[Storm] 并发度的理解

Tasks & executors relation 

Q1. However I'm a bit confused by the concept of "task". Is a task an running instance of the component(spout or bolt) ? An executor having multiple tasks actually is saying the same component is executed for multiple times by the executor, am I correct ?

A1: Yes, and yes 


Q2. Moreover in a general parallelism sense, Storm will spawn a dedicated thread(executor) for a spout or bolt, but what is contributed to the parallelism by an executor(thread) having multiple tasks ?

A2: Running more than one task per executor does not increase the level of parallelism -- an executor always has one thread that it uses for all of its tasks, which means that tasks run serially on an executor.


  • The number of executor threads can be changed after the topology has been started (see storm rebalance command).
  • The number of tasks of a topology is static.

And by definition, there is the invariant of #executors <= #tasks.

一个topology的task个数是固定的,但是executor数(线程数)是可以动态改变的。默认的,executor数 <= tasks数

So one reason for having 2+ tasks per executor thread is to give you the flexibility to expand/scale up the topology through the storm rebalance command in the future without taking the topology offline. For instance, imagine you start out with a Storm cluster of 15 machines but already know that next week another 10 boxes will be added. Here you could opt for running the topology at the anticipated parallelism level of 25 machines already on the 15 initial boxes (which is, of course, slower than 25 boxes). Once the additional 10 boxes are integrated you can then storm rebalancethe topology to make full use of all 25 boxes without any downtime.

Another reason to run 2+ tasks per executor is for (primarily functional) testing. For instance, if your dev machine or CI server is only powerful enough to run, say, 2 executors alongside all the other stuff running on the machine, you can still run 30 tasks (here: 15 per executor) to see whether code such as your custom Storm grouping is working as expected.


  • 为了给topology运行提供多大的灵活度,在运行中可以扩展并发度
  • 为了功能测试

In practice we normally we run 1 task per executor.

PS: Note that Storm will actually spawn a few more threads behind the scenes. For instance, each executor has its own "send thread" that is responsible for handling outgoing tuples. There are also "system-level" background threads for e.g. acking tuples that run alongside "your" threads. IIRC the Storm UI counts those acking threads in addition to "your" threads.

实际上我们通常是 executors数 = task数


我们知道 A stream grouping defines how that stream should be partitioned among the bolt's tasks. 简单理解,partition就是定义数据如何分给多个每个task。Storm给出了spout/bolt之间的数据partition算法

  1. Shuffle grouping: Tuples are randomly distributed across the bolt's tasks in a way such that each bolt is guaranteed to get an equal number of tuples.
  2. Fields grouping: The stream is partitioned by the fields specified in the grouping. For example, if the stream is grouped by the "user-id" field, tuples with the same "user-id" will always go to the same task, but tuples with different "user-id"'s may go to different tasks.
  3. All grouping: The stream is replicated across all the bolt's tasks. Use this grouping with care.
  4. Global grouping: The entire stream goes to a single one of the bolt's tasks. Specifically, it goes to the task with the lowest id.
  5. None grouping: This grouping specifies that you don't care how the stream is grouped. Currently, none groupings are equivalent to shuffle groupings. Eventually though, Storm will push down bolts with none groupings to execute in the same thread as the bolt or spout they subscribe from (when possible).
  6. Direct grouping: This is a special kind of grouping. A stream grouped this way means that the producer of the tuple decides which task of the consumer will receive this tuple. Direct groupings can only be declared on streams that have been declared as direct streams. Tuples emitted to a direct stream must be emitted using one of the [emitDirect](javadocs/backtype/storm/task/OutputCollector.html#emitDirect(int, int, java.util.List) methods. A bolt can get the task ids of its consumers by either using the provided TopologyContext or by keeping track of the output of the emit method inOutputCollector (which returns the task ids that the tuple was sent to).
  7. Local or shuffle grouping: If the target bolt has one or more tasks in the same worker process, tuples will be shuffled to just those in-process tasks. Otherwise, this acts like a normal shuffle grouping.


  1. 用户自定义partition的方式,比如基于某个字段进行shuffle

  2. 干脆不考虑partition,spout的并发设置为1,task个数也为1

  3. 还有一种是spout有并发度,多线程抢占式的消费数据,这时候可能需要有一个保持一致性状态的锁。






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