SharePoint 2013 - Cross-domain Library
1. SharePoint Cross-Domain Library: 主要用于在SharePoint页面中访问其它domain的数据。如果你想要在客户端级别(client level)使SharePoint与外部交换数据,你可以使用此方法;当然也可以反过来用,在其它web page中使用此类库来调用SharePoint的数据;
The SharePoint cross-domain library 存在于文件 SP.RequestExecutor.js 中,位置在每个站点的 /_layouts/15/ 虚拟目录下。
2. SharePoint Web Proxy 存在于 javascript client object model中,可以使用此方法在SharePoint Add-in中访问SharePoint数据以及其它domain,因此如果想要在服务器端(server level)建立远程数据和SharePoint页面的联系,可以使用此方式;
When you use the web proxy, you issue the initial request to SharePoint. In turn, SharePoint requests the data to the specified endpoint and forwards the response back to your page. Use the web proxy when you want the communication to occur at the server level.