04 2022 档案

posted @ 2022-04-21 20:49 秋华 编辑
posted @ 2022-04-21 20:45 秋华 编辑
摘要:https://ielts.koolearn.com/20211129/854302.html 描述一段等待特殊事情发生的时间 Describe a time when you waited for something special to happen. You should say: What 阅读全文
posted @ 2022-04-06 00:42 秋华 编辑
摘要:https://ielts.koolearn.com/20211129/854302.html 描述你城市里一家很多员工的公司 Describe a company that employs a lot of staff in your city. You should say: What it d 阅读全文
posted @ 2022-04-06 00:39 秋华 编辑
摘要:https://ielts.koolearn.com/20211129/854302.html 描述一件你花费超过预期的东西 Describe an item on which you spent more than expected. You should say: What it is How 阅读全文
posted @ 2022-04-06 00:38 秋华 编辑
摘要:https://ielts.koolearn.com/20211129/854302.html 一个巧妙解决某个问题的人 Describe a person who gave a clever solution to a problem. You should say: Who the person 阅读全文
posted @ 2022-04-06 00:36 秋华 编辑
摘要:来源:https://ielts.koolearn.com/20211129/854302.html 描述一个在社交媒体上关注的人 Describe a person you follow on social media You should say: Who he/she is How you k 阅读全文
posted @ 2022-04-06 00:22 秋华 编辑
摘要:Before you ask for a promotion, be sure that you're doing all the right things to help ensure that the answer will be positive. 1. Do a Great Job. How 阅读全文
posted @ 2022-04-05 23:37 秋华 编辑
posted @ 2022-04-04 18:24 秋华 编辑
posted @ 2022-04-04 18:15 秋华 编辑
posted @ 2022-04-04 18:06 秋华 编辑
posted @ 2022-04-04 18:05 秋华 编辑
posted @ 2022-04-04 16:37 秋华 编辑
