{ This file is part of the Free Pascal run time library. Copyright (c) 2008 by the Free Pascal development team. Init rtl formating variables based on libc locales See the file COPYING.FPC, included in this distribution, for details about the copyright. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. **********************************************************************} { Initial implementation by petr kristan } unit clocale; {$ifdef android} {$error This unit is not intended for Android. Something wrong with the make file. } {$endif android} {$mode objfpc} interface {$ifdef localedebug} // for easier debugging, allows to print untransformed values in test Type TOrgFormatSettings = record ShortDateFormat, LongDateFormat , ShortTimeFormat, LongTimeFormat , CurrencyString1, CurrencyString2: string; end; var OrgFormatSettings : TOrgFormatSettings; {$endif} implementation {$linklib c} Uses SysUtils, unixtype, initc; Const {$if defined(BSD) or defined(SUNOS) or defined(aix)} // Darwin, FreeBSD, Solaris, AIX. Note the lead underscores are added. {$i clocale.inc} {$else} // checked for Linux only, but might be general glibc. __LC_CTYPE = 0; __LC_NUMERIC = 1; __LC_TIME = 2; __LC_COLLATE = 3; __LC_MONETARY = 4; __LC_MESSAGES = 5; __LC_ALL = 6; ABDAY_1 = (__LC_TIME shl 16); DAY_1 = (ABDAY_1)+7; ABMON_1 = (ABDAY_1)+14; MON_1 = (ABDAY_1)+26; AM_STR = (ABDAY_1)+38; PM_STR = (ABDAY_1)+39; D_T_FMT = (ABDAY_1)+40; D_FMT = (ABDAY_1)+41; T_FMT = (ABDAY_1)+42; T_FMT_AMPM = (ABDAY_1)+43; __DECIMAL_POINT = (__LC_NUMERIC shl 16); RADIXCHAR = __DECIMAL_POINT; __THOUSANDS_SEP = (__DECIMAL_POINT)+1; __INT_CURR_SYMBOL = (__LC_MONETARY shl 16); __CURRENCY_SYMBOL = (__INT_CURR_SYMBOL)+1; __MON_DECIMAL_POINT = (__INT_CURR_SYMBOL)+2; __MON_THOUSANDS_SEP = (__INT_CURR_SYMBOL)+3; __MON_GROUPING = (__INT_CURR_SYMBOL)+4; __POSITIVE_SIGN = (__INT_CURR_SYMBOL)+5; __NEGATIVE_SIGN = (__INT_CURR_SYMBOL)+6; __INT_FRAC_DIGITS = (__INT_CURR_SYMBOL)+7; __FRAC_DIGITS = (__INT_CURR_SYMBOL)+8; __P_CS_PRECEDES = (__INT_CURR_SYMBOL)+9; __P_SEP_BY_SPACE = (__INT_CURR_SYMBOL)+10; __N_CS_PRECEDES = (__INT_CURR_SYMBOL)+11; __N_SEP_BY_SPACE = (__INT_CURR_SYMBOL)+12; __P_SIGN_POSN = (__INT_CURR_SYMBOL)+13; __N_SIGN_POSN = (__INT_CURR_SYMBOL)+14; _NL_MONETARY_CRNCYSTR = (__INT_CURR_SYMBOL)+15; {$endif} {$ifdef netbsd} { NetBSD has a new setlocale function defined in /usr/include/locale.h that should be used } function setlocale(category: cint; locale: pchar): pchar; cdecl; external clib name '__setlocale_mb_len_max_32'; {$else} function setlocale(category: cint; locale: pchar): pchar; cdecl; external clib name 'setlocale'; {$endif} function nl_langinfo(__item: cint):Pchar;cdecl;external clib name 'nl_langinfo'; procedure GetFormatSettings(out fmts: TFormatSettings); function GetLocaleStr(item: cint): string; begin GetLocaleStr := AnsiString(nl_langinfo(item)); end; function GetLocaleChar(item: cint): char; begin GetLocaleChar := nl_langinfo(item)^; end; function SkipModifiers(const s: string; var i: integer): string; var l: Integer; begin Result := ''; l := Length(s); //possible flag, with specifier or modifier - glibc exension while (i<=l) and (s[i] in ['0'..'9', '_', '-', '^', '#', 'E', 'O']) do begin Result := Result + s[i]; inc(i); end; end; function IsModifier(const Mods: string; m: char): boolean; var i: integer; begin Result := False; for i := 1 to Length(Mods) do begin if Mods[i] = m then begin Result := True; Break; end; end; end; function FindSeparator(const s: string; Def: char): char; var i: integer; begin FindSeparator := Def; i := Pos('%', s); if i=0 then Exit; inc(i); SkipModifiers(s, i); inc(i); if i<=Length(s) then FindSeparator:=s[i]; if ord(FindSeparator)>127 then FindSeparator:=Def; end; function TransformFormatStr(const s: string): string; var i, l: integer; ampminstring : boolean; clock12:boolean; LastMod: string; begin clock12:=false; // should ampm get appended? ampminstring:=false; TransformFormatStr := ''; i := 1; l := Length(s); while i<=l do begin if s[i]='%' then begin inc(i); LastMod := SkipModifiers(s, i); if i>l then Exit; case s[i] of 'a': TransformFormatStr := TransformFormatStr + 'ddd'; 'A': TransformFormatStr := TransformFormatStr + 'dddd'; 'b': TransformFormatStr := TransformFormatStr + 'mmm'; 'B': TransformFormatStr := TransformFormatStr + 'mmmm'; 'c': TransformFormatStr := TransformFormatStr + 'c'; //'C': 'd': if IsModifier(LastMod, '-') then TransformFormatStr := TransformFormatStr + 'd' else TransformFormatStr := TransformFormatStr + 'dd'; 'D': TransformFormatStr := TransformFormatStr + 'mm"/"dd"/"yy'; 'e': TransformFormatStr := TransformFormatStr + 'd'; 'F': TransformFormatStr := TransformFormatStr + 'yyyy-mm-dd'; 'g': TransformFormatStr := TransformFormatStr + 'yy'; 'G': TransformFormatStr := TransformFormatStr + 'yyyy'; 'h': TransformFormatStr := TransformFormatStr + 'mmm'; 'H': TransformFormatStr := TransformFormatStr + 'hh'; 'I': begin TransformFormatStr := TransformFormatStr + 'hh'; clock12:=true; end; //'j': 'k': TransformFormatStr := TransformFormatStr + 'h'; 'l': begin TransformFormatStr := TransformFormatStr + 'h'; clock12:=true; end; 'm': if IsModifier(LastMod, '-') then TransformFormatStr := TransformFormatStr + 'm' else TransformFormatStr := TransformFormatStr + 'mm'; 'M': TransformFormatStr := TransformFormatStr + 'nn'; 'n': TransformFormatStr := TransformFormatStr + sLineBreak; 'p','P': begin TransformFormatStr := TransformFormatStr + 'ampm'; ampminstring:=true; clock12:=false; end; 'r': begin TransformFormatStr := TransformFormatStr + 'hh:nn:ss'; clock12:=true; end; 'R': TransformFormatStr := TransformFormatStr + 'hh:nn'; //'s': 'S': TransformFormatStr := TransformFormatStr + 'ss'; 't': TransformFormatStr := TransformFormatStr + #9; 'T': TransformFormatStr := TransformFormatStr + 'hh:nn:ss'; //'u': //'U': //'V': //'w': //'W': 'x': TransformFormatStr := TransformFormatStr + 'ddddd'; 'X': TransformFormatStr := TransformFormatStr + 't'; 'y': TransformFormatStr := TransformFormatStr + 'yy'; 'Y': TransformFormatStr := TransformFormatStr + 'yyyy'; //'z': //'Z': '%': TransformFormatStr := TransformFormatStr + '%'; end; end else TransformFormatStr := TransformFormatStr + s[i]; inc(i); end; if ampminstring then clock12:=false; i:=length(TransformFormatStr); if clock12 and (i>0) then begin if transformformatstr[i]<>' ' then TransformFormatStr := TransformFormatStr + ' '; TransformFormatStr := TransformFormatStr + 'ampm'; end; end; const // sign prec sep NegFormatsTable: array [0..4, 0..1, 0..1] of byte = ( ( (4, 15), (0, 14) ), //Parentheses surround the quantity and currency_symbol ( (5, 8), (1, 9) ), //The sign string precedes the quantity and currency_symbol ( (7, 10), (3, 11) ), //The sign string follows the quantity and currency_symbol ( (6, 13), (1, 9) ), //The sign string immediately precedes the currency_symbol ( (7, 10), (2, 12) ) //The sign string immediately follows the currency_symbol ); var i: integer; prec, sep, signp: byte; {$if defined(BSD) or defined(SUNOS) or defined(aix)} plocale : plconv; {$ENDIF} begin setlocale(__LC_ALL,''); for i := 1 to 12 do begin