iOS 7有一个新功能 Sprite Kit 这个有点类似cocos2d 感觉用法都差不多。下面简单来介绍下Sprite KitAbout Sprite KitSprite Kit provides a graphics rendering and animation infrastructure that you can use to animate arbitrary textured images, orsprites. Sprite Kit uses a traditional rendering loop that allows processing on the contents 阅读全文
今天在做sprite Kit game时遇到一个问题。新建一个项目运行时发现就加了这几句代码无法运行。后来一查原来是storyboard uiview要改一下。改成SKviewIn your storyboard, did you set the 'custom class' of the VC's root view to SKView? SKView *spriteView = (SKView*)self.view; spriteView.showsFPS = YES; spriteView.showsDrawCount = YES; spriteView.sho. 阅读全文