] Performing "ssh-userdir" ...
[   3.6] Performing "sssd-db-log" ...
[   3.6] Performing "tmp-files" ...
[   3.6] Performing "udev-persistent-net" ...
[   3.6] Performing "utmp" ...
[   3.6] Performing "yum-uuid" ...
[   3.6] Performing "customize" ...
[   3.6] Setting a random seed
[   3.6] Setting the machine ID in /etc/machine-id
[   3.6] Recursively truncating: /root/
[   3.7] Performing "lvm-uuids" ...
[root@node1 ~]# 


[root@node1 ~]# virsh start centos7 
域 centos7 已开始

[root@node1 ~]# virsh console centos7 
连接到域 centos7
换码符为 ^]

centos7 login: root
-bash-4.2# ll
total 0
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  0 Aug 22 11:18 a1
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  0 Aug 22 11:18 b1
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  0 Aug 22 11:18 c1
drwxr-xr-x 2 root root 19 Aug 22 11:09 xx
-bash-4.2# cat a1
-bash-4.2# cat b1
-bash-4.2# cat c1
[root@node1 ~]# 


  --uninstall <PKG,PKG..>:卸载虚拟机上的指定包

[root@node1 ~]# virsh shutdown centos7 
域 centos7 被关闭

[root@node1 ~]# virt-sysprep --uninstall httpd,net-tools -d centos7
[   0.0] Examining the guest ...
[   2.7] Performing "abrt-data" ...
[   2.7] Performing "backup-files" ...
[   3.4] Performing "bash-history" ...
[   3.4] Performing "blkid-tab" ...
[   3.4] Performing "crash-data" ...
[   3.4] Performing "cron-spool" ...
[   3.4] Performing "dhcp-client-state" ...
[   3.4] Performing "dhcp-server-state" ...
[   3.4] Performing "dovecot-data" ...
[   3.4] Performing "logfiles" ...
[   3.4] Performing "machine-id" ...
[   3.4] Performing "mail-spool" ...
[   3.4] Performing "net-hostname" ...
[   3.4] Performing "net-hwaddr" ...
[   3.5] Performing "pacct-log" ...
[   3.5] Performing "package-manager-cache" ...
[   3.5] Performing "pam-data" ...
[   3.5] Performing "passwd-backups" ...
[   3.5] Performing "puppet-data-log" ...
[   3.5] Performing "rh-subscription-manager" ...
[   3.5] Performing "rhn-systemid" ...
[   3.5] Performing "rpm-db" ...
[   3.5] Performing "samba-db-log" ...
[   3.5] Performing "script" ...
[   3.5] Performing "smolt-uuid" ...
[   3.5] Performing "ssh-hostkeys" ...
[   3.5] Performing "ssh-userdir" ...
[   3.5] Performing "sssd-db-log" ...
[   3.5] Performing "tmp-files" ...
[   3.5] Performing "udev-persistent-net" ...
[   3.5] Performing "utmp" ...
[   3.5] Performing "yum-uuid" ...
[   3.6] Performing "customize" ...
[   3.6] Setting a random seed
[   3.6] Setting the machine ID in /etc/machine-id
[   3.6] Uninstalling packages: httpd net-tools
[   4.5] Performing "lvm-uuids" ...
[root@node1 ~]# 


[root@node1 ~]# virsh start centos7 
域 centos7 已开始

[root@node1 ~]# virsh console centos7
连接到域 centos7
换码符为 ^]

centos7 login: 
centos7 login: root
-bash-4.2# rpm -q httpd net-tools
package httpd is not installed
package net-tools is not installed
[root@node1 ~]# 

   --upload <FILE:DEST>:把宿主机上的指定文件上传到虚拟机指定目录下;

[root@node1 ~]# virsh console centos7 
连接到域 centos7
换码符为 ^]

-bash-4.2# ls
a1  b1  c1  xx
[root@node1 ~]# ls
a.txt  test.sh
[root@node1 ~]# cat test.sh 
echo "this is test file" > aa.html
[root@node1 ~]# virsh shutdown centos7 
域 centos7 被关闭

[root@node1 ~]# virt-sysprep --upload /root/test.sh:/root/ -d centos7
[   0.0] Examining the guest ...
[   2.8] Performing "abrt-data" ...
[   2.8] Performing "backup-files" ...
[   3.4] Performing "bash-history" ...
[   3.4] Performing "blkid-tab" ...
[   3.5] Performing "crash-data" ...
[   3.5] Performing "cron-spool" ...
[   3.5] Performing "dhcp-client-state" ...
[   3.5] Performing "dhcp-server-state" ...
[   3.5] Performing "dovecot-data" ...
[   3.5] Performing "logfiles" ...
[   3.5] Performing "machine-id" ...
[   3.5] Performing "mail-spool" ...
[   3.5] Performing "net-hostname" ...
[   3.5] Performing "net-hwaddr" ...
[   3.5] Performing "pacct-log" ...
[   3.6] Performing "package-manager-cache" ...
[   3.6] Performing "pam-data" ...
[   3.6] Performing "passwd-backups" ...
[   3.6] Performing "puppet-data-log" ...
[   3.6] Performing "rh-subscription-manager" ...
[   3.6] Performing "rhn-systemid" ...
[   3.6] Performing "rpm-db" ...
[   3.6] Performing "samba-db-log" ...
[   3.6] Performing "script" ...
[   3.6] Performing "smolt-uuid" ...
[   3.6] Performing "ssh-hostkeys" ...
[   3.6] Performing "ssh-userdir" ...
[   3.6] Performing "sssd-db-log" ...
[   3.6] Performing "tmp-files" ...
[   3.6] Performing "udev-persistent-net" ...
[   3.6] Performing "utmp" ...
[   3.6] Performing "yum-uuid" ...
[   3.6] Performing "customize" ...
[   3.7] Setting a random seed
[   3.7] Setting the machine ID in /etc/machine-id
[   3.7] Uploading: /root/test.sh to /root/
[   3.7] Performing "lvm-uuids" ...
[root@node1 ~]# 


[root@node1 ~]# virsh start centos7 
域 centos7 已开始

[root@node1 ~]# virsh console centos7 
连接到域 centos7
换码符为 ^]

centos7 login: root
-bash-4.2# ls 
a1  b1  c1  test.sh  xx
-bash-4.2# cat test.sh 
echo "this is test file" > aa.html
[root@node1 ~]# 


posted @ 2020-08-22 23:37  Linux-1874  阅读(6289)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报