第十章 提升论文的可读性 --《英语科技写作(文法与修辞原则)》by 方克涛

1 旧的内容应放在心的内容前面



2 主题应当做主语

bad ex:the algorithm we have propsed is superior to the conventional algorithm in two ways. our algorithm is much faster than the conventional algorithm, especially in applications with only a small number of parameters. and, particularly in applications involving large sets of data, the conventional method is mroe difficult to program than our method.

good ex: the algorithm we have propsed is superior to the conventional algorithm in two ways. our algorithm is much faster than the conventional algorithm, especially in applications with only a small number of parameters. our algorithm is much easier to program than the conventional method, particularly in applications involving large sets of data.

分析: 这也是我常犯的错误!


3 被动语态的用法



4 短的片语放在长的片语前面

ex: a new, fast recursive least-squares algorithm in transversal filter form is derived.

new是短的片语,放在长片语fast recursive least-squares前,能使得句子读起来更通畅。


5 尽量缩短主语与动词之间的距离

bad ex: the architecture, as show in figure 3, incorporates two modules linked together by a map field.

good ex:  as show in figure 3, the architecture incorporates two modules linked together by a map field.


6 句子的动作应以动词表达

bad ex: excess HNO3 may lead to a thin oxide film on the substrate surface and thus inhibition of nucleation in non-target regions and an improved degree of selectivity.

good ex: excess HNO3 may cause a thin oxide film to form on the substrate surface, thus inhibiting nucleation in non-target regions and increasing the degree of selectivity.



7 句子之间的逻辑关系应表达清楚

读者在写研究报告的时候,需要合理合乎逻辑的方式呈现出来,而不要从一个主题跳到一个主题,尽量娓娓道来,而不是锁心所欲的写自己突然想到的东西,要好好的组织内容。另外,作者可以借助一些信号词(如however, since, because 等等)。



posted @ 2013-05-28 17:08  qingsun_ny  阅读(462)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报