移动端封装map 组件,调起高德地图
<template> <view> <map id="popMap" ref="maps" :longitude="longitude" :latitude="latitude" scale="14" :markers="markers" @tap="onMapTap" @click="onMapClick" @regionchange="onRegionChange" show-location style="width: 750rpx; height: 100vh;"></map> </view> </template> <script> import amapPlugin from "@amap/amap-jsapi-loader"; export default { data() { return { // 初始化地图的位置 longitude: 118.020013, latitude: 37.461536, markers: [ // 设置标记点 { latitude: 118.020013, longitude: 37.461536, title: 'New York City', iconPath: '/static/mapLocation.png', }, ], }; }, onReady() { // 高德地图API初始化 this.initAmap(); this.addMapEvent() }, mounted() { // this.addMapEvent() }, methods: { initAmap() { console.log('111'); // 高德地图API初始化代码,需要自行获取key amapPlugin.initAMapApi('13254965e7ab4c469911c1256a2b129e'); }, onRegionChange(e) { // 当地图区域发生变化时,更新位置 return if (e.type === 'end') { console.log(e); this.longitude = e.detail.centerLocation.longitude; this.latitude = e.detail.centerLocation.latitude; this.markers[0].longitude = this.longitude this.markers[0].latitude = this.latitude // 使用高德地图API进行逆地理编码查询地址信息 this.reverseGeocode() // uni.getLocation({ // longitude: this.longitude, // latitude: this.latitude, // success: (res) => { // console.log(res, '成功'); // this.reverseGeocode() // // 调用高德API进行逆地理编码 // // amapPlugin.reverseGeocode({ // // location: `${this.longitude},${this.latitude}`, // // success: (data) => { // // // 成功获取地址信息 // // console.log(data.address); // // }, // // fail: () => { // // // 获取地址失败处理 // // } // // }); // } // }); } }, onMapTap(e) { console.log('地图被点击了', e) let that = this; console.log(this.$refs.maps, 'maps') // var maps = uni.createMapContext(, this); // console.log(maps, 'maps'); // console.log(maps.pageVm, '0000') // this.$refs.maps.onclick = function(point) { // console.log(point, 'point') // } }, onMapClick(e) { console.log(e, 'click点击'); }, reverseGeocode(e) { const { longitude, latitude } = this.markers[0]; const key = '13254965e7ab4c469911c1256a2b129e'; // 替换为你的高德API密钥 const url = `${key}&location=${longitude},${latitude}`; uni.request({ url, success: ({ data }) => { if (data.status === '1') { console.log(data, '反显成功'); // uni.showModal({ // title: '地址信息', // content: data.regeocode.formatted_address, // showCancel: false // }); } else { uni.showToast({ title: '逆地理编码失败', icon: 'none' }); } }, fail: () => { uni.showToast({ title: '请求失败', icon: 'none' }); } }); }, addMapEvent() { console.log('点击时间', uni.createMapContext); let that = this; var maps = this.$refs.maps //uni.createMapContext("popMap", this).$getAppMap(); console.log(maps, 'maps'); maps.onclick = function(point) { console.log(point, "point") that.longitude = point.longitude that.latitude = point.latitude that.covers = []; that.covers = [{ id: 2, //点击时候是第二次作为标记点定义。id为2,不能重复 latitude: point.latitude, longitude: point.longitude, iconPath: img, fontSize: 80, title: "所选位置" }] } } } // //根据地址获取经纬度 // geoApi = (address) => axios( // '', // 'GET', { // address, // key // } // ) }; </script>