NetCore Ocelot 之 Authorization

Ocelot supports claims based authorization which is run post authentication. This means if ou have a route you want to authorize you can add the following to you Route configuration.

 "RouteClaimsRequirement": {
        "client_role": "admin"

Add the Authorization middlware to request pipeline.


if the request access token with the claim type: 'client_role' and value is 'admin', the user will be authorized.

 The access token is bellow

  "nbf": 1696813802,
  "exp": 1696817402,
  "iss": "https://localhost:9000",
  "aud": [
  "client_id": "clientId",
  "client_role": "admin",
  "client_nickname": "tom",
  "client_Emai": "",
  "jti": "EB792F9B19537B4ACC28B76FD5588804",
  "iat": 1696813802,
  "scope": [

IdentityServer4 ClientClaim configuration

Claims = new List<ClientClaim>
       new ClientClaim(IdentityModel.JwtClaimTypes.Role,"admin"),
       new ClientClaim(IdentityModel.JwtClaimTypes.NickName,"tom"),
       new ClientClaim("Emai","")

And why the generated claim type with the client_ prefix, it's the default value configured in IdentityServer4.Model.Client, you can change and override the default prefix or set to empty.

 OK, that's all the Authorization process, so easy.


posted @ 2023-10-09 10:49  云霄宇霁  阅读(14)  评论(0编辑  收藏  举报