## Please see ## Transcript Length library(GenomicRanges) library(rtracklayer) ## reading your mm10 gtf file and read only exons GTFfile <- gzfile(description = "E:/gencode.vM13.annotation.gtf.gz", open = "r") ## your mm10 gtf file GTF <- import.gff(GTFfile, format="gtf", genome="mm10", feature.type="exon") grl <- reduce(split(GTF, elementMetadata(GTF)$gene_id)) reducedGTF <- unlist(grl, use.names=T) elementMetadata(reducedGTF)$gene_id <- rep(names(grl), elementNROWS(grl)) elementMetadata(reducedGTF)$widths <- width(reducedGTF) ## calculation of length calc_length <- function(x) { sum(elementMetadata(x)$widths) } output <- t(sapply(split(reducedGTF, elementMetadata(reducedGTF)$gene_id), calc_length)) output <- data.frame(t(output)) output$id = rownames(output) output$id = gsub(pattern = "(.*)[.](.*)", replacement = "\\1", x = output$id) output = output[,c(2,1)] colnames(output)[2] = "Transcript.Length" head(output) write.csv(output, file = "gencode.vM13.geneLenght.csv")