

#   参数alist:被排序的列表
def bubbleSort(alist):
	for num in range(len(alist)-1,0,-1):
		for i in range(num):
			if alist[i] < alist[i+1]:
				alist[i] = alist[i]^alist[i+1]
				alist[i+1] = alist[i]^alist[i+1]
				alist[i] = alist[i]^alist[i+1]
	return alist

#   参数alist:被排序的列表
def selectSort(alist):
	for num in range(len(alist)-1,0,-1):
		positionMax = 0
		for index in range(1,num+1):
			if alist[positionMax] < alist[index]:
				positionMax = index
		# temp = alist[num]
		# alist[num] = alist[positionMax]
		# alist[positionMax] =temp

		alist[num] = alist[num]^alist[positionMax]
		alist[positionMax] = alist[num]^alist[positionMax]
		alist[num] = alist[num]^alist[positionMax]
		print alist[num]
	return alist

#   参数alist:被排序的列表
def insertSort(alist):
	for index in range(1,len(alist)):
		temp = alist[index]
		protion = index

		while alist[protion-1] > temp and protion > 0:
			alist[protion] = alist[protion-1]
			protion = protion-1

		alist[protion] = temp
	return alist


#    参数alist:被排序的列表
#    参数low:左侧起始位置
#    参数hegh:右侧终止位置
def quickSort(alist,low,hegh):
	if low < hegh:
		pos = findpos(alist,low,hegh)

		quickSort(alist, low, pos-1)
		quickSort(alist, pos+1, hegh)

	return alist

#    参数alist:被产讯的列表
#    参数low:左侧起始位置
#    参数hegh:右侧终止位置
def findpos(alist,left,right):
	temp = alist[left]

	while left < right:		
		while left < right and alist[right] >= temp:
			right -= 1
		alist[left] = alist[right]
		while left < right and alist[left] <= temp:
			left += 1
		alist[right] = alist[left]

	alist[right] = temp

	return right

if __name__ == "__main__":

	# #测试冒泡排序:
	# num = bubbleSort(number)
	# print num

	# #调用选择排序
	# num = selectSort(number)
	# print num

	num = insertSort(number)
	print num

	# #快速排序
	# num = quickSort(number, 0, len(number)-1)
	# print num


posted on 2016-10-24 07:45  cloud_wh  阅读(283)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报
