[笔记]MongoDB 二(Linux下MongoDB API C++编程)


  DBClientConnection,派生自DBClientBase。DBClientBase类是实现query, update, insert, remove等功能。

  构造函数:DBClientConnection(bool _autoReconnect=false, DBClientReplicaSet* cp=0, double so_timeout=0)




  连接函数:bool connect(const char *hostname, string &errmsg)

    hostname 主机,,

    errmsg 错误信息,传出


  void remove(const string &ns, Query q, bool justOne=0)

    ns 库名.集合名

    q 是一个查询条件。Query是一个类,利用构造函数Query(const char *json);构造。

    justOne 是否删除一条,默认false


  void insert(const string &ns, BSONObj obj, int flag=0)

    ns 库名.集合名

    BSONObj obj:



 1 //通过BSONObjBuilder.obj()生成BSONObj
 3 //第一种形式
 4 BSONObjBuilder b1;
 5 //{id:1,name:'haha'}
 6 b1.append("id",1);
 7 b1.append("name","haha");
 8 /*
 9 BSONObj obj() {
10             bool own = owned();
11             massert( 10335 , "builder does not own memory", own );
12             doneFast();
13             BSONObj::Holder* h = (BSONObj::Holder*)_b.buf();
14             decouple(); // sets _b.buf() to NULL
15             return BSONObj(h);
16         }
17 */
18 DBClientConnection.insert("dbName.collectionName",b1.obj());
20 //第二种形式
21 BSONObjBuilder b2;
22 //{id:2,name:'hehe'}
23 /*
24     template<class T>
25     BSONObjBuilder& operator<<( T value );
26 */
27 b2<<"id"<<2<<"name"<<"hehe";
28 //余下同上
30 //第三种形式
31 /*
32 #define BSON(x) (( mongo::BSONObjBuilder(64) << x ).obj())
33 */
34 //{id:3,name:'hahe'}
35 BSONObjBuilder b3=BSON("id"<<3<<"name"<<hahe");



 1 //{id:4,name:'heha'}
 2 Query ins("{id:4,name:'heha'}");
 3 /*
 4 class Query {
 5     public:
 6         BSONObj obj;
 7         Query() : obj(BSONObj()) { }
 8         Query(const BSONObj& b) : obj(b) { }
 9         Query(const string &json);
10         Query(const char * json);
11 */
12 insert("dbName.collectionName",ins.obj);


  void update(const string &ns, Query query, BSONObj obj, bool upsert = false, bool multi = false);

  ns 库名.集合名

  query 查询的条件

  obj 更新的内容

  upsert 如果条件不成立是否新增

  multi 是否更新多条


1 //查询条件
2 Query query("{id:1}");
3 //更新内容
4 Query bobj("{name:'hehe'}");
5 update("dbName.collectionName",query,bobj.obj);


  virtual auto_prt<DBClientCursor> query(const string &ns, Query query=Query(), int nToReturn =0, int nToSkip=0, const BSONObj *fieldsToReturn=0, int queryOptions=0, int batchSize=0)

  auto_prt<DBClientCursor> 智能指针,自动释放<>内部的内存数据



/** Queries return a cursor object */
    class DBClientCursor : public DBClientCursorInterface {
        /** If true, safe to call next().  Requests more from server if necessary. */
        bool more();

        /** If true, there is more in our local buffers to be fetched via next(). Returns
            false when a getMore request back to server would be required.  You can use this
            if you want to exhaust whatever data has been fetched to the client already but
            then perhaps stop.
        int objsLeftInBatch() const { _assertIfNull(); return _putBack.size() + batch.nReturned - batch.pos; }
        bool moreInCurrentBatch() { return objsLeftInBatch() > 0; }

        /** next
           @return next object in the result cursor.
           on an error at the remote server, you will get back:
             { $err: <string> }
           if you do not want to handle that yourself, call nextSafe().
        BSONObj next();


    ns,query  同前

    nToReturn 返回记录数

    nToSkip 跳过记录数

    fieldsTOReturn 要返回的字段

DBClientConnection conn(false,0,3);
std::string errmsg;
if (!conn.connect("localhost:27018", errmsg))
    cout << "connect to mongo err" << endl;
    return -1;
auto_ptr<DBClientCursor> cursor = conn.query("dbName.collectionName", Query("{}"));




inline std::ostream& operator<<( std::ostream &s, const BSONObj &o ) {
        return s << o.toString();

inline std::string BSONObj::toString( bool isArray, bool full ) const {
        if ( isEmpty() ) return "{}";
        StringBuilder s;
        toString(s, isArray, full);
        return s.str();

inline void BSONObj::toString( StringBuilder& s,  bool isArray, bool full, int depth ) const {
        if ( isEmpty() ) {
            s << "{}";

        s << ( isArray ? "[ " : "{ " );
        BSONObjIterator i(*this);
        bool first = true;
        while ( 1 ) {
            massert( 10327 ,  "Object does not end with EOO", i.moreWithEOO() );
            BSONElement e = i.next( true );
            massert( 10328 ,  "Invalid element size", e.size() > 0 );
            massert( 10329 ,  "Element too large", e.size() < ( 1 << 30 ) );
            int offset = (int) (e.rawdata() - this->objdata());
            massert( 10330 ,  "Element extends past end of object",
                     e.size() + offset <= this->objsize() );
            bool end = ( e.size() + offset == this->objsize() );
            if ( e.eoo() ) {
                massert( 10331 ,  "EOO Before end of object", end );
            if ( first )
                first = false;
                s << ", ";
            e.toString( s, !isArray, full, depth );
        s << ( isArray ? " ]" : " }" );


        BSONObj::getField(const StringData& name)


inline BSONElement BSONObj::getField(const StringData& name) const {
    BSONObjIterator i(*this);
    while ( i.more() ) {
        BSONElement e = i.next();
        if ( strcmp(e.fieldName(), name.data()) == 0 )
            return e;
    return BSONElement();


class BSONElement {
    /** These functions, which start with a capital letter, throw a UserException if the
        element is not of the required type. Example:

        std::string foo = obj["foo"].String(); // std::exception if not a std::string type or DNE
    std::string String()        const { return chk(mongo::String).valuestr(); }
    Date_t Date()               const { return chk(mongo::Date).date(); }
    double Number()             const { return chk(isNumber()).number(); }
    double Double()             const { return chk(NumberDouble)._numberDouble(); }
    long long Long()            const { return chk(NumberLong)._numberLong(); }
    int Int()                   const { return chk(NumberInt)._numberInt(); }
    bool Bool()                 const { return chk(mongo::Bool).boolean(); }
    std::vector<BSONElement> Array() const; // see implementation for detailed comments
    mongo::OID OID()            const { return chk(jstOID).__oid(); }
    void Null()                 const { chk(isNull()); } // throw UserException if not null
    void OK()                   const { chk(ok()); }     // throw UserException if element DNE



while (cursor->more())
    mongo::BSONObj obj = cursor->next();//取下一条记录,为BSONObj格式
    //cout << obj << endl;
    cout << "id:" << obj.getField("id").Number() << ",name:" << obj.getField("name").String();
    if (obj.hasElement("age"))
        cout << ",age:" << obj.getField("age").Number();
    cout << endl;


posted @ 2019-09-27 13:36  qetuo[  阅读(683)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报