注意:这个问题在lazarus4.99 / fixes-4(lazarus 4.0rc1) 分支中已修复。
在function TGDBMIDebuggerCommand.GetGDBTypeInfo(const AExpression: String;(12409行)前添加function tochinesechar(str:string):string;
function tochinesechar(str:string):string; var i:integer; tmp,tmpstr:string; chr1:byte; e:integer; begin tmp:=''; result:=str; if (copy(str,1,8)=',value="') and (str[length(str)]='"') then begin tmp:=',value='; i:=9; while i<=length(str)-1 do begin if str[i]<>'#' then begin tmp:=tmp+str[i]; i:=i+1; end else begin tmpstr:=copy(str,i+1,3); val(tmpstr,chr1,e); if e=0 then begin tmp:=tmp+chr(chr1); i:=i+4; end else begin tmp:=tmp+str[i]; i:=i+1; end; end; end; i:=1; result:=''; while i<=length(tmp) do begin if copy(tmp,i,4)='''''''''' then begin result:=result+''''''''; i:=i+4; end else if copy(tmp,i,2)='''''' then begin result:=result+''''''; i:=i+2; end else if (i>9) and (i<length(tmp)) and (copy(tmp,i,1)='''') then begin result:=result+''; i:=i+1; end else begin result:=result+tmp[i]; inc(i); end; end; end; end; function TGDBMIDebuggerCommand.GetGDBTypeInfo(const AExpression: String; FullTypeInfo: Boolean; AFlags: TGDBTypeCreationFlags; AFormat: TWatchDisplayFormat; ARepeatCount: Integer): TGDBType; var R: TGDBMIExecResult; f: Boolean; AReq: PGDBPTypeRequest; CReq: TGDBPTypeRequest; i: Integer; begin (* Analyze what type is in AExpression * "whatis AExpr" This return the declared type of the expression (as in the pascal source)
f := ExecuteCommand(AReq^.Request, R); if f and (R.State <> dsError) then begin if AReq^.ReqType = gcrtPType then AReq^.Result :=ParseTypeFromGdb(R.Values) else begin AReq^.Result.GdbDescription :={$ifdef MSWINDOWS}tochinesechar(R.Values){$ELSE}R.Values{$ENDIF}; AReq^.Result.Kind := ptprkSimple; end; end else begin AReq^.Result.GdbDescription := R.Values; AReq^.Error :=R.Values; end;