fmts.ShortMonthNames[i]:=GetLocaleStr(ABMON_1+i-1); fmts.LongMonthNames[i]:=GetLocaleStr(MON_1+i-1); end; for i := 1 to 7 do begin fmts.ShortDayNames[i]:=GetLocaleStr(ABDAY_1+i-1); fmts.LongDayNames[i]:=GetLocaleStr(DAY_1+i-1); end; //Date stuff fmts.ShortDateFormat := GetLocaleStr(D_FMT); {$ifdef localedebug} OrgFormatSettings.ShortDateFormat:=fmts.shortdateformat; {$endif} fmts.DateSeparator := FindSeparator(fmts.ShortDateFormat, fmts.DateSeparator); fmts.ShortDateFormat := TransformFormatStr(fmts.ShortDateFormat); fmts.LongDateFormat := GetLocaleStr(D_FMT); {$ifdef localedebug} OrgFormatSettings.LongDateFormat:=fmts.longdateformat; {$endif} fmts.LongDateFormat := TransformFormatStr(fmts.LongDateFormat); //Time stuff fmts.TimeAMString := GetLocaleStr(AM_STR); fmts.TimePMString := GetLocaleStr(PM_STR); fmts.ShortTimeFormat := GetLocaleStr(T_FMT); {$ifdef localedebug} OrgFormatSettings.ShortTimeFormat:=fmts.shorttimeformat; {$endif} fmts.TimeSeparator := FindSeparator(fmts.ShortTimeFormat, fmts.TimeSeparator); fmts.ShortTimeFormat := TransformFormatStr(fmts.ShortTimeFormat); fmts.LongTimeFormat := GetLocaleStr(T_FMT_AMPM); {$ifdef localedebug} OrgFormatSettings.LongTimeFormat:=fmts.longtimeformat; {$endif} if (fmts.LongTimeFormat='') then fmts.LongTimeFormat:=fmts.ShortTimeFormat else fmts.LongTimeFormat := TransformFormatStr(fmts.LongTimeFormat); {$if defined(BSD) or defined(SUNOS) or defined(aix)} plocale:=localeconv; // for these fields there is a separate BSD derived POSIX function. if not assigned(plocale) then exit; // for now. fmts.CurrencyString:=plocale^.currency_symbol; // int_CURR_SYMBOL (in latin chars) if fmts.CurrencyString='' then fmts.CurrencyString:=plocale^.int_curr_symbol; fmts.CurrencyDecimals:=ord(plocale^.FRAC_DIGITS); {$ifdef localedebug} OrgFormatSettings.CurrencyString1:=plocale^.currency_symbol; OrgFormatSettings.CurrencyString2:=plocale^.int_curr_symbol; {$endif} prec:=ord(plocale^.P_CS_PRECEDES); sep:=ord(plocale^.P_SEP_BY_SPACE); if (prec<=1) and (sep<=1) then fmts.CurrencyFormat := byte(not boolean(prec)) + sep shl 1; prec := ord(plocale^.N_CS_PRECEDES); sep := ord(plocale^.N_SEP_BY_SPACE); signp := ord(plocale^.N_SIGN_POSN); if (signp in [0..4]) and (prec in [0, 1]) and (sep in [0, 1]) then fmts.NegCurrFormat := NegFormatsTable[signp, prec, sep]; //Number stuff fmts.ThousandSeparator:=plocale^.THOUSANDS_SEP[0]; {$else} //Currency stuff fmts.CurrencyString := GetLocaleStr(_NL_MONETARY_CRNCYSTR); {$ifdef localedebug} OrgFormatSettings.CurrencyString1:=fmts.currencystring; OrgFormatSettings.CurrencyString2:=''; {$endif} fmts.CurrencyString := Copy(fmts.CurrencyString, 2, Length(fmts.CurrencyString)); fmts.CurrencyDecimals := StrToIntDef(GetLocaleStr(__FRAC_DIGITS), fmts.CurrencyDecimals); prec := byte(GetLocaleChar(__P_CS_PRECEDES)); sep := byte(GetLocaleChar(__P_SEP_BY_SPACE)); if (prec<=1) and (sep<=1) then fmts.CurrencyFormat := byte(not boolean(prec)) + sep shl 1; prec := byte(GetLocaleChar(__N_CS_PRECEDES)); sep := byte(GetLocaleChar(__N_SEP_BY_SPACE)); signp := byte(GetLocaleChar(__N_SIGN_POSN)); if (signp in [0..4]) and (prec in [0, 1]) and (sep in [0, 1]) then fmts.NegCurrFormat := NegFormatsTable[signp, prec, sep]; //Number stuff fmts.ThousandSeparator:=GetLocaleChar(__THOUSANDS_SEP); Sep := ord(GetLocaleChar(__MON_THOUSANDS_SEP)); if fmts.ThousandSeparator=#0 then fmts.ThousandSeparator := char(Sep); {$endif} fmts.DecimalSeparator:=GetLocaleChar(RADIXCHAR); end; initialization GetFormatSettings(DefaultFormatSettings); end.
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