


 select  * from A where ID between 30 and 40;    


 1. 此种写法效率非常低:

   select top 10 * from A where ID not in (select top 30 ID from A);   

 2. ROW_NUMBER函数效率高,该写法只支持sqlserver2005及以上版本:

     select * from (select ROW_NUMBER() over(order by ID) as 'sequence',A.*  from A ) as t where t.sequence between 31 and 40;   

 3. 海量数据做查询时更高效:

     select top 10 * from A where id in (select top 10 id from (select top 40 id from A order by ID desc) as t order by t.ID ) order by A.ID desc;

 4. sqlserver2012最新写法:

     select * from A order by id offset 30 rows fetch next 10 rows only;

 5. 支持多数据,支持多排序字段,效率高:

  select top 10 *
    from a
  where id in (select top 10 id
                  from (select top 40 id from A order by ID desc) as t
                 order by t.ID)
  order by t.ID desc;

 6. 效率勉强可以:

    select top 10 * from (select top 40 * from A order by ID) as t order by t.ID desc;

 7. 此方法不一定适用于所有数据库,自行测试:

    select * from A order by A.ID asc LIMIT 30,10;





posted @ 2012-10-26 14:30  琴子  阅读(259)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报