Could not resolve placeholder 'IMAGE_SERVER_URL' in string value "${IMAGE_SERVER_URL}"


这种问题 在网上查的是说使用了重复的property-placeholder   可能是在别的xml 也用了property-placeholder   



 解决方法 加上  ignore-unresolvable="true"



Attribute : ignore-unresolvable
Specifies if failure to find the property value to replace a key should be ignored. Default is
 "false", meaning that this placeholder configurer will raise an exception if it cannot resolve a
 key. Set to "true" to allow the configurer to pass on the  key to any others in the context that
 have not yet visited the key in question.


 大概意思是 开启后 允许配置程序将密钥传递给上下文中的任何其他配置程序


posted @ 2019-03-18 20:41  寂静生长  阅读(1922)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
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